Build Madness

Chapter 407: Horton's Call

The collapse of Longtian Technology did not affect the satellite project. After all, Ice Bear knew the person behind Lao Wang.

However, Ice Bear didn't know the truth about the 69 storm. He only thought that the mysterious rich man from China encountered some troubles in the process of investing in graphene, so he called several times to ask if he needed a loan.

Logically speaking, brother Xiong has no money in his pocket these days, otherwise he wouldn't sell a lot of weapons.

But brother Xiong gave third brother an aircraft carrier for free some time ago, in exchange for 1 billion Franklin modification fees, and it is estimated that there will be another maintenance fee in the future...

After getting the funds, Brother Xiong didn't bother to save the ruble. Since Huaxia Rich didn't take out loans, it happened that graphene concept stocks were good at that time.

So, Stud!


There is no more.

Everyone is at a loss, and Brother Xiong is worried that the rich people in China will withdraw their capital. The first phase of the satellite, which was originally scheduled to be launched in early August, began a simulation exercise as early as July.

But Siberia also has summer, with two consecutive weeks of storms, lightning and thunder, until today, August 3, the weather cleared up.

Ge Xiaotian was not worried about the success of the launch.

With insurance, it’s a big deal to come a few more times. As long as the insurance company doesn’t go bankrupt, we can keep shooting.

Talk to Xu Ling, and then ask the ground monitoring station in charge of Nine, basically nothing happened.

Three days later, it will be a new era!

Ge Xiaotian stood up with emotion, rubbed his sore eyes, and suddenly found that everything he saw was blurry, and there was a bit of double vision. Thinking of staring at the computer screen for two consecutive months, a bad thought came to his mind, I can't be short-sighted right?

You're tired of your eyes. Take a few needles and you'll be able to recover after rest. Daoyi took out a few hair-like silver needles six to seven centimeters long from his waist.

Where is it?

Face, Chengqi point, Jingming point, Fengchi point, Yiming point, Sibai point...

Such a long needle, isn't it going to get into the brain?

Feeling unreliable, Ge Xiaotian picked up his exclusive thermos, turned around and walked out of the computer room, overlooking Daqingshan, and doing eye exercises.

After tinkering for a long time, nothing improved.

Forget it, I'll go back to Xiaoqingshan, and I won't be here in the next two days. You guys should complete the elf chaos as soon as possible. After the satellite debugging is completed, we will start the Dongshan Fifteen Cities plan.


Remember to equip my young dragon with transport planes, tanks, tower cranes, bulldozers...


What look? It's as if I don't have it in reality! Ge Xiaotian complained, and took out the buzzing card.

North American Holden.

Tianwei has sent it for several months, and the trial and experience effect is good. It is time to raise the price.

Old Dun, how are you doing?

Mr. Ge, two days ago you asked me to find a star to assist in the role of Crazy Graphene, I...

It doesn't matter if you don't find it, it's just that the overall level of our Huaxia salary has increased recently, and it's not easy for those men to make a living overseas...

No, Mr. Ge, our business is expanding very fast, covering almost the upper class. After communication, I found a few for you, including Schwarzenegger who filmed Terminator, Stallone who filmed One Drop of Blood, and Freeman who played Shawshank... …If you are not satisfied with film and television stars, there are also singers, Kelly, Shania, Marilyn, and boxing stars Ali, Tyson, or basketball superstar Jordan...

Hearing this, Ge Xiaotian stopped walking, feeling that he had made a mistake.

Ask Shuai Bo, does he want to be a star or a general manager?

In the same way, Horton himself is a big capitalist, belonging to the upper class, who can afford black boxing, hire Tianwei, and even serve as a member of parliament and participate in elections.

Is it a matter for him to find a few stars?

Mr. Ge? If you are not satisfied, I can persuade Xiaobu to participate in the election, who may become the general manager...

Ge Xiaotian bared his teeth, No need, that's all.

Okay, I'll tell them to fly directly to Shanghai, and you arrange someone to pick it up. After Horton finished speaking, his tone changed, Mr. Ge, do we need to invest in this movie?


Ge Xiaotian thought about it, the ancient war is very popular in North America, almost a hit, logically speaking, it is really not too much to search for 300 million Franklin.

The reason for this is because only Tiancheng and the movie theaters ate the cake, and the agents of Legend of the Dragon from North America didn't have time to join.

If there are locals involved...

In other words, there are big capitalists helping to operate...

Why? Old Dun, you plan to play two too?

Hehe, Mr. Ge, it's not just me, there are a few of our clients too!


Ge Xiaotian walked to the side of the road under the shade of a tree, squatted down to light a cigarette, Lao Dun, you have seen my training camp (technical secondary school), you should know that I am relatively good at playing! In addition, I have a branch in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Fleet, there is a city in Amur, and you can get a lot of big guys... We can only play together because of our temper, other, what kind of customers...

I understand, I understand, the stall is too small to be popular!

Hey, that's what I said in my heart, so I'll just say it, let's lose our temper.

Mr. Ge, these clients have farms and are involved in finance. In Chinese, they have rich families!

To be more specific, do you have more than ten assets?

Sure, there are two more banks!

That's it!

I don't know how much we can vote for?

Ge Xiaotian really wanted to drag Holden, as well as clients, to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and take out a pen and paper to talk about the investment share on his own fleet, but this is obviously a bit unrealistic.

Old Dun, you should know the general plot of Crazy Graphene, right?

It must be clear, otherwise I...or those customers would not ask me to help you contact you.

But you probably don't know the specific process inside, such as how graphene was discovered, how Lao Wang started his business, and the rise and fall of Longtian Technology.


I'll give Old Wang a 100 million participation fee.

I heard about it.

The script cost 200 million yuan.

... There was a pause for a few seconds, Ninety-nine percent restore reality, and it involves many technological factors, worth it!

In addition, in order to make this film a high standard, I spent two billion on a lithography machine.

So expensive?

Don't you think about it, what is the price of a mobile phone now?

Oh! Yes, the product price has doubled several times.

In addition to lithography machines, there are also etching machines... and the employment of related technical personnel. Their salaries are more expensive than stars! much shall we vote?

Don't worry, let me give you a rough idea first. Our family's stars can't help but give money, right? For example, Tang Sen who punched Johnson with a punch, that is, Shi Wansui in Ancient Wars. For example, Shuai Bo in the crazy box, There is also Bao Qiang from the Thai girl, and the legendary image spokesperson Tong Ying...

Are you throwing in 300 million Franklin?

Yeah, so, I play a lot! And, let's also count the renting of the flying saucer gymnasium, the shooting of various areas, the production of special effects in post-production, especially, the arrangement of martial arts masters to play ninjas.


Forget it, you can't afford it.

No, Mr. Ge, how much do we plan to make from this movie?

The storm of 69 swept across the world. How many people have been affected by its history and consequences? How many people in the world still don't know about it?


Yeah, taking advantage of the popularity, let's quickly release a movie and hold back.

I understand!

How about this, you guys try the waters first, you don't need to spend too much money, 5 million Franklins per person, counting the theaters, each has 1% of the North American box office commission, I will make up for the loss, and everyone is happy if they make it, right as a meeting gift.

According to what you mean, there is another one?

Zheng He's voyage to the West, the scene is magnificent, IMAX effect, by the way, that aircraft carrier will also participate in the performance, and now the part about it has been filmed, and it is being refitted nervously, do you still want it?

This... I want it, but the procedures are not complete.

Forget it, I have a few big clients rushing to ask for it, so I won't keep it for you!

Rushing for it?

Well, you can't touch this level at the moment.

Holden: ...

I heard that you plan to have two thousand elite Tianwei?

Yes, Mr. Ge, I wonder if you can provide it?

No problem! Ge Xiaotian didn't talk about the salary issue anymore, there will be opportunities in the future, let the other party completely rely on Tianwei first.

Then the two chatted for a long time about Tianwei International's overseas business, and ended the call.

The storm of 69 swept across the world and affected the lives of billions of people. As long as Crazy Graphene is not made into a bad drama, the box office will definitely explode, and the whole world will add up to guarantee a billion Franklin.

And 5 million is sold for 1% of the North American box office, and the participants are guaranteed to make a profit.

As the saying goes, if you want to cheat someone, you have to let the other party enjoy the sweetness...

The next one is still sweet, and the next's hard to say.


They invest, we take pictures casually, and everyone loses together.

Invest money?

Distributed to actors and filming crews for publicity!

After thinking for a long time, Ge Xiaotian wrote down his little plan to make money overseas, got up and rubbed his eyes, feeling that he might be really nearsighted instead of visual fatigue.

Picking up the one-card that had just been put in his pocket, he contacted the glasses manufacturer who had asked him to advertise in the capital, and they said there was a branch in Xiaoqingshan.

When you come to the ancient city, you can hear the hustle and bustle inside, just like facing the real version of Beech City.

The gate is guarded with swords, the city wall is full of archers, surrounded by many horses, chariots, and trebuchets...


Ge Xiaotian couldn't remember exactly what activities he had arranged for Legend of the Dragon in August, but judging from the situation, it was a bit like preparing for a battle against the sand in September.

Most of the tourists inside are young men and women, and occasionally there are a few middle-aged people in their forties or fifties.

The headquarters of Tiancheng Internet Cafe is located here. It has more than 5,000 computers dedicated to playing legends, and various promotional activities are carried out according to the total game time. Off-season, these should be players.


All kinds of employees who stayed behind in Xiaoqingshan went online...

Games need someone to play with them in order to form a 'cultural circle'.

As of now, this legend is no longer the other legend, it belongs to the complex of future games, in addition to the original gameplay, it also adds systems such as fishing, dungeon, level break, medicine refining, and homeland.

Under the correct guidance of tens of thousands of employees after get off work, players on each server have learned to make graphic guides, graphic plots, core stories, etc.

Such as the process of roasting pigs, leveling strategies, slot formulas...

For example, the stories that the blacksmith and the butcher have to tell, the anecdote about the owner of Beech, the identity guessing of the NPC in the hidden corner of a certain map...

For example, the love and hatred between a certain player and a certain player, or between a certain union and a certain union...

For example, the production list of home items, the metaphysics of fishing and praying for blessings...

Like so many novels...

Here, there are heroes who have something to do, and there are hermits who wear top-quality equipment and hide in a corner to fish, and there are little fairies who avoid the disputes in the Taoyuan Xianju and build a garden. Qiu leads thousands of troops to slash and kill a hero, and even a gangster who everyone shouts to kill...

Stimulated by the 40 million rewards for each server, and influenced by Brother Long's martial arts novels, even people who are dismissive of games now join this virtual world.

And anyone who enters the game, seems to have never left from the moment he picked up the wooden sword and put on the novice outfit...

Ge Xiaotian strolled around the ancient city, looked at the flowers, and after admiring the above information displayed on the wall, he only felt the strong legendary culture rushing towards his face, feeling deeply moved, and once again found the desire to cut legends.

Excitedly ran into the Tianyu film and television base that hadn't been moved yet, started a machine, logged in for a long time and hadn't played, still kept the Ge Erdan character of the top-quality light helmet and war horse, entered the GM authority, and changed into a top-quality suit.

But, here comes the question, I'm so awesome, who should I kill?

After tinkering around and preparing the sun water, Ge Xiaotian suddenly felt dull again before walking out of Xinshou Village...

Log out, log off and shut down...

Walk out of the hall and sip a bottle of Coke.


Coca Cola?

Hey? Where's Lao Gao? Ge Xiaotian walked to the front desk, and was surprised to find that the other person looked familiar, and seemed to be some future female star.

Back to the boss, Mr. Gao and Mr. Bo went to the Canal Development Zone to shoot crazy graphene.

Oh! What's your name?

Ma Xiaoli.

'I don't have much impression', Ge Xiaotian muttered to himself, Go back and find a movie to try out, don't always think about being the front desk.

Good boss!

Since Tianyu has leapt to China's first-class film and television company, and its contracted artists have exceeded double digits, Ge Xiaotian didn't take this matter to heart, but focused on the Coke in his hand.

As the saying goes, people's tastes change with the age.

Coming from another time and space, taste and memory are mixed, Ge Xiaotian is completely unaccustomed to drinking Coke in this era, not the brand, but everything, so he didn't urge the planning department to acquire the Coke company.

But now the other party is spreading the goods to their own property, which is a bit unreasonable.

Ge Xiaotian took a sip and tasted it, it was a bit like drinking Jizhi syrup, it was very sweet, and almost all of them were replaced with sugar-free series in another time and space.

Therefore, the delicious recipes are not as mysterious as those uploaded on the Internet. At most, they are more professional, and they cannot be called priceless.

The important thing is the brand, it is the culture, and it leads to the same goal as its own legend.

Sitting at the front desk, Ge Xiaotian took another sip of Coke, Xiaoli, do you like this?

I don't like drinking... Ma Xiaoli shook her head.

Another receptionist nodded, I like to drink.

Oh, then do you know what kind of Coke is available in the market?

Very, Fenhuang, it is said that Fenhuang spent more than 100 million on advertising last year.

So ruthless? Ge Xiaotian walked to the drink cabinet, brushed a bottle of each, and tasted one by one, Which one do you think is better?

It's all okay, it feels delicious and slightly better, with a unique taste.

Ma Xiaoli, who has been talking for herself, thought about it carefully, Boss, I don't drink much now, but when I was a child... oh, I'm from Shanghai.


When I was young, I felt that Coke was delicious.

It's been so long, I probably can't keep up with the times. Ge Xiaotian looked at the three brands again, pushed Keke, and counted out of the remaining two bottles, Little rooster flutters, it's either it comes or it is it! ’, took out his mobile phone, and called the planning department, Turn one billion yuan, take a stake in Hawawa, put the advertisement on Huaxia TV this year, and do a marketing advertisement for water fetching from the Snowy Mountains in Siberia.

There was a moment of silence over there, Boss, shares are something that we don't just want to get into!


We contacted each other, and we didn't sell it.

Sorry, I'm late, let's update 4000+, try to make up for the day before yesterday and today tomorrow.

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