Celestial Masters Alliance

Purifying Mantra Chapter 109: A Pair of Enemies

I stripped down to my panties and sat upright by the bed. I saw Zhang Lingxi taking off her clothes beside me. I was so embarrassed that I didn't know where to look, so I took a few sneak peeks when he wasn't paying attention. When Zhang Lingxi was wearing clothes, she looked thin, and her body was soft and felt like she had no bones. When she took off her clothes, it was really shocking. He is not as muscular as ordinary men. Every part of his body interprets the word grace appropriately. If he is more, he will appear feminine, and if he is less, he will be too masculine.

"When can I withdraw it?" Zhang Lingxi rubbed the brown hair on his body and turned to look at me.

I quickly avoided his gaze and replied: "At most three days."

Zhang Lingxi smiled secretly, but she didn't know what she was laughing at. When he sat down next to me with a bag of things, I dared to look at his clothes. Black sports tie-leg pants are paired with "Oreo" basketball shoes. The off-white loose sweatshirt looks casual but very stylish. It is inlaid with animal embroidery pieces. There are beads on the edges of the embroidery pieces to add a three-dimensional effect. I think this simple and tasteful outfit suits him better than his usual over-the-top outfits.

Zhang Lingxi opened the rolled-up cloth bag and found many needles of various sizes arranged inside.

"Acupuncture?" I asked.

"That's right!" Obviously he didn't intend to explain to a layman like me, so he took out a small hammer. The cross section of the small hammer was covered with needles as thin as hair. He held the hammer in one hand and moved my hammer in the other. Knee, when he was about to strike, he suddenly raised his head and said with a smile, "It might hurt a little! Can you bear it?"

"Tch..." Before I could refute, a heart-pounding pain spread throughout my body. I gritted my teeth and sucked in the air-conditioning and tried my best to hold on, but there was still a whimpering sound between my teeth.

"Actually, the contusion is not very serious. It's just edema caused by poor blood flow in your lower limbs for a long time." Perhaps to distract me, Zhang Lingxi specially educated me on the topic.

He must have guessed the circumstances under which I developed edema, and deliberately avoided the cause, only saying that the result made me less embarrassed. I suddenly felt that he was the easiest person to get along with on the whole boat. I didn't dare to look at my knee with black blood pouring out suddenly, so I started chatting with him: "The rope hanging the lifeboat was cut with a sharp weapon. Do you think it was the fat man who went to search and rescue first?"

Zhang Lingxi held my shoulders, turned my back to him, took out a small needle from his bag and inserted it around my spine. I felt the pain slowly disappearing with the little needles he inserted, and I sighed in my heart: How amazing!

"Didn't you just say that the sea surface is covered with dead seaweed and turned yellow? Since the only channel where you can see the sea water is opened by whales, that is to say, the lifeboat was last night and the seaweed has not yet covered the sea surface. I was put down when I was young." Zhang Lingxi's moving hand suddenly paused on my back.

"When you fell into the water, your position was at the bow of the boat. Did you see Xiaozhi?" He asked as if he suddenly remembered something.

"I'm on the bow of the boat, so are you!" In fact, we already have the answer in our hearts, and the answer coincides with each other.

"How did Xiaozhi join you?" I asked quickly.

Zhang Lingxi sighed softly and said: "Last year during the Mid-Autumn Festival, when I visited Fatty, he was already there. I asked Fatty, and Fatty only said that he was helping him. Ma Tiantong should know, and I will ask him later."

"I hope Fatty and Huang Xiao are safe." I muttered.

"Don't worry! Fatty is not an ordinary person. Moreover, as long as he is here, he will definitely keep your brother safe." Zhang Lingxi patted my back, and then said: "Get dressed! If you have nothing to do, rub it yourself. Once it’s all gone, everything will be fine.”

"So fast?" I turned to look at him in confusion and asked.

"Okay! What a big deal! The potential of the human body is much greater than you think, but you usually spoil yourself and make the potential dormant." Zhang Lingxi began to pack things and explained perfunctorily.

Who could remain calm when he saw that his legs turned purple as if they were poisoned? But I have to admit that the edema has completely subsided and my legs have returned to their usual thickness. I moved my thigh and moved my knee. Although it was still a little painful and numb, the function was basically back to normal.

"By the way! How did you meet Huang Xiao?" I asked as casually as possible while looking for clothes in my backpack.

"What did he say?" Zhang Lingxi asked the question back. It seemed that he was alert.

"He said he didn't know you before, and you guys lied to him." I deliberately lowered my head and straightened my trousers, fearing that Zhang Lingxi could read the nervousness on my face.

"Oh! It was Ma Tiantong who met him first, but I don't know the specific situation!" Zhang Lingxi asked Ma Tiantong again, and I noticed that his cautious eyes were falling on me.

I sighed silently in my heart. It seems that if I want to find the answer from them, I have to clarify it in front of the two of them, and it is best to let them have a dispute, because it is easiest to reveal information during the dispute.

"I heard from Ma Tiantong that our food reserves are not optimistic, and we also have to divide the work in the search and rescue of Fatty and the others." I changed the subject again.

"Yeah!" Zhang Lingxi walked to the pile of garbage in the corner and answered without any distraction. She seemed to focus on rummaging through the garbage.

I walked up to Zhang Lingxi with my handrail and crutches, and saw him shaking open a quilt that had been corroded to the point of being completely torn, and four strips of seaweed that were still wriggling fell out of it. I was startled, and just as I was about to raise my foot to greet them, Zhang Lingxi shouted softly: "Wait!"

He squatted down and stared at the seaweed that was constantly secreting mucus and said, "How strange. They only secrete corrosive mucus when they are not protected by sea water, but they don't secrete it in sea water."

"Yes, if it was secreted in sea water, you would have turned into bones long ago." I replied casually, obviously not interested in this matter.

"Is there a glass bottle?" Zhang Lingxi stood up and looked at me and asked.

"Do you think so?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders and curled his lips and said, "Yes!" After that, he picked up the remaining fresh water from the bed and poured it on the seaweed. The seaweed twisted wildly for a few times, and began to turn transparent, and then turned milky white, like fresh bamboo fungus.

The condition of the kitchen is better than expected. Most of the tableware on the ship is made of stainless steel. Xiaozhi is a careful person and carefully stores the tableware every time he uses it, so there is no loss. Almost all the instant noodles were gone, and the rice was soaked in sea water and turned yellow, making it inedible. However, there are various cans stored by Zhang Lingxi under the deck, which are not corroded and are almost intact. The food that didn't have much choice in the first place is now even more monotonous.

I followed Zhang Lingxi into the cockpit. Ma Tiantong had already cleaned it, so it looked better than the cabin. It was the most normal place on the entire ship. There are also pits left by corrosion on the decks and walls, which are shallow and can be ignored. I dare to conclude that there is not much seaweed trapped here, the cohesion is not great, and the destructive power is relatively reduced. This is why the ship can still sail normally.

"I thought you were dead!" Ma Tiantong shook his legs without taking his eyes off the flight path, looking carefree, and his voice was filled with indifference.

"You haven't died yet, how could I be willing to die!" Zhang Lingxi immediately retorted.

"You are the one who died young, not me, why are you cursing me!" Ma Tiantong raised his chin slightly and lowered the corners of his mouth. I suspected that he was hiding his happiness.

"How can I bear to care about you alone? Without me, you will be so lonely, so even if I die, I will take you with me!" Zhang Lingxi approached Ma Tiantong and leaned over. I was startled by this action and rushed over to stand between the two of them.

"The ship is very fragile now. We have to protect it. Don't we ruin the only glimmer of hope in our own hands?" I waved my hand weakly and said with a smile.

Zhang Lingxi grabbed my wrist and threw me aside, wondering: "What are you doing? We have to set a course!"

I realized with embarrassment that Zhang Lingxi was looking at the compass just now: "It turns out we have a route!" I quickly joked to cover it up.

"Well! No matter what instrument, it can't be as accurate as the compass!" Zhang Lingxi replied.

"You know how to read a compass, you're just a loser!" Ma Tiantong seemed dissatisfied with me for interrupting their bickering, and was determined to continue the war of words.

"Why am I half-assed? There are specialties in the arts. Can you do what I'm good at?" Zhang Lingxi glared angrily, and Ma Tiantong succeeded in irritating him again.

"Hey... I want to ask..." I want to ask, should we return now or continue to our destination? Also, does Huang Xiao’s search and rescue operation need to be implemented?

"Let's not talk about the blades of grass, let's just say now, can you help me sail the boat?" Ma Tiantong turned the steering wheel with one hand, took the time to glare at Zhang Lingxi, and simply ignored my existence.

"What's so difficult about this? I'll make you fly to the sky just by sailing the boat. Just let me go..." Although Zhang Lingxi said this, he was not prepared to get close to the rudder.

"Hey..." I tried to interrupt them again.

"You should come, you are always a speaker, but you can't be practical." Ma Tiantong's voice increased again, and I was ignored by them again.

I helplessly watched the two people arguing, and one thing was confirmed. As long as Ma Tiantong and Zhang Lingxi quarreled, either Fatty would step in to stop it, or they would stop themselves, and no one else could stop them. Obviously the two of them tied their life jackets together after falling into the sea, as if they were sharing life and death, and now they were quarreling again. Could it be that their way of expressing gratitude was to beat each other to death?

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