"Almost." Huo nodded, did not deny this.

The elite player suddenly was somewhat unhappy: "Do you doubt our ability?"

"No, I believe in your ability, but this person follows me from China. It is my private bodyguard, you can also make friends. If you feel uncomfortable, wait for the matter, you can find him a game I think he must fight with you very much. "Huo.

The elite player snorted and said: "I will find your teeth!"

His tone is very powerful, but unfortunately, full face and dirty clothes make him look very much.

The two are deliberately using such a conversation to improve the current nervous atmosphere, otherwise they are too nervous, they may make people mistaken.

At this time, the enemy is already very close to them. The nearest person has come to a place where it is less than ten meters.

Although I didn't see the enemy's look, I passed the footsteps, the elite team has judged the position of the other party.

He didn't speak, he only made a fierce movement, and screamed to protect himself.

At the same time, he quickly appeared, shot out, the enemy's eyebrows.

While the enemy fell, a bullet hit the ground next to the elite. It's so fast that he retracted, it was not hit.

The ground splashed on the ground, wiped the flesh on the arm, and the elite team retracted back, and Huo said: "The boss, you are not laughing at all, the sniper is still alive."

Huo shrugged on the ground, said: "I didn't joking, I just said that he was dead, and he didn't say that he was dead."

The elite team did not refute. After the footsteps once again judged an enemy position, he shidder again.

But this time, his luck is not very good. I have already paid attention to this side of the enemy, and a bliss bullet is swept away.

Although that the enemy was knocked by him, he also hurt because of his own.

A bullet runs through his shoulders, and a bullet wipes from his eyebrows. The tail of the eyebrow bone, cracking, blood horizontal flow.

The elite player quickly changed his hand, and it did not speak: "Boss, do you have not taking a risk to grab a car?"

Huo is not talking, he is also considering this option, but after a second, Huo has made a decision.

His handles and elites are too much.

Even the elite players were hit, and they ran out, I am afraid I will be formed immediately.

Of course, the enemy will not really kill him, maybe only interrupt the limbs and leave a life. But this ending is not what I want.

He hopes that he can get healthy and healthy, and return to the country, not to become a disabled.

The current situation is too dangerous. The only hope is Tang Shiming to solve the enemy in time, then cooperate with elite members, bring him out of the package.

"You try again." Huo suddenly suddenly.

The elite player nodded slightly, did not ask him why, immediately explored an arm and quickly opened a few shots.

I can't hear some people's pain, it should be hitted, and a large number of bullets play on the burning car body.

I originally hot steel car body, now the people of people are awkward.

The elite player retracts back, looks at Huo, waiting for his next step.

Huo waited for a while, then asked: "Do you think that these two attacks have a sniper gun?"

"No." The elite team did not hesitate to answer the way. He had a very different understanding of the firearms, the bullets of the sniper, and the bullets of the ordinary firearms were very different, and it was easy to distinguish.

After answering this question, the elite team immediately understood the meaning of Huo, and his eyes were bright: "Your good friend and private bodyguard have solved the sniper?"

"I guess it should be, if he is not stupid." Huo is too much.

The elite player smiled, picking out a chewing gum in the pocket, chewing, then throwing out.

At the same time, his whole person quickly rolled back on the ground. After got up, he didn't look out, just hit it on the empty chewing gum.

It is a chewing gum, which is actually a special micro bomb.

After being hit by the bullet, the bombard sound, the bomb was blown, and the nearby enemies were screaming at the same time. Most of the majority were lying on the ground.

Although Huo is not as good as elites, his brain is more faster than the other party.

When I saw the elite player, he quickly climbed out of the car.

At a few seconds, it is enough to judge the best breakout direction.

He immediately bent his body, and when the bomb's smoke did not exhale, a drill into it.

The elite team followed, the two came crazy run to the nearest car.

In the process of running, the elite players have a few guns, while hurting an enemy, I don't dare to play another enemy.

At the same time, the driver on the car also bold guns, blood sprayed on the car glass.

When the two ran to the side of the vehicle, Huo was unfolded to open the door and pulled the driver that had died from the car.

Sit on the driving position, he quickly pulled the gear, launched the car.

Not far away, an enemy suddenly fell to the ground, and a stone got into his back.

This strange attack method is definitely not a elite team.

Huo is always judged by Tang Shiming's position, and the vehicle opened the past.

The elite player combined with shooting in the car, and also saw Tang Shiming in the farmland.

This man from the ancient country is like a poisonous snake, and there are many guns in the farmland. No matter how many guns you have, it is always the rice field behind him.

In this way, the cover of farmland, relying on the absolute speed advantage, Tang Shiming is close to another enemy.

He is very clear that he is the advantage of the enemy.

The advantage of the enemy is that it is difficult to pleasebe yourself for the skilled application of the firearms.

Therefore, after using farmland to offset the enemy's advantages, Tang Shimu chose very old hidden sneak attack.

Stones, knives, sticks, or even mud blocks.

These usually look threaten something is not a big thing. At this moment, it is also a powerful power than the bullet. An enemy is turned over by Tang Shiming.

Moreover, the enemy is not only a opponent in Tang Shiming, and there is an elite player who shoots crazy on the car.

Can join the heat of the elite team, except for the girl, almost all the good hands of playing guns.

Almost closed your eyes, you can hit anything you want to hit.

Although it has been injured, the elite team also has played a three-year strength, and those enemies have to find Tang Shiming, and the bullets of the elite players can be described as the first tail.

When Huo opened the car to the farmland, a group of enemies still stand, there were very few.

Tang Shimu ran out from the farmland, and a arrow jumped from the glass window of the car.

This thrilling movement is very perfect by him, and even the window frame has not been encountered.

The elite team can't help but blow the whistle, rush him with a thumbs up.

Tang Shiming did not pay attention to his praise. One arm was played out. When the car driving the car and the enemy vehicle staggered, a piece of rotten mud is squatting on the other glass.

There was also a stone in the mud, smashed the car glass, and the rotten mud, the glass paste. I am afraid that the enemy is anxious to break the wiper, it is difficult to completely reason.

As for another car, the elite players instantly sounded two tires, suddenly the vehicle skew, there is no ability to pursue.

Huo's unfair directly hit the shutdown vehicle, and go to this long.

The elite players rely on the back of the chair, once again rushed to the thumbs up again, "Buddhism, good!"

Tang Shiming didn't have a effort to communicate with him, only frowning Huo, asked: "How to make this? What is these people?"

"I don't know." Huo shook his head.

"Is it attracted by your change? I read news, don't you say that many people want to find you?" Tang Shiming asked.

"There are many ways to cooperate. The most favorable for them. Naturally, it turns me from a status equal collaborator to the foot stone for their work." Huo drove while driving, while looking at him from the rear view Q: "How, is it afraid?"

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