Qingye and Robin faced the third-level demon corpse. Although their hearts were solemn, their eyes were extremely firm.

They had already learned about the power source and level classification of the Demonic Corpse from previous conversations, and knew that this was a tough battle.

The third-level demon corpse roared, and the putrid smell overflowed with its movements.

Its eyes flashed with blood-red light, and it had obviously lost its mind, leaving only the instinct to kill.

Its huge body brought up a strong wind as it moved, and the surrounding ruins and rocks were shaken by this force.

Aoba took a deep breath and took the lead in attacking.

His figure was like the wind, and he instantly pushed himself in front of the demon corpse, and punched the demon corpse hard in the chest.

This punch condensed all the strength of his body, and black lines flashed on his fist, as if it was about to tear the air apart.

However, the defense of the third-level demonic corpse was extremely strong. Qingye’s fist hit it, but it only made a dull sound and failed to cause any substantial damage.

The demonic corpse roared and slapped it with its backhand. To Qingye.

That huge palm carried a sharp wind sound, and if it was hit, the consequences would be disastrous.

Qingye was agile and could dodge the attack from the demonic corpse with a single roll.

At the same time, Robin also attacks.

The long sword in his hand turned into a sword light about ten feet long, piercing the demon corpse’s back heart.

The sword was fast and hard, obviously Robin’s full blow.


But the reaction speed of the third-level demon corpse was also extremely fast. It turned around to avoid Robin’s sword light, and at the same time punched Robin in the abdomen.

Seeing this, Robin hurriedly sheathed his sword and returned to defense, but was still blown away by the wind of the demon corpse’s fist, which caused a surge of energy and blood.

The battle between the two of them and the demon corpse entered a stalemate. Between you and me, both sides were looking for each other’s flaws.

Aoba and Robin cooperated tacitly, constantly changing their attack methods, trying to break the demon corpse’s defense.

And the demon corpse showed no sign of weakness. Every attack it made was extremely fierce, as if it was going to tear the two of them apart.

As time went by, the atmosphere on the battlefield became more and more solemn.

Aoba and Robin were already covered in sweat, and their clothes were soaked with sweat.

Their breathing also became rapid, and each attack required a lot of energy.

However, they have no intention of giving up.

They know that this is a battle that tests their strength and will.

Only by persisting can you win.

Finally, with the unremitting efforts of the two, they found the flaw in the demon corpse.

Qingye deceived the Demon Corpse’s defense with a feint, and then punched the Demon Corpse’s weak spot hard.

At the same time, Robin also pierced the demon corpse’s thigh with his sword.

These two heavy blows made the demonic corpse roar in pain, and its movements became sluggish.

Aoba and Robin seized the opportunity and launched a series of fierce attacks.

Their fists and swords fell on the demon corpse like raindrops, taking away a large piece of flesh and blood with each blow.

Under the siege of the two men, the third-level demon corpse finally couldn’t hold on anymore, and its huge body fell to the ground.

The blood-red light in its eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a dead darkness.

Qingye and Robin looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they had successfully defeated this powerful third-level demon corpse.

After defeating the third-level demon corpse, Aoba and Robin continued to move forward along the path between the ruins.

The surrounding area was desolate, with withered trees and dilapidated buildings casting mottled shadows in the dusky sky.

A gust of cold wind blew by, stirring up waves of sand and dust, as if carrying the breath of death.

Suddenly, a deep roar broke the silence.

The two men immediately looked around cautiously, and saw a huge figure slowly walking out of the darkness not far ahead.

It was another third-level demon corpse. It was several feet tall and covered with black scales, as if it was wearing a hard armor.

Its face was hideous and terrifying, its eyes flashed with a ferocious red light, and its large mouth revealed sharp fangs.

Robin held the sword tightly and stared at the demon corpse nervously.

Qingye whispered to Robin:”This demonic corpse is more powerful than the one just now. We must deal with it carefully.”

The demonic corpse roared and rushed towards the two of them.

Robin’s body moved, turning into an afterimage and rushing towards the demonic corpse. His long sword swung out a sharp sword light and pierced the demonic corpse’s chest.

However, the demon corpse reacted extremely quickly. It stretched out a huge claw and easily grabbed Robin’s sword, making it buzz.

Robin was shocked and quickly let go and retreated.

The demon corpse took the opportunity to open its mouth and spit out a stream of blazing flames.

Seeing this, Qingye quickly rushed to Robin, pushed him away, and at the same time gathered a powerful energy and punched the flames.

There was a loud bang, and the flames were scattered by Qingye’s energy fist.

However, the demon corpse took this opportunity and slapped Qingye with one claw.

Qingye dodged and escaped the demon corpse’s attack, but was also blown by the wind from its claws, causing a surge of energy and blood.

Both of them knew that the strength of this demonic corpse was far beyond their imagination.

They must join forces to attack in order to find the flaws of the demon corpse.

Qingye took a deep breath, and his figure disappeared instantly, and the next moment he appeared behind the demon corpse.

He gathered all his strength and punched the demon corpse in the back.

Robin also took the opportunity to launch an attack. He turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the demon corpse from another direction, stabbing his chest with his long sword.

The two attacks arrived almost at the same time, and the demonic corpse let out a shrill roar, and its body trembled violently in the air.

Aoba’s fist and Robin’s sword hit the demon corpse’s vitals at the same time, and a powerful energy burst out from the demon corpse.

The demon corpse’s body exploded in the air, turning into a burst of black smoke and dissipating in the air.

The two finally succeeded in defeating this powerful demon corpse.

After the battle, both Aoba and Robin felt exhausted.

They sat on the ground, breathing heavily, looking at each other, their eyes full of joy and satisfaction.

“We did it! Robin said with a smile, a tired but proud smile on his face.

Qingye also nodded. He looked at the direction where the demon corpses dissipated, and his heart was filled with emotion.

He knew that this was just a small step in their journey. Interlude, there are more challenges waiting for them ahead.

But they are ready, no matter what difficulties they encounter, they will move forward until they achieve their goals.

While the two were resting, they suddenly noticed Where the demon corpse originally stood, a covered cave entrance was exposed.

There was a strange aura in the cave entrance, which seemed to hide some secret.

The two looked at each other and decided to explore this unknown cave together.

Qingye He and Robin stood up and supported each other, and walked slowly towards the hole above the ground.

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