Robin nodded understandingly:”You are right, we need a comprehensive plan”

“Then let’s go back and prepare now.”

The two left the altar and embarked on their way home.

On the way back, they discussed the materials they needed to prepare and the difficulties they might encounter.

Qingye listed the required items in detail, including some rare herbs and specific metals utensils and carefully selected talismans.

A few days later, they returned to the altar deep in the forest with sufficient preparations.

As night fell, a full moon hung in the sky, adding a touch of mystery to the upcoming ceremony.

Qing Ye and Robin arranged the required items in front of the altar, lit candles, and began to chant the mysterious spell in a low voice.

As the spell progressed, the air around the altar seemed to begin to vibrate and emit a faint light.

The ceremony progressed At the climax, Qingye suddenly felt a powerful force pouring out of the altar and soaring into the sky. The powerful force rose like a dragon, penetrated the layers of clouds, and seemed to touch some distant existence.

At this moment, a deafening roar came from the depths of the forest, causing the leaves to fall.

“Is that…the roar of the Demonic Corpse King?”Robin’s eyes widened and he clenched the weapon in 06’s hand.”

“Qingye nodded with a solemn expression:”It felt the weakening of its power, and is now coming towards us.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold wind roared in, blowing out the candles, and the surrounding area suddenly fell into darkness.

In the darkness, two blood-red lights gradually approached. They were the eyes of the Demonic Corpse King.

“Ready to fight!”Robin yelled. He and Qingye quickly retreated to the side of the altar, standing back to back, watching vigilantly at the approaching threat.

The huge body of the Demon Corpse King appeared from the darkness, and its skin showed an unhealthy gray-green color. , exuding a putrid smell.

It roared and rushed towards the two of them.

“Distract it!”Qingye shouted, while waving the staff in his hand, shooting out bolts of lightning to attack the Demonic Corpse King.

Robin ran around the Demonic Corpse King flexibly, looking for opportunities to launch a fatal blow.

Their cooperation was tacit, even though the Demonic Corpse King It is powerful, but under the siege of two people, it also seems a little in a hurry.

“It seems that our ritual is working,” Robin shouted while avoiding the attack of the zombie king.”It is more easily angered than before!”

“Don’t get distracted and keep attacking!”Qingye responded, her staff fired another powerful energy wave, hitting the Demon Corpse King’s chest directly.

The battle lasted all night, and with the arrival of dawn, the Demon Corpse King finally showed its fatigue.

Its attack changed. It was slow and weak, while Robin and Qingye became more and more courageous as they fought.

Finally, at the moment when the sun rose, Robin caught a flaw in the Demon Corpse King and pierced its heart with a sword.

The Demon Corpse King He let out a final roar and then fell heavily to the ground.

“We succeeded! Robin gasped, looking at the Demonic Corpse King who fell to the ground, with a victorious smile on his face.

Qingye also breathed a sigh of relief, but she still remained vigilant:”Don’t let down your guard, we are not completely safe yet.” Get out of danger.”

As soon as she finished her words, suddenly, a more powerful evil aura burst out from the Demon Corpse King’s body.

The Demon Corpse King, who had fallen to the ground, suddenly opened his eyes, and his body exuded a more terrifying aura than before.”

“No, it’s not dead yet!”Robin exclaimed.

The Demonic Corpse King stood up slowly. Its eyes became blood red than before, and the putrid smell exuding from its body was stronger.

It roared and rushed towards the two of them.

“Run!”Qingye shouted, pulling Robin and fleeing deep into the forest.

The Demonic Corpse King was in hot pursuit. It was faster than before and seemed more powerful.

The two of them shuttled through the forest, trying to get rid of this Terrifying pursuers

“This is not the way to go, we must find a way to defeat it again! Robin shouted.

Qingye nodded:”Follow me, I know a place where you can set a trap.””

The two led the Demon Corpse King to a narrow valley, and Qingye quickly laid traps on both sides of the valley.

When the Demon Corpse King chased into the valley, the trap was triggered, and countless sharp arrows shot out from both sides, shooting at Demonic Corpse King.

However, these arrows did not seem to cause much damage to Demonic Corpse King. It just roared and continued to chase the two of them.

“Run separately!”Qingye shouted, and she and Robin ran away in two directions.

The Demonic Corpse King hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to chase Robin.

Robin ran wildly in the forest, looking back and shooting an arrow from time to time, trying to slow down the Demonic Corpse King. The speed of the Corpse King.

However, the Demon Corpse King did not seem to be affected by these arrows, and his speed was still very fast.

Seeing the Demon Corpse King getting closer and closer, Robin’s heart tightened.

He knew that he could not stop and must continue to escape.

At this time, he saw a cliff ahead and suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He quickly ran to the edge of the cliff, and then jumped off.

The Demonic Corpse King chased to the edge of the cliff, roared and looked down.

It didn’t seem to dare Jumping off easily, you can only linger on the edge of the cliff.

At this time, Qingye also ran over from the other direction.

She saw Robin hanging safely on a protruding rock below the cliff and breathed a sigh of relief.

“Are you OK?” she shouted

“I’m fine! Robin responded,”What now?””

Qingye looked at the Demonic Corpse King on the cliff, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes:”We must completely eliminate it.”

She took out a bundle of explosives from her backpack, carefully tied it to the arrow, then lit the fuse and shot at the Demonic Corpse King.

The explosives exploded next to the Demonic Corpse King, blowing it up and down.

When Robin saw this, He also seized the opportunity, climbed up from the bottom of the cliff, and stabbed the Demonic Corpse King with a sword.

This time, the Demonic Corpse King did not revive again. It fell heavily to the ground and never moved again.

“We succeeded! Robin gasped and looked at the Demonic Corpse King who finally fell.

Qingye also looked tired but excited:”Yes, we finally defeated it.””

However, at the moment they relaxed, the surrounding trees suddenly swayed, and a more powerful evil force filled the air.

“How is this going? Robin asked in shock.

Qingye’s face turned pale instantly:”This is not the aura of the Demon Corpse King, this is…a higher level demon!””

Before he finished speaking, a huge black shadow fell from the sky. When it hit the ground, it set off a gust of wind, which made the two of them almost unable to stand.

What appeared in front of them was a demon that was taller and more terrifying than the Demon Corpse King – the Shadow Demon King.

“How dare you, a little human, challenge my Demonic Corpse General.”The Shadow Demon King’s voice was like thunder, making their ears buzz.

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