224. Please Let Me Stay for Another Night

Translator: Bryan

Yan Chuyang nodded vigorously, “Okay! I’ll do anything to help you!”

Wei Qing kissed his forehead. “Good boy.”

With that, Wei Qing extracted a few pieces of paper from the thick document that needed to be signed and handed them to Yan Chuyang.

Yan Chuyang took them, rubbed his eyes, and lowered his head to read them.

Wei Qing’s heart lurched.

He feared that Yan Chuyang would understand the contents.

After staring at the papers for quite a while, Yan Chuyang asked tentatively, “Wei Qing, why is there not anything about how much money you want to loan? It’s full of words I can’t understand.”

Wei Qing was greatly relieved, secretly deriding himself, knowing that he overthought it. Yan Chuyang was so drunk that he could not even count the fingers correctly. How could he see clearly the tiny words on the paper?

“It’s not on it.” Wei Qing fished out a pen and an inkpad and put them on the table. He removed the cap of the pen, handed the pen to Yan Chuyang and said, “It’s on another document. It’s getting late. Just sign this. I’ll show it to you tomorrow.”

“Okay,” Yan Chuyang replied, took the pen and signed his name on the paper without suspecting anything.

After he signed the document, Wei Qing took Yan Chuyang’s thumb, pressed it onto the inkpad, then had him leave a fingerprint in the upper right corner of the paper.

Now the paper bore Yan Chuyang’s signature and fingerprint.

Wei Qing got everything he needed.

He breathed a sigh of relief and kissed Yan Chuyang in his arms, feeling slightly relieved.

When Yan Chuyang woke up, he was sleeping in Wei Qing’s bedroom. Wei Qing was nowhere to be seen.

Yan Chuyang propped himself up with a groan, patted his faintly groggy head and glanced confusedly around the room.

Eh… What happened?

Why had he slept in Wei Qing’s room?

He was wondering about it when the door suddenly opened. Wei Qing came in with a cup of tea which could help him sober up. Having noticed that Yan Chuyang was awake, he said, “Why didn’t you get some more sleep? It’s only seven.”

“Uh…” Yan Chuyang straightened his back and leaned against the headboard. He looked at the man in front of him and asked, “Why did I sleep here?”

“I carried you in here,” Wei Qing said honestly after he walked to the bed, sat on its edge and pulled the quilt tight around Yan Chuyang.

“Did I get drunk again last night?”

Wei Qing nodded and handed him the tea. “Drink some tea. You’ll feel better when you sober up.”

“Okay,” Yan Chuyang said, took the tea and took a sip. The bitter taste of the tea dissolved his grogginess somewhat.

After finishing the tea, Yan Chuyang put the cup back onto the night table, and then his eyes fell on a thick stack of documents at the corner of the table.

“What is this?” Yan Chuyang picked up the document. At the sight of his signature in the bottom left corner, he furrowed his brows in astonishment and asked, “Why is my signature on it?”

“This is a house purchase contract.”

Wei Qing told him candidly.

He had never intended to hide it from Yan Chuyang.

He had bought Yan Chuyang houses and it was impossible for him to lie to Yan Chuyang for the rest of his life.

“A house purchase contract?” Yan Chuyang’s eyes widened and he was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly lowered his head and opened the document.

Two houses.

One of them was located in the downtown area, the other in the suburbs.

Each covered an area of over five hundred square meters.

Five hundred square meters… It was a number that Yan Chuyang could not imagine.

The little apartment he rented seemed to be… about twenty square meters in size… It was only twenty square meters, and it was a rental house. Yan Chuyang could barely afford the rent. And now he had two houses every one of which was over 500 square meters in size?

“This is… How much is the rent?”

“You don’t have to pay the rent,” Wei Qing said calmly. “I bought them for you. You’ve signed the contract and left your fingerprint on it. Now they belong to you, which means you can stay in there for as long as you want.”

“Are you kidding?!” Yan Chuyang threw the documents away as it they were hot potatoes and, shaking his head repeatedly, said, “I don’t want it, I can’t afford it. I’ll never be able to repay you the money.”

Wei Qing smiled mirthlessly, “You don’t have to. Like I said, I bought them for you. They’re yours. Besides, the deeds bear both our names. We’re both their owners.”

If someday Yan Chuyang wanted a divorce, the division of the houses would take a long time.

Wei Qing decided that if things came to that, he would disagree with the division and refuse to divorce him.

The room fell silent.

After a long moment of silence, Yan Chuyang lowered his head and asked in a low voice, “Why did you buy me houses?”

“Because I wanted to do it,” Wei Qing said in a low voice. “I observed the surroundings and the layouts, and I thought they’re quite suitable for you, so I bought them.”

“Do you want me to move out?” Yan Chuyang asked dully, raising his eyes.

Startled, Wei Qing broke out in a cold sweat. He frowned and reprimanded, “What nonsense is this?!”

“But I can’t think of any other explanations.”

Wei Qing sighed, gave Yan Chuyang’s chin a tweak and said softly, “I just want to dote on you. I want you to have all the best things I can offer.”

“But this makes me feel burdened.”

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Wei Qing stared at him. “Don’t you think we have too little ties between us? How can our relationship last long when all we have is a thin marriage license?”

“But that’s not how you deepen our relationship.” Yan Chuyang frowned. “I like you, and you should like me the same way. That’s the right way.”

Wei Qing pressed his lips together but didn’t speak.

He knew what Yan Chuyang meant, but he couldn’t do that, at least not now.

He couldn’t admit that he had feelings for a man.

This was a complex of his.

Though he saw Yan Chuyang as the apple of his eye, he still couldn’t overcome the complex.

Having noticed that Wei Qing was silent, Yan Chuyang sighed and handed the document back to him. “You don’t have to buy me houses. I understand what you mean. You just want to use your money to trap me and make me feel I owe you something so that I won’t dare to talk about leaving, but Wei Qing…”

Yan Chuyang paused and smiled mirthlessly with a shake of his head, “You still overestimate me. I won’t leave you. I like you. Unless you banish me, I won’t leave. So, take back the houses. You don’t need to waste so much money to keep me here. It’s absurd.”

“Yan Chuyang…”

“You should leave.” Yan Chuyang grabbed the clothes beside him. “I want to change and get up.”

Wei Qing was silent for a moment before finally saying, “Okay.”

Then he turned and left the bedroom.

The door was closed.

The composure Yan Chuyang had been feigning instantly dissolved. He let out a long sign and buried his face in his arms, thinking sadly.

Had their relationship really become like this?

Without money to sustain it, it could fall apart at any moment.

Wei Qing didn’t return the houses.

He knew that such actions were despicable, but no matter what, he still had to take some precautions.

When Yan Chuyang was concerned, Wei Qing couldn’t afford to take any chances.

Yan Chuyang didn’t make him do it, for he knew what Wei Qing was like. Nobody could talk Wei Qing out of what he was determined to do.

Furthermore, Wei Qing had clearly had everything planned out. Buying a house was not as simple as buying a cake. There must be a lot of complicated formalities involved and Wei Qing also had to adopt all kinds of methods to conceal it from him. Wei Qing had tricked him into signing the contracts and leaving his fingerprints on them, which surely had been quite an effort.

No wonder Wei Qing had been busy in the past few days. Yan Chuyang had thought it was because Wei Qing had a lot of things to do in the company, but now it turned out he had been busy with this matter.

On the surface, Yan Chuyang had accepted the two houses, but in fact, he still couldn’t convince himself.

He was also a man, and yet another man had bought him two houses. The very thought of that made him feel ashamed.

But he couldn’t blame anyone, because he liked Wei Qing.

No matter what Wei Qing had done, Yan Chuyang could never blame him or hate him.

Therefore, he could only keep a pretense of calmness like a coward evading problems and let the situation develop.

Yan Chuyang started to sleep elsewhere.

Sometimes, he slept in the dormitory, and sometimes he slept in Wei Yuan’s place. Only when Wei Qing got anxious and called him would he reluctantly go back.

“You’re gonna sleep elsewhere again?” Wei Yuan paused and looked at Yan Chuyang maintaining a distance between he and Wei Qing.

Yan Chuyang lowered his head and sighed. He kicked a stone on the ground and said, “Wei Yuan, please let me sleep in your house for another night.”

“Alas,” Wei Yuan vexedly scratched the back of his head. “It’s not that I don’t want to take you in, but you’re sleeping in my house way too often. My brother’s eyes are murderous when he looks at me. It’s like he wanna eat me alive.”

“That won’t happen.” Yan Chuyang looked up at Wei Yuan and said, “You must’ve hallucinated. Wei Qing doesn’t care where I sleep.”

Wei Yuan clicked his tongue and said with difficulty, “Can’t … Can’t you just sleep in the dormitory?”

“Shen Haonan and the others keep snoring at night, and… Wei Qing keeps going to the dormitory to look for me. If I sleep in your house, he’d be too embarrassed to go there because your mom’s there.”

Wei Yuan sighed, “What’s going on between you two exactly? How come you can’t even face him now?”

“It’s nothing.” Yan Chuyang paced up and down for a few moments before he walked to Wei Yuan’s side and said, “I’ve been feeling a bit down lately and I need to sleep elsewhere to blow off some steam.”

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