235. Your Back Is Against the Wall

Translator: Bryan

Actually, after thinking it through, Wei Qing caught on to all that. Some of the reporters persisted with their questioning only because they wanted to tease him or because they had doubts about it, or maybe they were simply curious.

After the interview ended, the reporters’ desires to pry were satisfied and they left contentedly.

Wei Qing instructed a couple of hard-core members of his company to stay and entertain the guests in the hall, and he himself went to the elevator to show the reporters out of the building.

All the reporters felt relieved as they stepped out of the banquet hall.

And all their shoulders relaxed.

“Mr. Wei,” said a reporter walking side by side with Wei Qing. She was the one who had asked the most pointed questions during the interview. She asked hesitantly in undertones, “Are we allowed to write your answers to our questions in the reports tomorrow?”

Wei Qing halted. His eyes grew slightly grave as he said, “Yes. I invited you guys here because I wanted you to help me send word out. It’d be best if you put it in the headlines and broadcast it on all major news channels. I want the whole city to know I’m married and that my marriage partner’s name is Yan Chuyang.”‘

“I see. Consider it done.”

“You guys did a good job.” Wei Qing lifted his head and his eyes raked the reporters’ nervous faces and then he said with a head bob, “Your questions were pointed enough, and your act was very convincing. I’ll have my assistant wire the money I promised you guys into your accounts.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wei.” All reporters were greatly relieved.

A moment ago they had thought they overdid it during the interview and that their questions were too tough.

“And,” Wei Qing said, pointing to the camera. “Cut Yan Chuyang out of all the videos, leaving only me. Keep his voices. Do the same with the news articles. Images of my face will be enough. I don’t want any pictures of his face in any newspapers.”

All the reporters were momentarily confused before they nodded repeatedly. “Yes, Mr. Wei. We know what to do.”

When the reporters were gone, Wei Qing took the elevator to the office on the top floor of the building to see Yan Chuyang.

When Wei Qing opened the door and entered the office, Yan Chuyang, instead of resting in the lounge, was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking down at the view below.

Perhaps it was because the office was too spacious, or maybe it was because Wei Qing was thinking too much.

Anyway, it struck Wei Qing that Yan Chuyang was feeling lonely and helpless, which made Wei Qing’s heart ache.

Wei Qing slowly walked over, the sound of his footsteps muffled by the deep-pile carpet.

Yan Chuyang was so preoccupied that he failed to perceive Wei Qing’s approach.

“What’s wrong?” Wei Qing swept Yan Chuyang into his embrace.

Yan Chuyang jerked out of his trance with a start, swiveled his head around and, after a moment’s silence, said, “Wei Qing?”

“Hmm?” Wei Qing stroked Yan Chuyang’s eyes and said in a low voice, “Why are you not resting? You told me this morning you didn’t sleep well last night.”

The look in Yan Chuyang’s eyes flickered and with that he asked in an effort to change the topic, “Have the reporters left?”

“Yeah, they’re all gone.”

“Wha–What did they ask you?”

“Nothing special.” Wei Qing lowered his hands, tucked one into his pant pocket and replied nonchalantly, “They asked me when we’d first met, when we’d registered our marriage, and … and when we’re gonna hold a wedding.”

Yan Chuyang’s eyelashes quivered as he subconsciously took two steps backwards and bowed his head, seemingly trying to avoid something.

The look on Wei Qing’s face froze and his arm wrapped around Yan Chuyang’s waist stiffened.

Wei Qing’s eyes darkened slightly. He gave Yan Chuyang’s waist a little squeeze and asked in a disapproving voice, “Why are you avoiding my eyes?”

Yan Chuyang flinched, abruptly yanked Wei Qing’s arm off his waist and took a big step back, his face pale.

Wei Qing stared fixedly at Yan Chuyang who was standing in front of him. “What’s the matter? What are you afraid of?”


Wei Qing’s eyes grew grave. “Are you mad at me? Do you feel I shouldn’t have said those words?”

“Of course I don’t!” Yan Chuyang raised his head and retorted, “It’s not your fault. You did what you had to do.”

“That’s right,” Wei Qing agreed. “You can’t blame me. The circumstances left me no choice. I know you preferred to keep our relationship secret, but as you saw, those people would’ve eaten me alive if I hadn’t disclosed it.”

“I understand.” Yan Chuyang compressed his lips together tightly. “You don’t have to explain to me. I understand.”

Wei Qing was slightly relieved. After hesitating for a moment, he raised his head and said, “Be good. If you’re not mad at me, come over here and I’ll take you someplace where you can rest, okay?”

Yan Chuyang clenched his fists and shuddered, but he didn’t move.

There was still a distance of over a meter between them.

A warning bell in Wei Qing’s mind rang.

He wondered, “Is he mad at me, by any chance?”

“You can’t blame me.” Wei Qing used the last resort. “I wanted to keep it secret. I promised you I wouldn’t breathe a word of our relationship until your graduation. Since I’d made you a promise, I’d keep it, which was why I didn’t say anything when the reporters asked me about it. It was you who failed to keep your cool. You were the one who first admitted it, weren’t you?”

On hearing those words, Yan Chuyang felt as though his heart had been hit by a hammer.

Yan Chuyang buckled at the knees and he felt so miserable that he almost flopped down onto the floor, his face bloodless.

Wei Qing promptly stepped up to Yan Chuyang, flung his arms around Yan Chuyang’s waist and said firmly, “You can’t pin the blame on me, Yan Chuyang. You’re not allowed to do that.”

“I don’t blame you.” Yan Chuyang rested his head on Wei Qing’s shoulder and, after a brief moment’s silence, said dully, “I blame myself.”

Wei Qing was momentarily confused. He disentangled Yan Chuyang from his embrace and, staring into Yan Chuyang’s eyes, said, “What nonsense is this? Why do you blame yourself for it?”

“Wei Qing.” Yan Chuyang lowered his head. “I’ve put you in a difficult position.”

“Difficult position?” Wei Qing was perplexed. “What are you talking about?”

Yan Chuyang lifted his eyes and, gazing unblinkingly at Wei Qing, said, “Your back is against the wall now. It was unbelievably selfish of me to disclose the truth in the presence of that many reporters. Tomorrow… Maybe an hour later, the whole city will know you’re married to a man.”

Wei Qing shoulders relaxed. Stroking Yan Chuyang’s cheek, he said, “It’s no big deal. I don’t blame you.”

Besides, why would he blame Yan Chuyang for that?

That had always been part of his plan. He had always wanted to get media coverage and let everybody know that Yan Chuyang was his marriage partner, and he wanted Song Huaiqi to know that Yan Chuyang was married. Wei Qing wanted all Yan Chuyang’s admirers to stay away from Yan Chuyang. The outcome couldn’t be any better.

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