China Entertainment started from cutting off the Hu in 1995

Chapter 119 Am I, Stallone, not tough enough? !

Hugh Jackman performed very well in the audition. His image and temperament are completely suitable for the role of son. Wu Yuchen said.

Oh no, no, Wu, his performance is good, but he is just an unknown person and cannot support the leading actor of this drama. We need to find a familiar face, a familiar face that can make the audience enter the cinema. This is Our criteria for selecting actors are very important.”

Jeff retorted calmly.

Wu Yuchen looked at the other person: Jeff, who do you think you should choose?

He wanted to see if the other party had someone of his own.

I think John Cusack is very suitable. He has been the leading actor in many movies. Although he is not a big hit yet, it is enough for us.

Wu Yuchen thought of the information about John Cusack. He is 30 years old this year. He has been in the industry for 13 years. He is a standard second-tier Hollywood actor. His later masterpieces include Destiny and Deadly ID. His acting skills are definitely no problem.

But what Wu Yuchen is thinking is whether he is the person Jeff supports?

Wu Yuchen thought for a while and tentatively said: But John Cusack's salary is a bit high, 3 million US dollars.

He's worth the price, Jeff said.

I have reservations about this. Wu Yuchen said lightly.

Some well-funded production crews decide the roles one by one, and audition for each role.

However, many crews actually have to consider comprehensive circumstances, such as the total salary of actors. If the total salary exceeds, the actor for a certain role must be replaced.

Black Hole Frequency is not a wealthy production crew, so it cannot directly decide on a certain role after the audition. It has to consider the cast in the final analysis, and then send a notice to sign the contract.

Jeff thought for a while and said:

Okay, Wu, I respect your opinion. If you think John is too expensive, then Edward Norton, he was great in three movies last year, not only with big-mouthed Julia Roberts, but also just won an Oscar Nomination, exposure is very high, only 1.5 million.

Wu Yuchen's heart turned when he heard this. Who was this Jeff trying to push? This attitude didn't look like he was supporting someone?

He planned to try Jeff's bottom again: Jeff, don't you think Edward's face is a little tender? He doesn't have the tough guy temperament for a policeman.

I don't think the problem is big. The son's role is more immature than the father himself. The tougher side of the movie is borne by the father. But if you mind, then James Caviezel, he is more Cheap, 800,000. I’ve played a lot of supporting roles, and it’s barely usable.”

Jeff frowned.

Wu Yuchen shook his head: It would be better to use him than Hugh Jackman...

Oh, Wu! I know you like this Xio very much. You can assign him a role such as the protagonist's friend, but you cannot use him as the protagonist. Familiar face, familiar face, familiar face! This is very important to the audience!

Wu Yuchen shrugged: Okay, okay, Jeff, then John Cusack or Edward Norton.

At present, it seems that this character Jeff is completely considered by the crew, and Wu Yuchen will not make trouble unreasonably. The current Uncle Wolf is indeed completely unknown.

When it came to the role of the heroine, the mother, Jeff spoke first:

Diane Lane is very suitable. She is 32 years old, exactly her mother's age, and has rich acting experience. There are few movie fans who don't know her.

Wu Yuchen shook his head directly: I don't want to pay 1.5 million US dollars for a role that doesn't have many roles. The money should be spent on the male protagonist.

After Wu Yuchen finished speaking, he directly took out a piece of information:

Gretchen Moore has a virtuous temperament and is a typical American blonde beauty. She is the most appealing to the audience. It only costs 100,000 yuan to do it. I think it is a good deal.

Jeff glanced at Wu Yuchen, and then said: Don't you think she is too young?

25 years old is enough. There is no difference between 30 years old and 30 years old. I can definitely play the mother of a child.

Wu Yuchen said lightly.

Jeff pondered for a moment: Okay, I'll do as you say!

Wu Yuchen was a little surprised. He didn't expect Jeff to be so easy to talk to. He originally thought he would have to argue with him more.

But it's okay, this way the Gretchen deal is completed. Although she can't do anything to herself even if she can't handle it, Wu Yuchen still wants to be a person who keeps his word. After all, she is a nurse and a daughter. Yes, it’s quite hard.

When it came time to discuss his father as the male protagonist, Jeff directly pulled out a piece of information:

“Dennis Quaid, I think he’s the perfect person for a father role!”

Wu Yuchen's heart moved. Looking at Jeff's attitude, it seemed that this was the role he wanted to fight for.

Dennis Quaid debuted in 1979. He has acted in many works and has also been the leading actor in small productions, but he has never become popular. It looks familiar to American audiences, but it cannot be said to be a success in terms of business or awards.

In fact, Wu Yuchen didn't have any objections to this choice, because this happened to be the actor who played the father's role in the original Black Hole Frequency, and he played the role very well, much better than his son.

Now he also wants to understand that Jeff is equivalent to giving her a heroine who has no weight, and then gets the opportunity to choose his father as the hero.

Even if Wu Yuchen heartily welcomes Dennis Quaid to play this role, he still has to argue with Jeff to get something, otherwise he will appear to be too talkative and will let the other party take advantage of him in the future.

He took out a piece of information: I think Liam Neeson is more suitable, and he is far more famous than Dennis Quaid. Isn't this what you just requested, Jeff?

No, Liam Neeson can't play such a tough guy role! Jeff retorted forcefully.

John Woo smiled, Liam Neeson can't play a tough guy? Ten years from now, the Taken series will be all over the world!

On the contrary, I think he has the potential to be a tough guy father. Liam Neeson has been boxing since he was a child. His performance in the audition was also very good. Not only can he embody the image of a tough guy father, but he also has a very warm side. His acting skills and fame No need to say anything.”

Wu, you just said that the salary is too high, Liam Neeson is 3 million!

That's different, Jeff. Liam Neeson is world-famous as Schindler in Schindler's List. He has international appeal. I think these 3 million are a good deal~

Liam Neeson could only be described as an average actor before he was cast as Schindler, who made him famous.

Wu, the first thing we have to consider is the box office in North America! Dennis is a native American and has a typical American appearance, while Liam Neeson is Irish!

What about the fame and box office appeal you mentioned?

We can use Dennis with John Cusack. The two of them are enough for our movie! Jeff exclaimed.

Hearing this, Wu Yuchen finally figured out the old guy Jeff's plan.

The production cost is 25 million yuan, of which the actor's salary cost is reduced to about 5 million yuan. Jeff's person is Dennis Quaid. As long as this role is finalized, he can pair it with John Cusack on the grounds that there is still ample salary space, so that he will not worry about the protagonist's lack of appeal.

After thinking about it, Wu Yuchen said calmly:

Then I think you can also use Liam Neeson with Edward Norton or even Hugh Jackman. This solution is also very good, isn't it?

Jeff looked at Wu Yuchen seriously: Wu, do you really want to be so insistent?

At this time, the atmosphere between the two was already a bit tense. Wu Yuchen knew very well that if he answered yes, the two of them would probably fall out, and this was not his original intention.

Seeing that the heat was about the same, Wu Yuchen smiled: Jeff, Dennis is actually not bad...

Jeff's expression softened upon hearing this.

But I have a condition.


I want to spend an extra 2 million to find Industrial Light and Magic to do special effects.

Jeff frowned when he heard this: Can't ordinary CG work?

This issue was discussed before during the preparation, but Jeff always thought that an ordinary one would be enough, and his film budget was not that big.

Wu Yuchen shook his head: The scene where the villain's hand withers instantly requires top-notch special effects to shock the audience. This is a science fiction film!

The special effects of the original version were just average. This time Wu Yuchen wanted to change to something high-end.

Seeing that Jeff was still a little hesitant, Wu Yuchen said: By using Dennis Quaid and Edward Norton, we can save 1.5 million in salary.

Jeff thought for a while and nodded: Okay!

Wu Yuchen smiled and stretched out his hand to shake Jeff's hand. After the three main roles were decided, they began to discuss other roles, and the two of them did not have any more arguments.

That night, after Wu Yuchen returned to the hotel, as soon as he opened the door to the room, Gretchen rushed over to him, hugged his arm and asked with hopeful eyes: Is there a result?

She has been serving Wu Yuchen with all her heart these days, and of course she feels quite happy herself. Although Wu Yuchen said there was no guarantee of success, she naturally wanted to be rewarded for her efforts.

Wu Yuchen raised the corner of his lips: The heroine, 100,000 yuan, ask your lawyer to come to the set to sign the contract in the next two days.

Gretchen looked ecstatic for a moment, and then excitedly hugged Wu Yuchen and gave her a sweet kiss.

Hey, did you brush your teeth?

Gretchen thought of the service he provided before going out in the morning, and couldn't help but glance at him with her beautiful eyes: Of course!

She didn't care about Wu Yuchen's attitude towards her. After all, it was just a transaction and not a real relationship. She excitedly picked up the phone and talked to her lawyer.

The next day, Wu Yuchen was holding his own storyboards and talking to the staff of Industrial Light and Magic about the special effects he wanted.

Do you only need to do the withering process of one hand? Doesn't the surrounding environment need to change?

Yes, with just one hand.

That's very simple. Just charge according to the normal standards. We will follow the team when the time comes and it will be done in two or three weeks after the material is shot.

Wu Yuchen was relieved when he heard this. Fortunately, his shots were relatively simple, otherwise it would have taken a long time to do just one special effect.

At this moment, his cell phone rang. When he picked it up, he found that it was Gretchen. Before he could speak, he heard a sharp voice coming from the phone:

Wu! They said the signing was stopped!

Wu Yuchen frowned immediately after hearing this:

Gretchen, give the phone to the crew's lawyer.

Hello, Director Wu.

What's going on? Why did you stop Gretchen's signing? Wu Yuchen asked in a dissatisfied tone.

I'm sorry, Director Wu. In fact, not just Gretchen's signing, but all the actors' signings have been suspended. I also just received the phone call 10 minutes ago.

Wu Yuchen's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, what the hell happened again? !

Wu Yuchen comforted Gretchen and then hung up the phone. He was about to call the producer Jeff when he saw him walking over with an unhappy expression.

Hey, Jeff, what's going on? Why has the crew's signing been stopped?! Wu Yuchen hurried over and asked.

Wu, something happened. Come back to the company with me immediately. Someone is interested in our project.



In an executive office of Columbia Company, a senior executive asked his secretary to bring him a cup of coffee, and then said with a smile: Wow, Sylvester, I didn't expect to attract you here!

Stallone did not touch the coffee, folded his hands on his chest, and said with a cold face:

Stanton, you know what? I'm very unhappy right now!

What's wrong? Who provoked you? Stanton asked with a smile.

A tough guy father figure, you invited Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis, Pierce Brosnan, but you didn't invite me!

how? Do you think I'm not as popular as them? Or do you think I'm not a tough guy enough? ! Stallone asked.

Sylvester, I think this must be a misunderstanding. The whole country knows that you are the toughest guy in Hollywood!

Stanton coaxed the other party with nice words, but he was laughing in his heart. You are really not as popular as those few people in the past two years. The old guy has started to decline and you are still so arrogant.

Stallone has received consecutive Razzie nominations in recent years. Of course, this is not important. What is important is the box office performance of his movies.

Judge was shot in 1995 with a cost of 90 million, but the box office in North America was only 34 million, and the total global box office will be over 100 million. Adding in the promotional expenses, the producer lost a lot, and could only rely on video tapes and discs to slowly Return blood.

Emergency was shot in 1996 with a cost of 80 million, and the final box office was 32 million, a huge loss...

Although this is not enough to shake Stallone's foundation and status, it has also given many people in Hollywood the idea that he has begun to decline.

Stallone himself is actually considering a transition. Last year, he was invited by Miramax to film the movie Police Empire. This is an extremely rare leading role for him in recent years with no action scenes. Moreover, he took a salary cut to star in the movie. After all, the whole movie The production cost was only 15 million. There was a high probability that Harvey, a fat guy, had deceived him into trying to win the prize, but he ended up getting nothing.

Recently, his agent suddenly brought him the script of Black Hole Frequency, which made him a little tempted after reading it. A tough guy father fit his personality very well, so he came to see it in person.

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