Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 722: American cousin

? "John, if we can get out alive this time, who do you want to see most?"

After a long silence, William suddenly asked his friend in a low voice.

At this point, three hours have passed.

Although due to John's timely treatment, William's thighs penetrated by steel bars did not lose serious blood, but with other injuries, William still felt that he was getting weaker and weaker.

Now, he was desperate, so he asked John this question.

As a front-line patrolman who often handles emergencies, John can naturally see that William is in the wrong state.

In particular, William’s question reminded John of some nonsense that his son who likes two-dimensional anime said--

"Dad, when you perform the task, don't say anything like "I have no regrets", "I will go back to my hometown to get married this time," etc. That's something wrong!"

——Well, when John heard his son say this, he felt that the boy must have been confused by watching cartoons.

After all, John and his wife have been married for 16 years, and their relationship has always been very good, otherwise there would be no such nonsense son.

——So "returning to my hometown to get married" or something is simply impossible.

However, now hearing the question of whom William would most like to see after going out, John really feels something is wrong.

Of course, he couldn't persuade him to insist just because of William's words, so he could only chat with him one by one.


"If I can go out alive this time, I must go and save Laura. Then we will remarry, and I will ask you to be the best man!"

——Laura is William’s ex-wife. The two have separated because of some previous events, but they have been emotionally disconnected.

If William usually said this, John would definitely be happy and cheer for him, but now—

"This seems to have the same meaning as "return to my hometown to get married"!!!"

At this time, John finally understood what his son meant, but he was helpless.

After all, at this time the two of them are trapped in the rubble of the twin towers, and the injuries on John's body are actually not much lighter...

"Come on to the rescue!"

John prayed in his heart while encouraging William.

For the first time in his life, he hoped that the gods really existed.

"It's really not good, as long as it can save us, ghosts can be too!"

John thought in a daze...


It was in this situation that Alexis found John and William.

After listening to Charlotte's plan, she, Ruifan and Francis Farmer soon arrived in New York on the east coast with the help of the "Ovelia" ghost ship.

After arriving, Francis Farmer directly used his abilities to control the veins of this place, and began to roughly feel where there were trapped people.

With her support, Rui Fan and Alexis shuttled through the ruins to confirm the information given by Farmer.

As ghosts, their ability to penetrate entities is still very useful at this time.

However, as the information was continuously determined and passed to rescuers outside through Charlotte’s dream support, Miss Valkyrie found a problem—


"Our rescue force is not enough!"

Thurley Booth commanded the team under him to rescue, while sighing to Dr. Bryna, whom he jokingly called the "small bone".

——Well, it might be a little weird to give your girlfriend such a nickname, but who makes Dr. Bryna a PhD in anthropology, who is best at inferring many things through bone examination?

When Thurley Booth first met Dr. Brana, the other party was examining the remains of an ancient man, so he humorously gave him such a nickname.

As a result, after that, "Xiaogu" became his partner first and then his girlfriend...

Some time ago, as a field agent of the FBI, Seley had a rare opportunity to take the annual leave that he had accumulated for several years, so he made an appointment with a "small bone" to prepare for a two-person trip——

The two originally planned to travel to New York for a few days before going on vacation on a private island in the Caribbean.

——This small island, Thurley used his relationship and borrowed it from a cousin that he rarely contacts.

——Speaking of which, Thurley’s cousin named Charlotte is also a capable man. The "Pirates of the Caribbean" that was particularly popular some time ago was shot by the other party.

When Seley first told Xiaogu about the news, Xiaogu still didn't believe it.

However, as a major Hollywood director, Charlotte Booth is also a public figure after all. He has a lot of photos and videos circulating outside.

——"Small bones", no, it should be said that Dr. Bryna used her superb ability as an anthropologist. After comparing the facial features of Seley and the other party, she finally believed that there was a blood relationship between the two...


Of course, at this critical moment, those things don't matter anymore.

Even as an FBI front-line agent who often deals with various crises, Thurley Booth never thought that the collapse of the Twin Towers and being attacked and then collapsed could actually happen in reality.

And encountering such a thing, Sele's vacation was naturally a waste.

Whether it is his own sense of responsibility or his FBI identity, it is destined to be at this time, he can't stand by and watch—

Sele directly took a team of FBI stationed in New York to participate in the rescue work.

Although "Xiaogu" is not a professional doctor, the rich knowledge of PhD in anthropology still gives her a very good first-aid ability-therefore, she also participated.

"I have participated in earthquake rescue in Honduras before. How to find the victims who can be saved in the shortest time is the most important thing!"

Before arriving at the scene of the incident, "Xiaogu" also taught her own experience to the fellow FBIs. However, after arriving at the scene, she was completely silent.


As the FBI, Seley suddenly felt a sense of guilt and negligence.

However, when everyone is busy saving people, this is actually nothing.

Moreover, Seley suddenly found that his instincts were terrifying.

——Although he occasionally handled cases by intuition, he never thought that saving people can rely on intuition.

However, this time he felt that where there were victims, he would definitely find the victims, and they were all those who could be rescued in time.

"Probably God used my hand to save everyone!"

As a believer, Seley couldn't help but have such thoughts.

——Of course, he wouldn’t say it ignorantly, after all, as his girlfriend’s "small bone", he can be a complete atheist...

However, even though Serley now has the intuition of a god-like help, the insufficient number of rescuers is still a serious problem.

In particular, some seriously injured people are buried in the depths of the ruins. Even if a large number of their locations can be determined, it is very difficult to rescue them in today's environment.

"I can only hope that they can last longer!"

Thurley Booth prayed in his heart.

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