Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 110: Finding Huang Xiao

I quietly walked to the door, intending to calm down and think about what to do next. On the other hand, I feel that if they don't argue in front of me, the content of the argument may become more nutritious.

The water sprayed from the stern of the boat is churning, breaking through the golden floating objects to form a channel. The golden scenery is a spectacular and wonderful sight, but after experiencing the ordeal last night, it makes people feel irritated and disgusting. When can I leave this place? The colors are overwhelming.

"Aren't you a Qi Men Ba calculation? Why can't you figure out where the fat man is?" Zhang Lingxi's argument finally got to the point.

"Aren't you good at the art of hiding armor? Pour out the sea water and look for it!" Ma Tiantong continued to yell.

"Then you have to tell me whether a person is dead or alive!" Zhang Lingxi's voice dropped.

"We have to leave this ghost place before dark!" Ma Tiantong's voice also lowered, and he indirectly answered Zhang Lingxi's question. People live!

"It's just the two of us, do we still have to act as planned?" Zhang Lingxi's voice was even lower, as if he didn't want me to hear the conversation behind them.

"If you miss the opportunity, it becomes a one-way mission." Ma Tiantong seemed to be saying this to me, because he said it in a normal voice. I've never heard him talk to Zhang Lingxi in such a normal tone.

I was about to take this opportunity to return to the cockpit when I suddenly caught a glimpse of a bright orange dot among the golden surroundings. In order to confirm the existence of that small dot, I almost fell into the sea. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes, afraid that it was just an illusion, but it really existed. Is it Huang Xiao? Because Fatty didn't wear a lifejacket when he fell into the sea last night, and Xiaozhi didn't wear one when I last saw him.

I stumbled into the cockpit, pointed in the direction of the orange dot and stuttered with excitement: "Huang...Huang Xiao! It should be Huang Xiao!"

Zhang Lingxi understood what I said, and quickly ran out of the cabin to look in the direction I pointed. Soon he ran back, pointed in a direction, and shouted to Ma Tiantong: "Drive in that direction!"

This time, Ma Tiantong did not start a fight and changed the course obediently. I stood on tiptoe and stared at the bright dots that were getting closer. My heart was anxious and complicated. I wanted to see the results quickly, but I was afraid that the results would be unacceptable to me.

"Fat man!" Zhang Lingxi found a rag somewhere and waved it in his hand, as if raising a white flag of surrender. I was not in the mood to complain about him, but instead felt grateful for his shout. Because he said that the fat man will not die. As long as the fat man does not die, he will keep my brother safe.

The fat man took Zhang Lingxi's words seriously. With one hand he held Huang Xiao, who was lying on his back on the sea, and with the other hand he rowed hard to get closer to the ship. sky! It’s unimaginable that he stayed in the water all night without a lifejacket and dragged Huang Xiao to look for us! What would have happened if I hadn't discovered him just now?

The fat man didn't use the lifebuoy we threw down. He put two lifebuoys, one on Huang Xiao's armpit and one on Huang Xiao's knee joint, and then got on the boat. Ma Tiantong and Zhang Lingxi worked together to pull Huang Xiao onto the boat. I rushed over, checked Huang Xiao's pulse, and quickly took off his clothes to perform CPR on him. He is still alive! Thank God! But his situation is worse than Zhang Lingxi. I don't vomit much water, and I have symptoms of hypothermia.

Fatty's skin was dyed the same as Ma Tiantong, but other than that, his clothes were soaked and there was no sign of distress. Without taking any rest, he entered the cockpit directly, discussed with Ma Tiantong, and directed Ma Tiantong to sail away from the golden sea as quickly as possible.

Zhang Lingxi and I dragged Huang Xiao into the cabin and threw her on the bed covered with raincoats. I looked at Huang Xiao, whose vitality was getting weaker and weaker, helpless, and regretted the medicines lost at the supply station. Zhang Lingxi saw my helplessness and arranged: "Do you have alcohol? Bring it! It's best to get some hot soup, otherwise..."

I didn't hear what he said, so I quickly responded and found some alcohol for him, and then ran to the kitchen. I don’t know who was so thoughtful that he even wrapped the small tank of gas in plastic foam for storage. Unfortunately, this thoughtful guy didn’t keep the gas cover properly. It was knocked apart in the shipwreck last night, and the original appearance is no longer recognizable.

The fat man must have seen me scratching my head in the cockpit, because he appeared at the kitchen door like a big mountain. He walked past me against the wall, dragged the gas stove and gas to the forward deck, and repaired the gas stove without saying a word.

I squatted aside, looking like I was eager to learn, but in fact I was secretly sizing up the fat man. The fat man had already changed into dry clothes. Although he makes everyone call him Fatty, he is actually not fat at all. His tallness and strong muscles remind me of the Hulk. There is always an indifferent expression on his face, as if everything in the world has nothing to do with him.

To be honest, if Fatty, Ma Tiantong, and Zhang Lingxi appeared together in a downtown area, they would definitely attract onlookers, because the appearance and temperament of these three people are very far from realistic aesthetics, and they are special images that can only appear in movies.

The fat man's dexterous skills were completely inconsistent with his huge body. The small gas cover on his hand was like a toy, an obedient toy. Because while I was thinking wildly, Fatty was already debugging the repaired gas cover. "Boom" the fire ignited. Once again he solved a big problem.

"Go and find a pot to boil water first," he ordered.

I was like a minion who flew into the kitchen to get things done. When he came out of the deck again, the fat man stood on the edge of the boat, holding a harpoon and staring at the water, like the King of the Sea in a fairy tale.

Ah! Can we catch fish here? I put the kettle filled with fresh water on the stove to boil, and curiously walked over to him to take a look. Things were not as simple as they seemed. The fat man hung the four dead seaweeds in the cabin on thin ropes on the sea surface, shallowly next to the sea water. This is useful, I muttered in my heart, turned around and went back to the stove. Before I could stand still, I heard a crackling sound behind me. The fat man had already thrown a big fish of about 20 kilograms on the plywood. The sound It was caused by the big fish's dying struggle and slapping the splint. I really regret that I should not have turned around just now, otherwise I would have witnessed the heroic appearance of the fat man spearing the fish.

The fat man stepped on the fish, pulled out the harpoon, kicked the fish to my feet and said, "Make fish soup!" After saying that, he turned around and pulled back the rope tied to the seaweed. I saw the rope tied to the seaweed. The seaweed at the end of the rope was almost intact.

The fat man disappeared into the cabin door carrying seaweed and a fork, and was not seen for a long time. I started to sigh and looked at the big fish at my feet in confusion. It was obvious that the fat man asked me, a young man who never touched the spring water, to make fish soup. How had I ever done this before?

After struggling for a while, I decided to take action. After all, I was the only one on the boat. The skin of this fish is thin and smooth, light gray in color, and the meat is white and soft, like cod, but I have never seen cod outside of the plate. I fry the oil from the belly of the fish over low heat, then put the meat cut into thick pieces in the oil and fry until golden brown. Finally, the fish bones were fried and boiled in water to make soup. Unexpectedly, everything went perfectly despite the lack of condiments.

When the tumbling fish soup turned white and smelled of fragrance, the golden sea had been replaced by blue, and the sun began to approach the horizon. To celebrate that we were out of danger, I scooped up a spoonful of soup and put it to my mouth to cool it and taste it, "What a genius!" "I sighed at the delicious fish soup and added salt to the soup.

"Put less, the salty taste is annoying!" Zhang Lingxi's voice sounded from behind.

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