At the same time, Tang Zhongwei came to the new hope company, and when I met Ning Xueqing, Huo was exported abroad, and it was in the tip of the wind.

The switching surgery is too hot, attracting the attention of countless people.

Some people are willing to cooperate with justified means, but there are still many people who want to take your merits with despicable means.

Wilson's medical institution has found the city where the operating room is located, but they have not immediately difficult, but through some means, I convey a message from Huo.

They already have enough evidence to prove that the behind-the-scenes employers of Wilson medical institutions have been robbed.

But they don't want to have a positive conflict with Huo, no matter how many information you have, take away how many special medicines, this is not a matter.

Now we ask for a resource sharing, all information from Wilson Medical institutions, you can use it. Including our engineers, you can also borrow you at any time.

Similarly, there is also a technique for turning surgery, you have to share with us.

Otherwise, we will take the most severe punitive measures to you.

Don't forget, you first grab the Wilson's medical institution, so we should do it.

Although the speech of Wilson's medical institutions seems to be a bit tough, but they have been moderately gentle relative to some people. There is no direct to grab, it is still a little scruple.

More people, but directly send people to do various means.

What is the corner of medical experts, hackers invades these, are pediatrics.

In the last two days, the elite team has not known how much secretly sneak into the nearby spark.

For these spoons, the elite brigade is not good, and the limbs are thrown out of the city.

All the probes have no return, and finally some people can't stand, and they directly send a lot of the hardships.

But the ancient Chinese soldiers have long expected this scene, and all the security power, allocated all the security power.

Although these security power is not a monomer fighting for the elite team, they are better than enough.

The team of hundreds of people is enough to protect the nearby solid gold soup.

If you want to break through it here, it's not much about, otherwise there are national power as a Wilson's medical institution in the back shield, how can we have to cooperate with new hopes.

How do someone treat you, look at your chips, the top card is hard.

If Huo is unable to have a lot of people, there is no longer who have been eaten.

Even if the elite team is responsible for the difficult bones, there is security force to consolidate the defense circle, but Huo does not feel so safe.

It is really too eye, a hundred and eighty, even thousands of enemies touched, as long as it is ready to prepare in advance, it is not counting.

But you can't hold the car wheel war for people, no matter whether security strength is or elite squad, they are people, they are tired.

When these people are tired, the enemy will swar up, until then, unless the gods are underneath, no one will stop.

Therefore, Huo is always arranged immediately to make dispersion transfer.

The transfer of the transfer is mainly responsible for the team members of the elite team.

The teenage of the code is black, and all the communication facilities nearby, and the satellite does not monitor the situation here. The medical experts, under the cover of some security power, secretly touching makeup into a variety of people left the operating room.

All technical information has been stored in three hard drives.

Huo has brought a piece, and ancient words took a piece, there is a piece, handed over to the elite team.

No matter in any party, it must be destroyed in time when it is difficult to get rid of it, and it is absolutely not allowing technical information in the hands of the enemy.

This seems like a fight, in this case, and there is no difference between and fight.

If you accidentally be cautious, death will always be in place.

Huo's extraordinary makeup has become a beard in the European domain, mixed into the crowd.

Among everyone, only Huo Jiaming is slightly troublesome.

He has not wake up now, according to medical experts, Huo Jiaming's physical function has returned to normal, and there is no normal person.

As for why there is no wake up, it may be unatthase with his brain waves.

The normal human brain waves are sustained, but Huo Jiaming's brain wave is still sustainable, but the stability is not enough. Accurately, his brain wave is much weaker than ordinary people.

Perhaps only the technique that uses VR brain wave to access communication, we can try to wake up him.

However, this thing is not too convenient to do, just want to wake up Hao Ming, but also to move to a safer location.

All things over the operating room were destroyed, and it was guaranteed that someone else did not have any information.

However, Huo is unfamiliar with the enemy's power, in the time of scattering, there are several medical experts or kidnapped, or take the initiative, and lose contact.

This is expected, it is impossible to all people around Huo, and he is not a true god.

There is always some people, willing to sell the future for the benefits in front of you.

But Huo is not worried about the betrayal of these people, regardless of VR technology or reborn technology, it is not a person who can be completed, and what is involved is too much.

Even if someone gathers a hundred medical experts, it is not necessary to copy this miracle, let alone only have a few people lose contact?

Other medical experts are precisely because of this, so they have not left.

Too few people, betrayal new hopes will only bring bad things to themselves, without any benefits.

Most people will stay steadily before they don't have to leave the idea.

Huo's breakout is accompanied by a elite player.

And Tang Shimu sent him a message, indicating that it has already arrived, and it can be supported at any time.

The elite team is a well-protected force, and Tang Shimu is hidden in the dark.

With this Ming Dynasty, the two major guards, Huo's confidence is still very good.

After they left the small city, they opened a shabby pickup, and went to another city.

The pickup pulled a bunch of corn behind and encountered someone to check, said that he was selling corn.

However, Huo is still underestimating the enemy's skills, about one hundred kilometers after leaving the city, they have encountered ambush.

The enemy seems to know that they will be prepared from here, and prepare it in advance.

A mine, flying the skin, flying the skin, when the car fell from the sky, Huo sent a feeling like a hammer.

Even the elite player is very uncomfortable, but professional ability, let him more quickly respond faster than the forever.

After confirming that at least ten enemies, as well as several cars, the elite team first gave Huo's extraordinary pain medicine, said: "Boss, we now the best choice, it is not moving in place When they are approaching, maybe I can find a way to delay them, then you take the opportunity to grab a car. This shot gives you, if you can succeed, there is a chance to escape. "

The meaning of this is very clear that Huo knows that he wants to use his life to give himself a hope.

After shaking the head, Huo pushed him with the gun: "It is not my opponent than to do a business. But the treatment of this dangerous event and the gun method, ten I tied one piece is not yours. Righteousness. Putting professional things, giving them to professional people, you only need to put out some of them, the opportunity we escaped is very big. "

That elite team didn't understand what he meant. And it is certain that they must be ambush in the distance, I can feel it. "

Huo laughed, said: "Then you can feel, is that sniper may die?"

The elite team listened to a slap, the sniper is dead?


After two seconds, he reacted: "The boss, you still found someone else hidden in the dark?"

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