Qingye held the long sword in his hand tightly and said to Robin:”This is the Shadow Demon, we must be careful”

“Shadow Lord? what is that? Robin asked nervously

“No time to explain, run!”Qingye pulled Robin, and the two quickly fled deep into the forest.

But the Shadow Demon just smiled contemptuously, waved his hand, and a dark energy swept towards the two of them.

Qingye reacted quickly and swung his sword came out to cut away the energy, but it also made her arm feel numb.

“Running like this is not an option, we have to find a way to fight it.”Robin said while running.

Qingye nodded. She knew that she could not get rid of the Shadow Demon simply by running away.

The two quickly hid in a dense bush. Qingye took out a few charms from his backpack and put them on on robin and herself.

“This is the invisibility charm, I hope I can fool it.”Qingye whispered.

But the Shadow Demon didn’t seem to be deceived so easily. It walked slowly towards the bushes, and its blood-red eyes seemed to be able to see through all disguises.

“Do you think you can hide from me?”The Shadow Demon said mockingly, and then slapped the bushes with his palm.

Robin and Qingye had no choice but to jump out of their hiding place and quickly ran away.

The Shadow Demon roared angrily and chose to chase Qingye.

Qingye shuttled flexibly through the forest, From time to time, she turned around and shot an arrow, but the arrows were easily swung away by the Shadow Demon.

Seeing the Shadow Demon chasing him closer and closer, Aoye was extremely anxious.

At this time, she saw a swamp in front of her, and she suddenly felt something in her heart. idea.

She quickly ran towards the swamp, and then jumped in.

The Shadow Demon chased to the edge of the swamp, but hesitated.

Although it was powerful, it did not dare to easily set foot in this seemingly peaceful swamp.

Qingye took the opportunity to escape from the swamp. He climbed out and ran quickly to the dense forest on the other side.

The Shadow Demon roared and chased after him again.

In the dense forest, Qingye and the Shadow Demon started a fierce chase.

Sometimes she climbed up the treetops, sometimes she got into The bushes, trying to get rid of this terrifying pursuer.

But the Shadow Demon didn’t seem to be eager to kill her, but slowly approached like he was playing with his prey.

At this time, Robin also walked around from the other direction. When he came back, he held a sword with magical light in his hand. This was an artifact he borrowed from an old wizard.

“Aoba! catch〃」 !”Robin yelled and threw the divine sword towards Aoba.

Qingye jumped up and caught the divine sword accurately.

She felt the powerful power contained in the divine sword and her confidence increased greatly.

She turned to face the Shadow Demon and slashed with her sword.

The Shadow Demon sneered and easily dodged the sword.

But Qingye is not discouraged. She knows that with this divine sword, she has the capital to compete with the Shadow Demon.

The two started a fierce battle.

Aoba wields the divine sword, and every slash carries powerful magical power.

Although the Shadow Demon King is powerful, he has to be careful in dealing with this divine sword.

The battle lasted for a long time, and both sides were exhausted.

Aoba knows that this is the critical moment that determines victory or defeat.

She took a deep breath, raised the divine sword high, and then slashed at the Shadow Demon King.

This sword condensed all her strength and magic. Although the Shadow Demon evaded in time, he was still scratched by the sword.

Black blood emerged from the wound, and the Shadow Demon roared, appearing even more violent.

But Qingye didn’t give it a chance to breathe, she slashed with her sword again.

This time, the Shadow Demon King did not dodge, but resisted the sword.

The divine sword collided with the Shadow Demon King’s body, making a deafening sound.

Then, the Shadow Demon King’s body began to collapse, turning into bursts of black smoke and dissipating in the air.

Qingye also fell to the ground tiredly, panting heavily.

She knew that she had finally defeated this terrifying enemy.

Robin ran over and helped Qingye up:”Are you okay?”

Qingye smiled:”I’m okay, we succeeded.”

“Huh, what a loud tone”

“The leader of the men in black robes sneered,”Then let me see how capable you are.”

Before he finished speaking, the group of men in black robes rushed toward Qingye and Robin like ghosts.

Their movements were swift and strange, as if they were demons born from the darkness, which made people shudder.

Aoba and Robin stood back to back, facing the charging man in black robe.

The sword in Robin’s hand danced airtight, repelling the approaching men in black robes one by one.

Qingye, on the other hand, relied on his dexterous movement skills to shuttle between the men in black robes, giving them fatal blows from time to time.

The battle was extremely fierce, with every collision of weapons sending sparks flying, and every attack being narrowly avoided.

Although the men in black robes were numerous in number, with the cooperation of Qingye and Robin, they gradually began to be at a disadvantage.

“` ˇYou two mortals do have some abilities.”

A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the black-robed leader, but he did not give up. Instead, he commanded his men to attack even more crazily.

However, Aoba and Robin were not intimidated by their madness.

They relied on their excellent fighting skills With tacit cooperation, they defeated the men in black robes one by one.

When the last man in black robes fell, the entire forest became quiet.

“we won.”Qingye gasped and looked at Robin.

However, just when they thought everything was over, the bodies of the black-robed men suddenly began to merge and turned into a dark scarecrow.

It stood quietly in the forest. , as if laughing at the two people’s efforts.

Aoye looked at the scarecrow in shock, she couldn’t believe her eyes. What they had just defeated was just a group of straw dolls!

“How is this going?”Qingye murmured to himself

“The Shadow Society’s methods are indeed weird.”Robin frowned (Wang Haozhao) and stared at the scarecrow,”These dolls may be used by them to test our strength.”

“So what should we do now?”Qingye asked Buki.

Robin thought for a moment, then drew his sword and walked towards the scarecrow:”No matter what it is, we can’t let it continue to exist.

Since it is a product of the Shadow Society, destroying it may weaken the power of the Shadow Society.”

Qingye nodded, and also picked up the weapon and walked towards the scarecrow.

The two launched an attack together, and the scarecrow gradually collapsed under their fierce attack, and eventually turned into pieces.

“We succeeded.” Qingye looked at the debris on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief,”But what is the purpose of the Shadow Society?”

“We don’t know yet. Robin put away her sword,”But we must remain vigilant and continue to investigate in depth to reveal their true colors.””

Aoba and Robin did not relax their vigilance after destroying the strange scarecrow.

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