225. He Had to Make a Token Gesture

Translator: Bryan

Wei Yuan’s face became awkward, his brows knitted.

Yan Chuyang stared at him with astonishment. “Uh… Am I putting you in a difficult position? Is it inconvenient for you today? You have guests at home?”

“That’s nonsense,” Wei Yuan’s face changed and he jumped like a cat that had its tail stepped on. “It’s very convenient! And I have no guest! Even if I had, they wouldn’t be more important than you! Come on, let’s go! I’ll let you sleep in my house.”

With that Wei Yuan flung his arm around Yan Chuyang’s shoulders as if they were bosom friends.

Yan Chuyang amusedly looked aside at Wei Yuan’s profile as he thought speechlessly, “Why does he look guilty?”

When they were about to reach home, Yan Chuyang’s phone rang.

Wei Yuan took Yan Chuyang’s backpack and walked into the residential community without him, heading for the elevator. Yan Chuyang stayed outside to answer the phone.

“Hello?” Yan Chuyang walked into a corner and answered the call.

“Yan Chuyang?”


“You’re not coming home tonight either?”

Yan Chuyang’s heart skipped a beat. Awkwardly scratching the lime on the wall, he replied dully, “No.”

Wei Qing sighed, “Where are you staying? The dormitory or Wei Yuan’s place?”

“Wei Yuan’s home.”

“Did you bring a change of clothes?”


“Close the bathroom door tightly when bathing in his house.”

“Okay, I will.”

“Use your own toiletries. Do not use Wei Yuan’s, especially his towel and soap, lest you have an allergic reaction.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Don’t kick the quilt at night. No one will get up in the middle of the night to tuck you in.”



“Stop it,” Yan Chuyang interrupted him, “I gotta go upstairs. It’s hot out here and there are mosquitoes too.”

“Okay, okay,” Wei Qing said hurriedly. “Go upstairs. One last thing. Do not share a room with Wei Yuan. You hear me?”

“The signal is too weak. I gotta hang up!” With that Yan Chuyang hung up.

He was afraid that if he prolonged the conversation for a little while longer, he would get soft-hearted and go back to Wei Qing.

If he went back, all his previous efforts would come to nought.

This time it was Wei Qing who was in the wrong. He had to make a token gesture. Even if he couldn’t stop Wei Qing, he had to have Wei Qing know how he felt.

He was unhappy.

Those two houses and Wei Qing’s attitude made him unhappy.

Wei Yuan sped up and strode into the apartment first.

As expected, he saw a man sitting raffishly on the sofa with his long legs crossed.

“Hey, hey! Stand up!” Wei Yuan quickly walked over and pulled him to his feet from the sofa.

“What are you doing?” Guo Hanxin shook off Wei Yuan’s hands with a cold face. Then he hooked his hand around Wei Yuan’s head, pressed him closer, planted a loud kiss on his forehead and said, “You’re supposed to be gentle to your significant other, you know?”

Wei Yuan gritted his teeth angrily, stamped his foot and said angrily, “Didn’t I tell you my classmate might come here tonight and you shouldn’t come over? Why wouldn’t you listen to me?!”

Guo Hanxin flicked his cigarette and snorted, “How can you blame me? It’s not every day your parents go on a business trip and I get a chance to spend a romantic night with you. You really think I’m gonna let such a good opportunity slip just because of your classmate?”

“Romantic night, my ass!”

Guo Hanxin slapped Wei Yuan’s forehead. “How dare you curse me?”

Wei Yuan was so angry that he turned pale and growled, “Are you soft in the head?! You curse all the time and yet you don’t allow me to do the same? You’re a real piece of work!”

“There’s nothing I can do about it,” Guo Hanxin sighed. Then he said in deadly earnest, “I’ve been a gangster for too many years. Every time my errand boy swears in front of me, I have an urge to hit him.”

Wei Yuan straightened his neck. “I’m not your errand boy!”

“I can’t allow my significant other to swear either. You need to be tender and absolutely obedient to me.”

“Guo Hanxin, you are an incurable macho and lecher!”

“You still wanna curse me?” Guo Hanxin leaned over and pinched Wei Yuan’s bouncy hip. “Curse me again and I’ll…”

Wei Yuan flinched and closed his mouth in fright.

Having dated him for almost half a year, Wei Yuan had gradually realized that Guo Hanxin was an out-and-out asshole.

Guo Hanxin always meant his every word and never failed to put them into action.

For example, “Don’t touch me. You are playing with fire.”

One more example, “Wei Yuan, you can only be mine. If you dare date anybody else, I will make sure that person have no place to stay in Song City.”

And a third, “Don’t move. There’s no telling what I might do if you move again.”

And, “Listen to me very carefully. I’m the only one worthy of making you shed tears. You disobedient little devil. I don’t know how I developed feelings for you.”

Well, Guo Hanxin’s words were enough for him to write a book about dating an overprotective and possessive guy.

Having noticed that Wei Yuan had calmed down, Guo Hanxin smiled with satisfaction and lowered his head to kiss him. “Good boy. As long as you stay obedient, I will be very nice to you.”

Wei Yuan abruptly shoved him away and said awkwardly, “I will be obedient! But right now I need you to be cooperative.”

“What do you mean?”

“My friend will come up here in a moment. Don’t do any strange things again!”

“Strange?” Guo Hanxin shook his head. “I’m just doting on you. I don’t think it’s strange.”

“But other people will think otherwise!” Wei Yuan sighed, “Anyway, you need to cooperate with me tonight. Try not to talk to me. If you do this for me, then I will… I will try my best to obey you.”

Wei Yuan thought, “The hell I will! If I obey a pervert like you, I’d become a pervert as well.” He decided to muddle through first.

Guo Hanxin lowered his eyes and thought about it. After weighing the pros and cons, he believed that the deal was feasible, so he said with a nod, “Okay, I’ll cooperate with you.”

It was not easy to get Wei Yuan, a little spitfire, to be obedient. Guo Hanxin felt that if restraining himself for one night would get Wei Yuan to be meek and docile, his future sex life would be amazing.

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