233. Shut Up!

Translator: Bryan

A torrent of talk burst forth from the crowd of people. They began to exchange glances and whispers, their faces etched with disdain and incredulity.

Apart from anything else, Wei Qing’s fame and prestige had been increasing for many years, and his name was known to everybody in this city. All members of the upper class were aware of how unapproachable and proud Wei Qing was.

It had been five or six years and all other successful businessmen had moved through numerous girlfriends. Wei Qing was the only one who had never even been rumoured to date anybody.

It had never crossed any of their minds that Wei Qing, a seemingly honorable man, was actually an ingrate who had despicably abandoned his wife and child.

Everybody present found it hard to believe that Wei Qing had disguised himself so well.

Listening to the whispers from the crowd, Yan Chuyang felt as if his insides had turned to ice.

He could hear them. Those people were pointing at Wei Qing, criticizing him sarcastically, discussing his actions and insulting him.

If Yan Chuyang were the target for the criticism, there would be no problem, for he had gotten used to harsh words when he was little. He was never vindictive and he had great mental endurance.

However, it was Wei Qing that these people were condemning. Wei Qing had always been self-important and set great store by his reputation.

Wei Qing had been subjected to enough tart remarks due to his father Wei Dongsheng. He had had a hard job achieving a high social status and people didn’t dare trifle with him anymore. Everybody had held him in high esteem. How could these people doubt and insult him when he had only just gotten back on his feet?

“You can’t talk that way about him!” Yan Chuyang abruptly yelled, pulling Wei Qing backwards behind him and roughly swatting aside all the microphones before him. “How can you people make such accusations when you have no proof whatsoever?! Wei Qing never did anything like that! He’s not that kind of people!”

“Sir,” said a reporter, holding a microphone to Yan Chuyang’s chin. “You said we didn’t have any proof. What proof do you have that Mr. Wei never did those things?”

“He just never did that!” Yan Chuyang growled through gritted teeth. “He never married a woman, and he never had a child. The child you just mentioned was not his!”

“How do you know Mr. Wei’s never married?” smiled the reporter. He lifted his eyebrows and added, “I’ll be honest with you about this. Earlier today we received a message saying Mr. Wei publicly proposed to Miss Sheng five years ago. A month ago the two of them were pictured playing games with the child, wearing couple clothes. We have photographs of it. There can be no mistake. Are those evidences not enough?”

“Just because he proposed to her doesn’t mean he married her!” Yan Chuyang knitted his brows and said coldly, “Let me get this straight. I’m a-hundred-percent sure Wei Qing is not married to Shen Shimin and they certainly don’t have any children. About the couple suits you just mentioned, he was just attending an event with the child as a friend. It means nothing!”

“Huh.” The reporter narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, “Seeing as how firm your tone of voice is, I think it’s safe to say you’re an insider.”

“I am!”

“What proof do you have?”

“Proof?” The look in Yan Chuyang’s eyes flickered. He anxiously wanted to say something but had trouble finding the right words.

What proof did he have?

Wei Qing was indeed not married to Shen Shimin, for he had already married Yan Chuyang.

If Wei Qing wanted to marry Shen Shimin, first he would have to divorce Yan Chuyang, but things had been going very well between them and Wei Qing had never said anything about divorcing him, which was more than enough to prove that there was nothing going on between Wei Qing and Shen Shimin.


Yan Chuyang couldn’t use that as an explanation. He couldn’t tell the reporter that Wei Qing was unable to marry anybody in the near future because Wei Qing was married to him, Yan Chuyang.

How should he explain it?

“Huh,” the reporter sneered. “It seems you have no way to explain it.”


“Please step aside.” A female reporter next to them suddenly gave Yan Chuyang a push and, training her camera at Wei Qing, said, “We need to continue with the interview.”

Yan Chuyang lost his balance due to the push and toppled sideways. Wei Qing quickly flung his arm around Yan Chuyang’s shoulders to stop him from falling. “I’m fine.”

Wei Qing leaned his head close to Yan Chuyang’s and whispered, “I’m just re-experiencing the sarcasm I was subjected to in the past. I’ve gotten used to it.”

Yan Chuyang felt his stomach clench, mixed feelings sweeping over him.

Wei Qing didn’t deserve such ungrounded accusations or hardships.

Yan Chuyang was pushed aside and Wei Qing’s face was peppered with flashes again.

“Mr. Wei, are you going to remain silent? Miss Shen accused you of being heartless. Do you admit it?”

The look in Wei Qing’s eyes flickered as his thin lips compressed into a line, his face slightly pale. Yan Chuyang looked at him from the side. The sight of the sharp contours of Wei Qing’s face made Yan Chuyang’s heart ache. He felt that Wei Qing was so vulnerable.

“I’m sorry,” Wei Qing finally said. “About that issue, I have nothing to say.”

A buzz of conversation burst forth from the crowd.

It struck them that having nothing to say about it was tantamount to admission.

The reporters exchanged uncertain glances for a few moments. Suddenly, one of them raised his hand and said, “Mr. Wei, Miss Shen claims you not only dallied with her and concealed your marriage but also lacked respect for your child and that you once thought of sending your child to an orphanage. Is that true?”

Wei Qing’s brows twitched. Such an accusation was very severe. If things kept going like this…

“Shut up!” Yan Chuyang couldn’t stand it anymore. He dragged Wei Qing backwards behind him and thundered, “You don’t have to ask any more questions! He’s not married to her and he has no child. You want proof? Okay. I’ll show you proof!”

With that Yan Chuyang abruptly jerked his head around, gripped Wei Qing’s collar, and roughly pressed his lips onto Wei Qing’s.

He did it with great force.

Wei Qing felt as if he had taken a blow to his gums.

The kiss was painful but sweet.

There were too many people present and Wei Qing didn’t want them to know how close he and Yan Chuyang were to each other, so Wei Qing subdued his urge to hug Yan Chuyang and stick his tongue into Yan Chuyang’s mouth. He just stood there, feeling Yan Chuyang’s shallow breath brush past his lips.

The hum of voices died away. Everybody lapsed into a stunned silence.

There was a deathly hush in the spacious banquet hall.

Yan Chuyang broke off the kiss, exhaled deeply, relaxed his grip on Wei Qing’s collar and took a small step back.

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