Qingye could clearly hear the breathing and footsteps of the demon corpse, as if they were ringing in his ears

“This is not the way to go! Robin shouted,”We have to find a way to get rid of them!””

Qingye frowned, thinking about countermeasures.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and he saw a ruined high-rise building not far ahead.

“quick! Run to that building!”He shouted.

The three people immediately changed their direction and rushed towards the tall building.

Their speed was reached to the extreme, as if lightning flashed across the night sky.

Finally, they rushed into the tall building.

Qingye turned around and looked at He caught the chasing demon corpses with a sneer on his lips.

“Now, it’s time for us to fight back!”He shouted, and the black lines on his body flashed crazily again.

A thrilling battle began in the high-rise building.

The three of Qingye used the terrain and architectural advantages to fight to the death with the demonic corpses.

They sometimes jumped onto the high-rise building. Dian confronted the demonic corpses, sometimes sneaking into the basement to carry out sneak attacks and ambushes.

Each attack was precise and fatal, causing heavy losses to the demonic corpses.

Gradually, the sky began to brighten.

When the first ray of sunlight penetrated the clouds and sprinkled on the earth At this time, Qingye and the other three finally killed the last demonic corpse to the ground.

They were exhausted, but with a smile of victory on their faces.”We succeeded!”

Xiaohu shouted excitedly,”We really succeeded!””

Qingye and Robin also looked at each other and smiled, their hearts filled with joy and pride.

They knew that this victory was not only an affirmation for themselves, but also hope and encouragement for the entire human race.

Surrounded by everyone, , Qingye, Robin and Xiaohu returned to the gathering place with a tired but joyful pace.

Their appearance immediately aroused warm cheers and applause, and everyone’s face was filled with smiles, as if all The suffering and haze were dispelled at this moment.

Qingye stood in the center of the crowd, feeling the warm atmosphere around him.

However, in addition to joy, his heart was more curious and exploring about the mysterious power.

His eyes were burning Scanning everyone present, especially those survivors who had black lines on their bodies during the battle.

Finally, after everyone’s cheers gradually subsided, Aoba couldn’t help but ask, his eyes shining with desire for knowledge ’s light:”Everyone, I have a question for you.

During the battle, I saw black lines appearing on your bodies. How was this power formed? What’s going on with this power system?々. ?”

After hearing this, the smiles on everyone’s faces gradually faded away, replaced by a dignified and solemn look.

They looked at each other, seemingly looking for the right person to answer the question.

At this time, an older man stood up. His face was covered with the vicissitudes of time, and the black lines on his body were deeper than the others.

He took a deep breath and said slowly:”Qingye, the question you asked is actually the biggest secret of our world.”

When he said this, a gleam of awe and fear flashed in his eyes, as if recalling Something terrible happened.

He paused, looked around, and saw everyone listening attentively, then continued:”Ever since that huge corpse appeared in the sky, our world has completely changed.

A drop of blood from that corpse dripped into our The world has become demonized.

Countless animals and plants have turned into monsters. They have ravaged the earth and brought huge disasters to mankind.”

“At the same time, the world is also filled with a kind of energy, which we call”magic energy”.

This energy is everywhere, permeating every corner.

Some people are able to awaken the power in their bodies after inhaling magic energy, and such black lines will appear on their bodies.

These lines represent their strength level, and each line is a symbol of a first-level demon warrior. The more lines, the stronger the strength.”

Qingye listened in rapt attention, with a look of sudden realization on his face.

He nodded and sighed:”I see, does all this power come from that Tianwai corpse? It’s so amazing!”

The older man nodded, with a solemn look on his face:”Yes, all the power comes from that Tianwai corpse.

But it’s a pity that we can’t see the body at all because our sky is always covered by gray black clouds.

Only for one month every year, the dark clouds will disperse and we can get a glimpse of the corpse outside the sky.

And whenever that happens, it will bring us huge disasters and panic.”

At this point, the man’s tone became heavier, as if every word carried tremendous pressure and fear.

Qingye also felt this change in the atmosphere. His brows were furrowed, and his heart was full of doubts and incomprehensions..

He looked up at the sky, trying to glimpse the mysterious corpse outside the sky through the thick clouds.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he could only see darkness and desolation.

At this time, a young woman came over , with a gentle smile on her face, trying to ease the solemn atmosphere.

She gently pulled Qingye’s sleeves and said:”` 々Brother Qingye, don’t worry too much.

Although we can’t change the current situation, we can work hard to improve our strength and better protect ourselves and those around us.”

Qingye looked back at the woman, a glint of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

He nodded and said,”Thank you, I will work hard to improve my strength.

At the same time, I will also look for more clues and answers to uncover the secrets of this world

“His eyes were firm and powerful, as if he was ready to face the challenges ahead.

After listening to the older man’s explanation, Aoba and Robin had a deeper understanding of the power system of this world.

They know that if they want to better protect themselves and those around them, they must work hard to improve their strength.

As a result, the two decided to leave the gathering place to find more clues and opportunities to enhance their power.

They passed through ruins, crossed rolling hills, and came to a barren plain.

This was once a prosperous city, but now only ruins and ruins remain.

It was getting late, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the land, reflecting a desolate scene.

At this moment, Aoba and Robin suddenly felt a strong sense of malice.

They looked back and saw a tall figure approaching quickly.

It was a demon corpse with three black circles on its forehead. It was obviously a third-level demon corpse.

“careful! This is a third-level demon corpse, which is equivalent to the strength of a third-level demon warrior.”

Qingye reminded, and at the same time, he was ready to fight.


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