Chatty Hollywood

Chapter 721: World Trade Center

?Like the irony on the Internet in later generations, death and death are different——

Paris, France, may only need dozens of deaths and injuries to make the whole world light up. Countless people are French tonight;

But the Rwanda massacre caused 800,000 to 1 million deaths in two months, but few people in this world know about it.

-People are not only born unequal, but die equally.

It is precisely because of being used to seeing ghosts that Charlotte understands the cruelty of the world.

He knew that the living people's fear of death, especially the kind of fear that burst out suddenly, was the most delicious food for the Lord of Hell.

Therefore, He will never let go of the shock caused by 9/11 to North America up and down.

——He will definitely appear on the scene!

This is also why he reminded Alexis to pay attention to them——

They went to the scene not only to help rescue, but also to compete with the Lord of Hell for the power of death.

Of course, there is little hope of success in this competition.

After all, the Lord of Hell is the Lord of Hell after all.

However, to take the opportunity to reduce some of the opponent's opportunities for enhancement, Charlotte still can't let it go.

What's more, the moment he saw the billowing smoke from the New York Twin Towers through the TV screen, he clearly felt that the spirit of the world became thinner.

At this moment, he naturally wanted to know how this change would affect ghosts and gods like the Lord of Hell.

Therefore, he must send Alexis and Ruifan, these ghosts that belong directly to him, to the scene——

This is not only to save people, but also to explore the changes in the Lord of Hell.

At the same time, this is also an experiment.

After all, if such a means of borrowing the power of ghosts to help save people behind the scenes is feasible, then in the future, in places like Wenchuan, he can help...


Of course, the premise of all this is that by 2008, Charlotte will still be able to guarantee that she can have enough mana to drive spells.

After all, after 9/11, he clearly felt that because of the further decline of aura, using the same spell would require a lot more mana.

It can be said that if he hadn't been preparing and establishing the main **** space before, and obtaining a channel to quickly obtain mana, then his mana at this time is enough to support Alexis and the ghosts in the thousands of miles to rescue, it is still unknown. .

"Fortunately, I prepared it in advance, the mana is still enough!"

Charlotte was also a little scared,

"However, the use of mana has finally become abundant, because of 911, it is back to the state of just enough use all of a sudden!"

And this is why Charlotte can only send three ghosts to help, and he doesn't plan to go to the scene.

After all, there are no old ghosts under his men, and they generally lack mana--

Alexis and their long-distance activities and the use of some powerful spells all need Charlotte's mana to support.

In this case, he can only shrink at home as logistics.

"When will I be able to have enough mana that I don't need to worry about any technology or tactics, as long as A passes by?"

Charlotte sighed secretly.


Of course, not going to the scene is somewhat related to Charlotte’s ambivalence.

He knew about 9/11 in advance, but he couldn't and didn't want to stop it.

But for the people who died in that incident, he didn't feel any ill feelings, so he wanted to save people.

This makes Charlotte somewhat contradictory.

What's more, as mentioned earlier, he sent his ghosts to save people, the purpose is not simple...

Of course, no matter what, saving people is saving people.

Charlotte does not have a Virgin Mary's disease, and will not feel any guilt for it.

After all, he understands that he has always been a very realistic person——

Most of the time, he is willing to help others, but only if he does not encounter harm.

——It's like the principles he used to deal with ghosts when he met Charlize.

——He will run away without hesitation if he can run when he encounters a ghost that cannot be dealt with.

"After all, I am such a realistic person!"

Charlotte thought silently.

"You don't have to think too much."

Maybe it’s because Charlotte has always looked ugly. After sending away the three of Alexis, Charlize couldn’t help but comfort.

"Even if you know spells, you are not God after all. You don't need to worry about too many things."


Charlotte hugged his soft wife, and finally put aside the ambivalence in her heart completely.

"We have a lot to do next!"

"Are you talking about being a Hollywood person?"



In a sense, this sentence is not empty words.

When huge difficulties and crises arise, as long as the organization is effective, the power of society will be released once.

And people's spirits will also be sublimated to a certain extent in this release.

——This is true in China, and so is the United States.

The only difference is that Americans have not suffered a disaster for too long.

——They forgot how they felt in the face of crisis.

However, even so, Hollywood, as the gathering point of one of the two waves of America's best performers, performed well in 9/11.

Hollywood stars not only donated money, but also quickly organized charity performances to inspire people.

In contrast, another wave of people who are good at acting, the performance of Washington politicians is a bit dissatisfied-

Perhaps because the Pentagon in Washington was also attacked, politicians felt more or less self-defeating.

Although they are also performing in various ways, they always give people a perfunctory feeling.

——This is also something that can't be helped.

——After all, whether it is a conspiracy theory or an accident, 9/11 will happen. In essence, there are also factors of the US government's inaction.

This will naturally be scolded by others.

Especially people who are fighting under the Twin Towers in New York for rescue or waiting to be rescued.

This is the case with John McLaughlin and William Gimeno.

In order to save people from the rubble of the Twin Towers, New York City has concentrated a large number of public officials with rescue capabilities, including John and William as police officers.

However, in the face of such serious and perilous disasters, rescuers often become rescued.

In the ruins that would collapse from time to time, even crashing down, John and William were also trapped——

"The CIA spends so much money every year to go abroad to do things, but other people have blown up New York, but they are completely unaware of these rice buckets!"

William couldn't help but want to curse, but he was also weak.

After all, the lives of the two of them are also at stake at this time, and verbal abuse will not solve the problem, but it will only make the situation worse—

"If I were you, I won't be swearing at others-save a bit of strength and try to stay conscious for a while! The more sober for a while, the more hope of salvation."

John persuaded his companion.

"Being sober for a means that we have to suffer for a while!"

William sighed.

His thigh was penetrated by a protruding steel bar. Fortunately, it did not penetrate the femoral artery, but the painful sensation did not decrease.

Especially, in order to avoid blood loss, he could not manage to remove the steel bars from his legs at this time.

——Furthermore, he can't extract it at all.

"Don't priests often say that they are born to suffer?"

He smiled bitterly,

"Now, this is really a true portrayal!"

"No, you said the opposite!"

In contrast, John is more optimistic-although the injuries he suffered at this time are not minor.

"We suffer to live!"

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