Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 498: Happy birthday [seeking flowers! 】

Tian Yuan, Yuan Rong, Yuan Yu, Yuan Dong, and Ren Xiaoqiu are not unfamiliar with this scene. They have all personally experienced the feeling of being imprisoned and the feeling of helplessness in the face of endless pressure. Now I saw that the powerful Aunt Xuemei was also imprisoned. Although I had thought of this situation a long time ago, I couldn't help being surprised.

I thought, with such an ability, who would be Li Xing's opponent? It should be understood that, not to mention complete imprisonment, even if it is a little imprisonment, with Li Xing's current strength, it is no problem to kill a master like Xuemei! Inexplicably, everyone was so afraid of Li Xing!

And Xuemei's shock in her heart now was beyond addtion. Don't think that Xuemei now understands that the situation she encountered must have come from Li Xing. However, Xuemei couldn't think of such a magical power in her Qi training even if she wanted to break her scalp.

However, Xuemei also understood very well in her heart, anyway, she had failed. This is a fact. Thinking about it now, Xuemei understands why Li Xing gives people a very confident feeling, and why the expressions of Tian Yuan and others are not worried at all. It turned out that everyone knew Li Xing's ability. Xuemei felt a bit hot on her face when she thought of how she had raised how Li Xing defeated herself.

Now the idea of ​​opposing Li Xing does not exist. In fact, in Xuemei's heart, is it really difficult to say whether she really opposed Li Xing and Ren Xiaoqiu being together, because even Xuemei herself didn't know whether she really opposed it or wanted to tell Li in this way. Xing must not bully Ren Xiaoqiu. However, thinking of the condition attached by Li Xing, Xuemei felt a little uncomfortable. Really want to reconcile with Tian Yuan?

Xuemei's heart. . . Messed up!

"Aunt Xuemei, I don't know if this counts as a win?" Li Xing's heart moved, he closed the different space domain and said loudly.

"What kind of supernatural power is this?" Xuemei felt that the pressure around her disappeared suddenly, causing Xuemei to almost run away from her energy. Fortunately, Xuemei's control of the "qi" in her body has reached a very high level. Otherwise, she might really run away, then it would be very dangerous.

"Hehe, this can be regarded as a special ability. Actually, the relationship with'qi' is not particularly great. Speaking of which, I did not rely on'qi' alone to defeat you!" Li Xing smiled sly Said.

"I didn't say that I must use'qi' to defeat me! You are very strong. I hope you want to treat Xiaoqiu well and don't let me know that you are bullying her. If you let me know that you bully her, even if I lose the enemy. You must also ask you for an explanation!" Xuemei said loudly. A chill flashed in the eyes staring at Li Xing.

In any case, Li Xing can be regarded as seeing the kind of affection for Aunt Xuemei to Ren Xiaoqiu. Hearing Aunt Xuemei's words again, Li Xing quickly promised that he would treat Ren Xiaoqiu. It made Ren Xiaoqiu a big blush. Unable to stand everyone's smiling eyes, he ran away reluctantly.

Ren Xiaoqiu's reaction made everyone smile. Let the tension just now completely changed its appearance.

"Aunt Xuemei, I don't know what kind of misunderstanding happened between you and my master before. But looking at how you look now, you clearly still remember each other. Whether it's for keeping promises or facing yourself. I hope that Aunt Xuemei will be able to calmly talk with Master. I think about some things, there is no need to value it, but to look a little bit more. After all, a person’s life is decades of time. Don’t give yourself Leave regrets!" Li Xing looked at Aunt Xuemei seriously, said these words softly, and greeted Yuan Rong, Yuan Yu and Yuan Dong to enter the villa. The space was completely left to Tian Yuan and Xuemei.

"Hey, I don't know what story happened between Master and Aunt Xuemei before?" Yuan Yu said gossiping.

"Who knows about this, see if Master will tell us. However, I think Aunt Xuemei is a trustworthy person, and Axing won, so Aunt Xuemei can do it by following the agreement!" Yuan Rong slightly said Said thinking.

"It seems that there is another existence like Aunt Xuemei." Yuan Dong said suddenly!

"Love triangle?" Li Xing was startled, and everyone looked at Yuandong like Li Xing.

"I just learned some information accidentally. I don't know the details!" Yuan Dong said hurriedly when facing the terrifying eyes of the three Li Xing.

However, it is clear that Li Xing will never let Yuandong go. But, no matter how cross-examined, Yuandong couldn't tell a reason, so the three of them gave up. However, my heart is more curious.

Li Xing didn't know what Tianyuan and Aunt Xuemei had talked about that day. Because Tian Yuan and Xuemei left the villa. It didn't appear in front of everyone at all.

At first everyone was worried for a while. However, there is nothing to worry about after thinking about it, maybe because the two were embarrassed to talk about something in front of a group of juniors and chose another place.

Then everyone got busy.

With the help of Yuan Yu and Yuan Dong, Yuan Rong really began to transfer the people selected for Japan to the blood wolf base, and, with my instructions, contacted Zhang Cheng. Let Zhang Cheng's development truly establish a connection with the blood wolf base. Li Xing believes that when all these are completed, he will have his own power.

And Li Xing came to Xingyi Technology. Also accompanied by Lin Yuru, Gu Tianxue, Bai Xin and Yang Lan. The three true backbone forces of Xingyi Technology, Shen Jianglong, Chuchuan and Su Yu, were gathered together.

"This time, we will gather the three of you here. Hehe, all the top executives of the group are here. Just to talk about the upcoming international environmental issues symposium. I believe the three of you already know? This opportunity is for us, It is very important. It can also be said that it is a publicity opportunity created by the government mutation. Whether we can use the opportunity to promote our Xingyi Technology, this is a key. Moreover, on this, we will announce the launch and listing of large processors I believe it’s better than holding a separate press conference. I don’t know what Jiang Long thinks of the three of you?" Li Xing said with a smile on his face.

The international environmental symposium held and organized by Tang Long has invited people from hundreds of countries and regions. There were even some big groups present. It has now been determined that Russia, the United States, and the United Kingdom will all participate. It seems that Tang Long released the news that Daxing Group Xingyi Technology will also participate. This also allowed Tang Long to seize a good opportunity. If it can be successfully held, there is no doubt that Tang Long's prestige in the political arena will be significantly enhanced.

Of course, this is Tang Long taking advantage of the trend of Xingyi Technology. On the other hand, this is also a good opportunity for Xingyi Technology to take the opportunity to publicize. Therefore, Li Xing attaches great importance to this point. Although Xingyi Technology has now discussed the markets of several countries, it is now discussing nearly ten countries. But in any case, it is not a complete opening of the national market. So, under this circumstance, unexpectedly come up with a surprise, and completely open the market.

"Chairman, to be honest, look now, our propaganda ability can't be compared with that of the chairman. What kind of publicity is there such an arrangement as a chairman? This is basically directly facing the country we want to cooperate with. This is much more effective than my propaganda!" Chu Chuan said with a smile.

"Hehe, you can't look at it that way. The chairman's propaganda is the high-level line, and your propaganda is the people's line. The requirements of the people are reflected to the high-level, sometimes more effective than directly affecting the high-level." Lin Yuru laughed Hehe said.

"That's how it is said, but this opportunity is great!" Su Yu said.

"I just understand that it's just a great opportunity. So, we must seize this opportunity well. So, the three of you must prepare well. Sister Yuru and I will accompany the three of you to Beijing. But , It’s the three of you who really participated in the conference. We are just your backing. How to promote, how to arrange, etc., you consider yourself. There will be no problems, right?" Li Xing said with a smile.

"No, with this opportunity, we will definitely be able to completely open the international market." Shen Jianglong said with a smile. In fact, with the news of the advent of large processors, reasonable arrangements can achieve the goal of completely opening up the market. What's more, this great opportunity now? After all, the advent of large processors, combined with car exhaust processors, is a complete solution to atmospheric environmental problems. No country can slack in this regard. Once you slack off, you will face a crazy counterattack from the people of your country. After all, everyone now pays extremely high attention to the environmental issues they live in!

"Actually, this is the best opportunity for us to cooperate with the top management. As long as we seize this opportunity, I believe that our future road of Xingyi Technology will be even smoother. I will not say more, you three Heart!" Li Xing looked at Shen Jianglong, Chu Chuan and Su Yu in a deep voice.

I have to take Lin Yuru to Beijing. Li Xing also thought that if the group's senior executives really wanted to come forward, Lin Yuru would be fine. As for myself, I use it entirely for communication with the government. Although basically everything was discussed with the second uncle Tang Long. But the work on the surface is still to be done. After all, you can't leave others with any handle, isn't it?

As for the group, there are Gu Tianxue, Bai Xin and Yang Lan, and nothing will happen.

Let Shen Jianglong three have a preparation. Li Xing took the things prepared by Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue and drove directly to the military area. Today is Cao Zhan's wife and grandma Li Xinggan's birthday. Li Xing has promised to do grandpa, so he has to go if he says anything.

Coming to the military area, Cao Zhan's adjutant was already waiting for Li Xing. Therefore, Li Xing entered the military area compound smoothly. Otherwise, it is really not that easy and simple to enter this military area compound.

Originally, Li Xing wanted to bring Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue. But neither of them can escape. In fact, Li Xing is also guilty and cannot give them status, but he can still do it in some occasions. However, it is clear that Lin Yuru and Gu Tianxue thought a little further. Say nothing to agree.

Li Xing no longer insisted, but he had the most profound intuitive understanding of the understanding of his women.

Arrived at Cao Zhan's compound. Many people have already arrived. However, military uniforms accounted for the vast majority, and Li Xing also saw many acquaintances. Now Li Xing is familiar with the senior officials of the Jicheng Military Region. I saw it all here. Of course, Chen Hui and second aunt Tang Rou are indispensable.

Here really is the shining star. Lieutenant generals, major generals, brigadier generals, colonels, etc., there are not many colonels.

"Xiaoxing is here!" Cao Zhan said with a smile when he saw Li Xing.

"Grandpa, Grandma, I don’t dare not come. Grandma, I wish you today, every year and age, good health, and longevity. This is a plant I occasionally get with a history of 500 years. The ginseng. I believe it will definitely help Grandma and your body.” Li Xing said to Grandma Cao with a smile.

"Okay, okay! Haha, but, Xiaoxing, my old lady can only see you on her birthday, are you too busy?" Grandma Cao said with a smile while looking at Li Xing.

Li Xing smiled serenely, touched the back of his head and said, "I will accompany Grandma Cao a lot in the future."

"Xiao Xing... This ginseng is too expensive!" Cao Zhan took the box in Li Xing's hand and said solemnly.

This ginseng is really more than five hundred years old. This is a rare treasure in a different space. Of course, Li Xing deliberately experimented with the increase in the number of years of talents. There is another plant in the different space that is a thousand years old. However, although this strain is only five hundred years old, you should know that ginseng is cultivated artificially. How can there be any concept of year not year? Even if it is natural, it is not easy to find a plant that has been decades old. These five hundred years of ginseng are really unbelievable.

"Grandpa, are you worried that this ginseng is fake? Haha, no more, no less. It happens to be grown for five hundred years. There are reasonable ways to use it. This is for grandma's body. What is precious and not precious. Grandpa Cao here Don't you think of me as your family member?" Li Xing said with a smile.

The generals around, Li Xing said it was 500 years old ginseng, but they didn't believe it. However, seeing what Li Xing said so seriously, I couldn't help but believe it a little bit. It's just that the eyes are staring at the box. Five hundred years of ginseng, this is a legend. Is it really impossible?

Cao Zhan laughed and slowly opened the box as if he knew what everyone was thinking. . .

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