Sylvester, calm down the fire. I've called the director and producer of the crew.

Although Stallone is on the decline, he is still a guest of the Eighth Congress. If he is willing to take the initiative to join Black Hole Frequency, then Sony Columbia will naturally welcome it with both hands. After all, Stallone has been famous for 20 years!

Stallone snorted coldly when he heard this:

I heard that this director is only 20 years old? Can a young boy make a good movie? And he didn't even send me an invitation. Stanton, how about another director?

Stanton narrowed his eyes, knowing that the other party was testing him, and asked with a smile:

Who do you want to replace?

Renny Harlin.

Renny Harlin is a famous director in Hollywood. The reason why Stallone recommended him was that the director of his last successful movie Jumping Hill was Renny Harlin.

Stanton was quite moved when he heard Renny Harlin's name, and said to Stallone:

We have a contract with Director Wu and cannot fire him. If Renny Harlin is willing to accept co-directing, we are willing to invite him. Of course, it is only a nominal co-directing, and the crew must have the final say!

Stallone picked up his cell phone and called Renny Harlin, but he hung up after a moment.

Renee said he didn't want to bully young directors. How could you sign such a contract? Stallone complained.

The script is the director's own. Sylvester, Wu is still very talented. You should have more confidence in genius~

Stanton also tried his best to coax Stallone. This guy has been popular for more than 20 years and has a bad temper. But who makes him hot enough?

Stanton then asked, Sylvester, are you really interested in Black Hole Frequency?

Of course, do you think I'm here to joke with you?

Oh, I just think that a small project like Black Hole Frequency may not be able to afford your salary~

Stanton also started his own exploration. If the remuneration issue is not negotiated first, there is no need to let the crew delay because of him and waste their efforts.

What do you mean? Don't you plan to increase the budget after I join the team?! Stallone glared at the other party.

Of course! But we don't have enough funds right now. We can add another 5 million at most.

Seeing that the other party was about to get angry, Stanton continued:

Sylvester, I heard you only got paid $3 million for Police Empire.

That's a special case! And I still get a share of the box office!

We can also give you a share of the box office. How about a fixed salary of 8 million plus a share of the box office? Compared to Harvey, we at Sony Columbia are very sincere!

Everyone understands that box office sharing is a means for producers to reduce risks.

Stallone felt unhappy. This was naturally different. They were art films, but yours was a commercial film. Commercial films must be paid according to commercial films.

These Hollywood snobs only offered this condition because of his poor performance in the past two years. How could his fixed salary be less than 10 million before? !

However, Stallone is not really out of his mind. He knows that he is not as popular as before, and he would not be willing to pay him the same salary as before.

8 million salary plus 20% North American box office share!

Oh God, Sylvester, you are robbing, 20% impossible, 5%!

In the end, after some wrangling, the two finally settled on a fixed salary of 8 million plus 12% of the North American box office share.

Wu Yuchen and Jeff were on their way here, both of them were worried.

For Jeff, if Stallone was coming from the beginning, he would welcome it with both hands. But now that he has reached a deal with Dennis Quaid, promised him the role, and is about to sign the contract, he is naturally irritated now that he has been involved.

Jeff, why did Stallone suddenly intervene? Wu Yuchen asked.

Who knows, maybe he is considering a transformation. After all, he is 51 years old, and he cannot play forever. But if he really joins the team, it is not up to us whether there will be any action scenes!

The crew wanted to hire a 40-year-old to play the role of a 30-year-old father, but if they wanted to find someone over 50, he would be the real father. Therefore, the crew’s public recruitment requirement was for actors born in the 50s, so they didn’t ask at all at first. Over Stallone, who is 50 years old.

Wu Yuchen was even more annoyed when he heard this. He hated this feeling of not being under his control. He originally signed the contract and waited for preparations to be ready before starting filming, but now it was suddenly interrupted.

He has deeply felt that making movies in Hollywood is really full of constraints. No wonder the Europeans say that Hollywood is the grave of directors, and he, as a director, cannot make decisions at all.

When Wu Yuchen and Jeff knocked on the door and came in, they saw Stallone with his legs crossed and drinking coffee.

Stanton smiled and said to Stallone: ​​Sylvester, these two are the producer Jeff and director Wu of Black Hole Frequency.

Stallone looked at the two of them, glared at Jeff and asked directly in a bad tone: Why don't you invite me?

This tone and demeanor seemed very domineering, just like a leader about to lecture him.

Producer Jeff has put on a smile mask at this moment:

Oh, Mr. Stallone, I'm sorry! We never thought that a big star like you would be interested in our small crew!

Then why did you invite Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis, Pierce Brosnan, but not me?!

Stallone asked further, appearing to care about this issue very much. Don't think that he seems to be preoccupied with this issue. He is just using this method to test the character and bottom line of the producer and director. If he can use this to suppress the two of them, that would be great. He will have the final say after the crew.

Jeff was choked by him. He couldn't say that he was too old, nor could he say that the other people were not as good as him. If word of this spread, he would offend a few others.

Jeff didn't expect Stallone to be so aggressive when he came up, and he was speechless for a moment.

At this time, Wu Yuchen opened his mouth to make a rescue:

Mr. Stallone, because all of your past roles have had a lot of action scenes, and although the father in our film is a tough guy, he doesn't actually have many fighting scenes. We thought you wouldn't be interested at all.

Is that so, Asian boy? Stallone shifted his attention to Wu Yuchen.

Of course! Wu Yuchen just looked at him, not timid at all.

Stallone nodded and continued:

Asian boy, now that I'm playing this role, how are you going to add action scenes to me?

Wu Yuchen shrugged:

I don't think it's necessary to add action scenes. The main attraction of our drama is the novelty brought by the connection in time and space. Secondly, the father and son collaborate across time and space to capture the villain. If the father's role is set up to be able to fight, , then the whole plot will collapse, after all, not every man is Rambo or Rocky.

Wu Yuchen said this not only to Stallone, but also to Stanton, who is a senior executive. This means that you can't add action scenes, otherwise it will collapse. It would be best if you can dispel Stallone's interest!

Stallone stared at Wu Yuchen for a few seconds, then pointed at him: Boy, you are right, whether it is Rambo or Rocky, there is only one.

What surprised Wu Yuchen was that Stallone didn't have any objections and didn't mention action scenes. Is he really planning to transform? He clearly remembers that Stallone will continue to do action scenes after the new century, and he also invited a bunch of tough guy stars to make a Suicide Squad series.

What Wu Yuchen didn't know was that Stallone had just given birth to his eldest daughter last year, so he was a lot touched by the role of father in Black Hole Frequency, and at the same time he did have the intention to try to transform.

Stanton smiled and said: Sylvester, I just said that Wu is a very talented and trustworthy director!

Then he turned to Wu Yuchen and Jeff with a smile and said:

The father's role will be played by Sylvester. The crew's budget has been increased to 30 million, and he will have a fixed salary of 8 million.

Wu Yuchen and Jeff both felt their hearts skip a beat when they heard this.

For Jeff, it was that the male lead he had originally planned for was snatched away. Although he had an ominous premonition before coming, he felt depressed.

Wu Yuchen originally thought that he would at least discuss it with him and Jeff, but now it turns out that the senior management has reached an agreement with Stallone and directly issued a notice. There is no room for them to participate in the discussion.

At this point, even if the two of them want to resist, there is nothing they can do. Do you dare to tell Stallone to his face that you are too old, old man?

Wu Yuchen could only comfort himself in his heart. 51 years old is only five or six years older than 45 years old. Now Stallone has not shown his old age and can still be used. If it really doesn't work, there's no problem with putting on makeup to make him look 10 years younger.

If the situation is stronger than the people, we can only compromise temporarily, as long as we don't modify the script.

This is fucking Hollywood!

Jeff responded quickly and immediately welcomed Stallone with a smile, boasting that his arrival would make the project a hit and so on.

Stallone had heard this kind of words too many times and just nodded. However, when he saw Wu Yuchen frowning and saying nothing, he asked: Boy, do you have any opinions?

Wu Yuchen sighed and said: The budget is not enough. I need an extra 2 million for special effects. I was just talking about this with people from Industrial Light and Magic.

Dennis Quaid's original salary was only 1.5 million, but now it's been replaced by Stallone's 8 million. Although the budget is 5 million more, there is still a gap of 1.5 million. If he really wants to do this, he will probably fail if he wants to do special effects. .

Stanton frowned when he heard this. In fact, 2 million is nothing. Since the company has given a budget of 30 million, it is acceptable for the film to be completed within 35 million, but this amount cannot be increased now. The 5 million is reserved for filming. The process may result in budget overruns.

Is it necessary to find Industrial Light and Magic? Stanton asked.

This is one of the few scenes in the movie that allows the audience to intuitively feel the science fiction elements directly from the screen. It is very necessary!

Whatever Wu Yuchen has to say now, he also realizes that in Hollywood, you have to strive for what you have to strive for, and there is no such store after this village.

Stallone interjected and asked, Which scene is it?

The villain's hand was shattered by you using a gun. In the next shot, the villain's hand that was killing your son 30 years later withered and fragmented instantly. In other words, it was the scene where you saved your son.

When Stallone heard this, he nodded and agreed: I think Wu is right, special effects should be done here.

Stanton saw that both the director and Stallone said this. After thinking about it, he asked someone to bring the actor's information. If the company didn't want to increase the budget, it would have to change the actor.

He looked at the heroine Gretchen, and the salary was only 100,000 dollars, which was basically impossible to reduce. Then I saw Edward Norton who played the son, 1.5 million, and asked:

Is there a cheaper alternative to the role of Edward Norton?

Wu Yuchen heard this and immediately said: Yes, Hugh Jackman, it only costs 100,000 US dollars. I am very satisfied with his acting skills and image, but because his reputation is too low and he has no box office appeal, I chose Edward Norton.

Stallone smiled arrogantly when he heard this: Boy, with me on the crew, you don't need to care about whether other people are famous or not, I am the charisma!

Stanton also nodded: Then switch to this Hugh Jackman. This can save 1.4 million. I think it is almost enough. Do you have any questions?

Jeff opened his mouth, but seeing Stanton and Stallone, he could only smile and say, No.

But he was very depressed. That Hugh Jackman seemed to be Wu Yuchen's too.

This time, Stallone's intrusion snatched away the roles he had planned, and instead allowed Wu Yuchen to get two roles. Why didn't this make him depressed?

Wu Yuchen didn't care what Jeff thought at this time, and now the situation of the crew had completely changed. After Stallone joined the group, it became a three-legged alliance between Stallone, Jeff, and him. Of course, Stallone was the strongest, and Wu Yuchen, an outsider, was the weakest.

Now that he can take the opportunity to bring in both Gretchen and Hugh Jackman, he can increase his voice in the crew. Having these two important characters on his side will make it much easier for him as a director.

On the surface, Stallone's joining this time is a good thing for the crew. The actual budget only increased by 5 million, but it will bring a lot of attention to the movie by then, which is not comparable to the actors mentioned before.

However, Wu Yuchen still hates this kind of unexpected situation, and at a glance, he knows that Stallone is not an easy character. Maybe the real difficulty lies in the subsequent filming process.

In the theater, Hugh Jackman is rehearsing with his partners. After several years of hard work, he gained a foothold in the theater and got the opportunity to play the leading role in the classic play Sunset Boulevard.

Hugh! Hugh!

The shouting interrupted his rehearsal. Hugh Jackman looked for the sound and saw that it was his manager Carl. He could only apologize to the others and hurried over.

Hey, Carl, didn't you see me rehearsing? Hugh Jackman said slightly reproachfully.

Hugh! Why don't you answer my call?!

Karl also said something reproachful, but then he pulled Hugh Jackman to leave:

Put your stage play behind you first, now is your chance!

Wait, Carl, what chance? 'Sunset Boulevard' means a lot to me!

No, no, no! The most important thing for you now is to go to the set with my lawyer and me to sign a contract! Immediately, immediately!

What contract are you signing? Hugh Jackman asked doubtfully.

Black Hole Frequency, the leading actor! Karl patted him on the shoulder excitedly.

What? Didn't it mean that I was eliminated? Didn't Edward Norton be confirmed?! Hugh Jackman couldn't believe it for a moment and asked quickly.

Listen, Hugh, Stallone has joined the cast, and Director Wu took the opportunity to help you get the opportunity! You are about to partner with Stallone as the leading actor!

Stallone! Oh my God, Carl, are you kidding me? I remember April Fool's Day has passed...

Hugh Jackman was stunned by the news for a moment. He is still just a minor character in various film and television dramas, but he can suddenly rise to the top and play father and son with Stallone.

For him, this is definitely an opportunity to change his life and destiny!

“It felt like a dream to me too, but it just happened!

Come with me to the crew to sign the contract now. Also, when you enter the set, you must listen to Director Wu and remember who you belong to! Agent Carl warned Hugh Jackman seriously again.

Of course, of course! I will definitely keep Director Wu in mind! And, thank you Karl!

He knew that if it weren't for the fact that Karl was also Director Wu's agent, he would never have this opportunity.

Wu, was there really an aurora in New York in 1969?

Maybe there was, who cares?

Wu Yuchen shrugged and said: It just gives the audience an excuse to travel through time and space, and the aurora is beautiful enough!

Stallone just asked about the background setting in the movie.

In October 1969 in New York, the two most noteworthy things were the auroras appearing in New York and the Mets baseball game. As a dark horse, the Mets won the baseball league in one fell swoop, shocking all New Yorkers. Even if the New Yorkers didn't know who the president was, they all knew the Mets.

But Stallone in the radio station obviously didn't know, and it was precisely because of this that Hugh Jackman, the son, became suspicious of the identity of the man he was talking to on the radio station, and guessed that the man on the other side was his father through some of the conversation content and details.

The original version is set between the son in October 1999 and the father in October 1969. There is a 30-year difference, and the date and time lines on both sides are synchronized.

But now the filming time is only 1997, so Wu Yuchen shortened the time difference to 25 years, and set the son's time to October 1994. This is a minor problem and has no impact on the plot.

After Wu Yuchen finished answering Stallone, he called the prop master to explain:

Here on the table, I want to film the process of the table being blackened and leaving traces. The whole process should last for 3 seconds.

This kind of thing doesn't require special effects. The prop master can do it. It just needs to be really hot. It's much cheaper to waste ten tables than special effects.

What was filmed here was that the father and son had already talked on the radio. When Hugh Jackman expressed his guess, Stallone in the 1960s obviously felt that the conversation spanning 25 years was nonsense, and accidentally dropped the cigarette butt on the table. The flammable items on the table were ignited, causing a piece of the table to be charred.

And 25 years later, a scorch mark immediately appeared on the table in front of Hugh Jackman. This confirmed his conjecture and led to the follow-up plot that he wanted to communicate with his father through the radio to change the fate of his family. .

After Wu Yuchen finished speaking, he glanced at Stallone next to him. As an action star, he is quite self-disciplined in many aspects. He doesn't have any bad habits like taking pills or being unable to bear hardships.

But the old guy is not just an actor. Like Cheng Long, he is a self-director and performer. Therefore, he often wants to give orders on the set, and from time to time he wants to find fault with him as a director or make suggestions.

Wu Yuchen had the foresight to shoot Hugh Jackman's scene first. He was one of his own, and he was obedient to him and worked hard without complaint. Through a week of filming, he established the director's authority and trust in the crew, and the crew ran well. Under the circumstances, everyone is naturally willing to listen to him.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to film Stallone's scenes first, and then the old guy would embarrass himself and then seize power.

Fortunately, Stallone didn't have a historian class like the Cheng family class on the crew, otherwise the entire crew would really have to listen to him.

Now Wu Yuchen coaxes Stallone as much as he can and tries his best to accommodate him. As long as he doesn't change the script or plot, he can agree to some insignificant requests.

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