Carry a Different Space with You

Chapter 497: Competition [seeking flowers! 】

At this time, Tian Yuan's expression was also very exciting. Compared to Aunt Xuemei, Tian Yuan had known that there would be this meeting. However, Tian Yuan's expression was still very surprised, seemingly a little bit excited.

Li Xing made a long-agreed gesture. Then Yuan Rong, Yuan Yu, Yuan Dong, and Ren Xiaoqiu all followed Li Xing into the car. Only Tian Yuan and Aunt Xuemei stood and watched each other.

"Why don't they talk?" Ren Xiaoqiu looked at the situation outside through the car window, pouting her mouth very puzzled.

"You don't understand this. Masters are now making eye contact. This kind of communication is more effective and direct than speaking!" Li Xing said with a slight smile.

"Unexpectedly, Master still has such a story. Be sure to ask carefully in the future!" Yuan Yu said with a smile, looking very curious.

Li Xing understands Yuan Yu's devilishness. In addition to dealing with Li Xingshang, Yuan Yu dare not do anything because of the agreement, no matter who it is, Yuan Yu dares to make fun of others. However, it stands to reason that Yuan Yu's personality is very different from Ren Xiaoqiu's. However, how come the relationship between Yuan Yu and Ren Xiaoqiu is very good now?

"You... Are you okay?" Tian Yuan finally spoke, moving slowly, approaching Xuemei.

"You arranged this?" Xuemei's voice was very pleasant, but the coldness in it undermined the beauty.

"No, I didn't arrange it, I knew a little bit in advance, it was the children..." Tian Yuan said quickly.

Then, the expression on his face changed, and he said with a wry smile: "After so many years, do you still hate me?"

"Hate you? Why should I hate you? You and... aren't you very good with that person? Isn't it a good thing that I'm caught in the middle?" Xuemei said coldly. It's just that I can still see it, I still care a little bit.

"Speaking of this, you are still excited, which means you haven't forgotten. You still have something to me... In fact, after you left, she also left. She never appeared again. She didn't contact me. I didn’t have a choice, but you gave me a choice. Let me choose to be alone! Sometimes I wonder, why is this? It’s been forty years. We are all at this age. What happened when we were young, Can't you let it go?" Tian Yuan said in a deep voice. There was an indescribable depression in his tone.

"She... She also left?" Xuemei said with a change of tone.

"Gone." Tian Yuan said softly.

Xuemei was silent for a while.

"I didn't expect your apprentice and my apprentice to get to where they are today." Tian Yuan looked at the atmosphere too silent. Speak.

"Huh... I'm looking at your apprentice. I heard that he has a lot of women? How can this work? What if you bully Xiaoqiu?" Xuemei said coldly.

"Hey... You come to Jicheng, I know why you are here. But Xuemei, forty years, haven't you seen through this matter? As long as each other is affectionate, why care if you are the only one What? Our pain, do you want to repeat it on the disciples?" Tian Yuan said helplessly.

"Huh... don't care about this." Xuemei glanced at Tian Yuan and walked to the car.

"Master! You and..." Ren Xiaoqiu watched Xuemei walk over and ran over quickly, only to see that the expression on Xuemei's face was very unsightly, and the words later stopped abruptly.

"Xiao Qiu, who is Li Xing?" Xuemei asked in a deep voice.

"Master, what's the matter?" Ren Xiaoqiu looked at his master pitifully and said. The situation seemed completely different from what she had expected.

"It's nothing, I just want to see Li Xing!" Xuemei said with a slight smile. She was serious and gloomy just now, and now she is smiling, all because of Ren Xiaoqiu's pitiful expression. It can be seen that Xuemei's affection for Ren Xiaoqiu is not even the least.

"Axing, Axing, my master wants to see you!" Ren Xiaoqiu quickly dragged Li Xing off.

"Master, this is Li Xing. Ah Xing, this is my master. You are not called Master yet?" Ren Xiaoqiu said happily while pulling Li Xing's clothes.

"Hi Master!" Li Xing said in a voice.

"I'm not your master!" Xuemei said coldly, and the smile on her face immediately disappeared.

Li Xing was wondering, could he not offend Aunt Xuemei?

"Master!" Ren Xiaoqiu shook Xuemei's arm. Obviously, Ren Xiaoqiu was very dissatisfied with his master's attitude towards Li Xing.

"Xiao Qiu, don't say anything. You are a trainer, are you?" Xuemei glanced at Li Xing and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Li Xing answered honestly. Without knowing how to offend Aunt Xuemei, Li Xing chose to cooperate wisely.

"Victory against me, I agree with you and Xiao Qiu. If you fail, to be with Xiao Qiu, you must give up other women!" Xuemei said coldly.

Li Xing was taken aback, but he didn't expect Aunt Xuemei to say such a thing.

"There is nothing wrong with discussing with Aunt Xuemei. But regardless of victory or defeat, I will never give up Xiaoqiu and my woman. Because they all love me so much. I can't make them sad." Li Xing proudly Said. In this regard, there is no possibility of compromise.

"Huh... Then don't be with Xiao Qiu!" Xuemei said coldly.

"Master!" Ren Xiaoqiu quit.

"Shut up." Xuemei said, looking at Ren Xiaoqiu severely.

Ren Xiaoqiu's eyes turned red immediately. Obviously, she had never expected Xuemei to talk to her like this.

Seeing Ren Xiaoqiu's expression, Aunt Xuemei's expression immediately eased, and she said softly: "Xiao Qiu, you are still young and don't understand this. Master is all for your own good."

"Aunt Xuemei, don't say anything, I agree with you. However, I have one condition!" Seeing Aunt Xuemei's performance, Li Xing said in a deep voice. in fact. . . There is really no difficulty for Li Xing to defeat Aunt Xuemei, but Li Xing doesn't want to use his woman as a bet, even if he will definitely win! However, it now seems that this has to be the case.

"Conditions? What conditions?" Xuemei looked at Li Xing and asked.

"Regardless of any misunderstandings between you and my master before, I hope you will clear up your previous suspicions!" Li Xing said unhurriedly.

"You don't need to worry about this matter!" Xuemei said flatly.

"I'm sorry, I don't need you to care about Xiaoqiu's things either. Or... Aunt Xuemei doesn't have any confidence in herself at all?" Li Xing said in a deep voice.

Xuemei Fengyan Ma Shan stared at Li Xing. The atmosphere immediately became very tense.

Ren Xiaoqiu looked at his master and then at Li Xing, with an anxious look on his face. Ren Xiaoqiu never thought that things would develop to this level.

"You are very good. At this age, you can be proud of the results you are now. It's just that you have chosen the wrong object now. Understand?" Xuemei said in a deep voice.

"I know, but since Aunt Xuemei, you didn't give me a choice at all. Then, since I am destined to face it, why can't I add a condition to myself so that I can fight harder?" Li Xingshen Said loudly. Now Li Xing is grateful that Ren Xiaoqiu did not tell her Master about Li Xing's situation. Otherwise, why wouldn't Aunt Xuemei make such a request?

"Huh... Then I'll try what you are capable of!" Aunt Xuemei said in a deep voice.

"Good!" Li Xing was also very simple. Li Xing was not afraid of Aunt Xuemei's repentance. Like Tianyuan, Xuemei would easily not change anything that Xuemei promised.

Li Xing quietly made a face to Ren Xiaoqiu. Ren Xiaoqiu's worried face immediately returned to calm.

Ren Xiaoqiu was also anxious. Thinking of Li Xing’s magic, what is Ren Xiaoqiu worried about? On the contrary, I am looking forward to it.

As for Tian Yuan, Yuan Rong, Yuan Yu and Yuan Dong. He knew Li Xing's strength too well. So, I didn't worry about anything. Even when Li Xing just rejected this proposal, Yuan Rong, Yuan Yu and Yuan Dong were all anxious. Fortunately, it's still so set now. The three of them were completely relieved.

Xuemei is a little confused now, Li Xing's performance is a bit abnormal. Even with Yuan Rong, Yuan Yu, Yuan Dong, his apprentice Ren Xiaoqiu, and Tian Yuan are all a little abnormal. like. . . It seems to have great confidence in Li Xing. Xuemei knew that Li Xing was a genius in business and also a genius in training Qi. But, no matter how genius is, age is here, right? How strong can it be? Moreover, Xuemei had also sensed Li Xing's'qi' just now, and she was indeed very strong among her peers. However, compared with Xuemei, it was still much worse. Xuemei didn't believe that Li Xing could beat herself.

just. . . Xuemei is a little confused now. Do you really want to separate him and Xiao Qiu abruptly?

Xuemei thought of a conversation with Elder Ren when she came. Elder Ren seemed to understand what Xuemei was going to do in Jicheng. She vaguely pointed out Xiao Qiu's affairs and let her decide for herself. This made Xuemei very hard to understand. With such a high status, how could he have such an idea? Don’t you seem to be wronged by your granddaughter? Although Xiaoqiu and Li Xing did change a lot together. However, this is not a reason to sacrifice Xiao Qiu's happiness in the future!

"Go ahead, let me see your strength!" Xuemei said coldly in the open space outside the villa.

"As long as I defeat Aunt Xuemei, Aunt Xuemei will no longer oppose me being with Xiao Qiu, right? In addition, I can completely dispel the previous suspicions with my master, right?" Li Xing confirmed and said it again. The purpose is to let everyone know this time again.

"Yes!" Xuemei frowned and said, Xuemei felt a little bad, as if Li Xing was really confident. But then Xuemei thought about Li Xing's situation. I thought that maybe it was too smooth, which made Li Xing become arrogant.

"Well, Aunt Xuemei, you are offended!" Li Xing said with a smile. Then the whole body's'qi' was completely mobilized. One step, the palm of his hand turned into a knife, and he slashed towards Xuemei.

However, Tian Yuan, Yuan Rong, Yuan Yu, Yuan Dong, and Ren Xiaoqiu all frowned. How did Li Xing use his anger completely? Don't you know that it is impossible to defeat Xuemei by relying on this alone?

There was no expression on Xuemei’s face, and she didn’t even look at Li Xing’s hand with the knife. When she stepped and shook her figure, she came to Li Xing’s side, with a single finger, which happened to be on Li Xing’s palm. . Then I saw Li Xing keep backing, his face was a little pale. And Xuemei stood without any influence at all.

Li Xing feels very uncomfortable now. Qi and blood surged throughout the body, and the ‘qi’ in the body was a bit disordered!

Li Xing didn't use the field of different space, just want to see how big the gap between him and Xuemei was. It's just that Li Xing never expected that the gap would be so big. Just one finger hurt Li Xing.

Li Xing sighed. It seemed that Xuemei was even more powerful than Tian Yuan. No wonder Ren Xiaoqiu, an apprentice who was better than Yuan Yu and Yuan Dong, came.

"The strength is very good, but..." Xuemei's words are very plain, but the meaning inside is very obvious.

"Okay! Aunt Xuemei, let you see my real strength!" Li Xing said with a slight smile. This is a competition that must be won. Li Xing no longer has any experimental mood.

Xuemei still looked at Li Xing indifferently, as if she was very dissatisfied with Li Xing's next actions.

Li Xing slightly raised his palm. In fact, such an action is completely unnecessary. In the middle, the realm of different dimensions had completely enveloped Xuemei.

Then, in the change of Xuemei's expression, the ability of the different space domain was once again shown.

Xuemei's originally relaxed expression suddenly changed color under the sudden pressure around her. Then, a powerful energy burst into Xuemei's body. Confronting the power that suddenly appeared around.

However, something that made Xuemei shocked appeared. No matter how much Xuemei raised the Qi in her body, the pressure around her did not decrease a little bit, but kept increasing. Moreover, what is even more weird is that the increase in this power is no more or less, and it is completely equal to the energy that Xuemei has increased. There was no difference, and Xuemei had no possibility of moving.

And now Li Xing's heart is full of surprise. There is no doubt that the different space domain can confine Aunt Xuemei. However, this consumes more space points than Tianyuan. Li Xing now fully believes that Xuemei is a stronger existence than Tianyuan. like. . . Tian Yuan was not Xuemei's opponent at all.

Of course, no matter how powerful it is, it still hasn't surpassed the range that a different space domain can bear. So, now Aunt Xuemei has been successfully imprisoned!

※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※※Please support me with flowers!

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