221. Will It Be Easy for Us to Divorce?

Translator: Bryan

“You think we are close? What kind of relations do you think we have between us?”

Yan Chuyang let out a long sigh and paused for a while before he said, “Sorry, I’ll knock next time I come here.”

Wei Qing pressed his lips into a line. “You haven’t answered my question yet. What are our relations like?”

Having been pushed again and again, Yan Chuyang became angry and he raised his voice, “We don’t have any relations!” He hurled the glass to the floor and said coldly, “Sorry, I got carried away again. I’m in no position to deliver water to you!”

With that, he spun around and stormed out without looking back.

The door closed.

Wei Qing sighed resignedly as he looked at the water splashed on the floor and the glass. Feeling frustrated, he thought, “He’s become so ballsy? He yelled at me, shouted at me, and even confronted me. That docile boy would never dare do this in front of me.”

He was somewhat amazed. He remembered that when Yan Chuyang first moved in with him, the boy had been very clingy and always tried to please him.

But now…

He couldn’t blame anybody for this kind of thing.

He had spoiled Yan Chuyang.

Yan Chuyang walked into the kitchen and the first thing he did was to tip the newly cooked noodles into the garbage can.

Wei Qing didn’t want to eat anything he cooked anyway. Why should he please a man who didn’t want to be pleased by him?

He didn’t want to have dinner? Fine! Let him starve!

Yan Chuyang decided to eat what he cooked by himself. He wouldn’t give any of it to those who didn’t deserve it!

It was so confusing. What had he done to anger Wei Qing?

Yan Chuyang stood beside the cupboard with his hands on his hips, smoldering with anger.

But after he stood there for more than ten minutes amid the breeze coming in through the window, his anger slowly ebbed away.

Forget it.

Yan Chuyang sighed dejectedly, walked to the cooker and scooped out the remaining noodles into a bowl.

Wei Qing might be heartless, but Yan Chuyang couldn’t ignore him.

He still couldn’t bring himself to watch Wei Qing suffer from hunger.

After putting the remaining noodles into a bowl, Yan Chuyang went to the study again.

Having learned his lesson, he knocked on the door.

“What do you want?”

“Noodles. I cooked you noodles.”

“I’m good. Take it away.”

Yan Chuyang furrowed his eyebrows anxiously and said in a loud voice, “You didn’t eat anything for dinner. You still have to work overtime. You might fall ill!”

Wei Qing said in the same steely voice, “Like I said, I don’t wanna eat.”

Yan Chuyang’s face froze and he snorted after a moment’s silence. “Do you not wanna eat or do you not wanna see me?”

The room fell silent.

The silence meant he acquiesced.

Yan Chuyang sneered, bent down and put the bowl on the floor. “It’s okay if you don’t want to see me. I’ll put the noodles outside the door.”

Yan Chuyang turned and left.

They didn’t speak to each other in the next few days.

Wei Qing completely ignored him.

Yan Chuyang was spitefully giving him the silent treatment.

The bell sounded for the end of the class.

“Wei Yuan.” Yan Chuyang leaned over and, stuffing the books from the table into his backpack and looking at the boy’s profile, said, “Don’t go home tonight. Let’s go to a bar and grab a drink.”

“What?” Wei Yuan was startled. After a while, he said with a shake of his head, “No. If my brother finds out I take you to a bar, he’d skin me alive.”

Yan Chuyang snorted, “You don’t have to be afraid of him. He doesn’t care about me anymore.”


“We’re not even on speaking terms now.” Yan Chuyang lowered his head and did up the zipper, a lonely look on his face. He hugged his backpack and muttered, “He doesn’t want to see me. He’s tired of me.”

“How is that possible?” Wei Yuan said in disbelief. “My brother drove you to school only a few days ago, didn’t he? The two of you looked very close. You two were talking and laughing.”

“That was a few days ago,” Yan Chuyang said, his eyes listless. “Men do change. I thought he’d be nice to me forever. It never crossed my mind…”

“Hey, don’t think too much.” Wei Yuan stood up and clapped Yan Chuyang on the shoulder. “My brother won’t abandon you.”

Yan Chuyang raised his head and clicked his tongue, “You really don’t want to go out drinking with me?”

“No.” Wei Yuan looked at his watch and said anxiously, “I have an appointment with someone. We’re going to ride a motorbike and watch the ocean.”

“Watch the ocean?” Yan Chuyang’s temple twitched. “You’re going to the beach in the middle of the night? Are you two soft in the head?”

“You won’t understand,” Wei Yuan said proudly. “This is romance. Think about it, the beach, the coast, the moon and a pair of cuddling lovers…”

“Stop it,” Yan Chuyang snorted with manifest jealousy. “Just go. I don’t wanna keep you from your date.”

“Then I’ll be on my way.” Wei Yuan patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t be upset. You must have overthought it. Just talk to my brother and clear the air.”

“If only it were that simple,” Yan Chuyang thought with a sigh and said resignedly, “Forget it. I’m fine. Just go.”

“Okay,” Wei Yuan replied, walking out with his bag on his back.

Yan Chuyang gathered his things and walked out of the classroom as well.

The lawyer, holding his gold-rimmed glasses with his hand, carefully read the stack of documents that Wei Qing had brought him. He shook his head and put the documents down.

“What do you think?” Wei Qing asked anxiously. “Will it be easy for us to divorce?”

The lawyer pondered for a moment and then clicked his tongue and said, “It’ll be very easy. As long as one of you want a divorce, a simple lawsuit will make it happen.”

“How’s that possible?” Wei Qing said, his face grave. “The two marriage certificates are both in my hands. If I don’t want a divorce and he doesn’t have either of the certificates, would he still be able to divorce me?”

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