227. Stop Being the Third Wheel

Translator: Bryan

“Hey! Where are you going?” Wei Yuan grabbed Yan Chuyang’s wrist, looked out of the window anxiously and added, “It’s already dark. Just spend the night here. I haven’t cleaned up the room you slept in yesterday yet. Your bedding is still there.”

“I’m not sure…” Yan Chuyang shook his head. “I don’t wanna impose on you…”

The corners of Wei Yuan’s mouth twitched. “Yan Chuyang, are you kidding me? Yesterday I couldn’t even chuck you out, and now you’re saying you don’t wanna impose on me?”

Yan Chuyang gave a little cough, “Well, I’d cause inconveniences if I stay.”

“That’s nonsense.” Wei Yuan nudged him and said, “I know you don’t want to go back to my brother’s house, and your bed in the dorm room is not made yet. You should just sleep here.”


“Stop dithering.” Wei Yuan held Yan Chuyang’s shoulders and began to push him towards his room. “Come on. I’ll take you to your room.”

Wei Yuan pushed him into the room and slammed the door shut.

“Why don’t you just let him go?” Guo Hanxin leaned closer and frowned, his voice unhappy.

Wei Yuan was so angry that he punched Guo Hanxin’s shoulder. “Why don’t you leave? That’s my bosom friend. He has nowhere else to go. I have to watch his back at all times!”

Guo Hanxin snorted, “At the cost of our romantic night?”

Wei Yuan snorted, “They say women are nothing compared with friendship. How can I…” Wei Yuan left his sentence hanging, feeling that he had said the wrong thing.

“Huh,” Guo Hanxin snorted dangerously. “In your eyes, I am your woman?”

Well, those words could make yet another famous utterance.

“Of course not!” Wei Yuan hurriedly shook his head. “I don’t know if you are a woman or not, but you definitely are not my woman.”

With that Wei Yuan rushed into the bedroom and slammed the door shut as if running for his life.

Guo Hanxin stood where he was, his teeth clenched, thinking about how to teach Wei Yuan a lesson in bed tonight. He needed to have Wei Yuan know what a real man was like.

At ten o’clock in the evening.

Yan Chuyang walked out of the bedroom, intending to go to the living room to get water.

But hardly had he stepped out of the door than he spotted two people hugging and kissing on the sofa in the living room.

Startled, Yan Chuyang quickly lowered his eyes and averted his face.

“Hey! Guo Hanxin!” Wei Yuan angrily pushed Guo Hanxin away, wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and hissed, “You said we’d be here watching TV. My friend is right in that room. Behave yourself, okay?!”

Guo Hanxin raised his hand and swept Wei Yuan into his embrace. “How am I supposed to do that? I’m already trying my best to restrain myself from getting on top of you, and yet you can’t even let me kiss you?”

“No way! You promised to cooperate with me today!”

“This is so frustrating.” Guo Hanxin cursed in a low voice. “I told you beforehand I’d come here. Why did you invite your friend around?”

Wei Yuan sighed, “I didn’t expect him to come either.”

Yan Chuyang had been staying in his apartment for a week and Wei Yuan believed that his insanely possessive cousin, by rights, should have figured out a way to take Yan Chuyang back by now. It confused him that Wei Qing hadn’t done anything about it yet.

Guo Hanxin snorted again, “What a nuisance.”

Yan Chuyang’s heart sank.

He sighed inwardly, “I’m indeed being the third wheel here. He sees me as a nuisance.”

Wei Yuan snorted, slid down Guo Hanxin’s chest and, holding a throw pillow with his eyes fixed on the TV set, said, “You need to hold it in. You’re such a lecher.”

“I’m a lecher?” Guo Hanxin cupped Wei Yuan under the jaw and, forcing him to look at him, enunciated, “I feel a desire for you only because I have feelings for you.”

The look in Yan Chuyang’s eyes flickered and his heart began to feel sore and numb as if it had been hit by something.

The words “I have feelings for you” echoed in his ears.

This kind of protestation of passion was so smooth and natural. It was as if those words came directly from the heart.

Yan Chuyang inwardly let out another sigh and lowered his head. He thought enviously, “Wei Yuan is so lucky. His lover never conceals his feelings for him.”

Guo Hanxin had just said without hesitation that he wanted to be with Wei Yuan and felt a desire for him; he kissed and hugged Wei Yuan only because he liked him. It had nothing to do with gender or anything else.

That was the only reason.

Why couldn’t Wei Qing do the same?

Wei Qing pampered him, spoiled him, doted on him, but he had never promised him anything, and neither had Wei Qing ever confessed his feelings to him.

Was Wei Qing incapable of doing that or did he have no feelings for him at all?

Yan Chuyang wasn’t sure.

Wei Qing was always secretive about that, and Yan Chuyang didn’t dare make any more speculations.

Wei Yuan was pinned to the sofa by Guo Hanxin.

“Let go of me!” Wei Yuan hissed, struggling.

“No,” Guo Hanxin said in a hoarse voice. “We haven’t had sex for three days. I want you. I can’t hold it in anymore.”

Yan Chuyang flushed at those words.

“You bastard! My friend is here!”

“He won’t hear anything.”

“No, stop kissing me… Mmm… Stop! Mmm…”

Yan Chuyang was flustered. Wei Yuan’s muffled groans were so titillating that Yan Chuyang’s forehead began to sweat profusely.

He couldn’t linger here anymore. How could he stay here listening to their sounds of lovemaking? Besides, if he stayed, he would only be the loathsome third wheel.

“I must leave!” Yan Chuyang thought. Having made up his mind, he clenched his teeth, tiptoed across the carpeted living room, opened the door and went out while the other two were not looking.

Having given Guo Hanxing what he wanted on the sofa, Wei Yuan was exhausted. Guo Hanxin carried him into the bathroom and bathed him.

“How do you feel?” Guo Hanxin asked, helping him put on a bathrobe and staring at him. “Does it still hurt? Do you want some ointment?”

Wei Yuan collected his thoughts and shook off Guo Hanxin’s hand. “Go away. I can manage it myself.”

Guo Hanxin knew Wei Yuan was always petulant after sex and that he needed to coax him, otherwise Wei Yuan could go berserk at any moment.

Therefore, as soon as Wei Yuan rejected him, he promptly backed off to let Wei Yuan fasten the bathrobe belt tremulously.

“Get dressed and go upstairs to sleep. I’ll let you sleep in my arms, okay?”

“I don’t want that!” Wei Yuan thundered, abruptly jerking his head up, and then he shoved Guo Hanxin aside and walked towards the door unsteadily.

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