Although Ji Xiangcheng did not think about the level of Huojia, since it is definitely a great look of Huo's ambition, then she is more expected to have a deeper cooperation with this person.

It is best ... Never separate.

As for this, this is not separated, it is for the considering of family interests, or otherwise, only she understands.

Huo's injections have been in the past year and a half. In such a long time, the personal abilities he present, giving Ji Xiangcheng unable to imagine the psychological impact.

So far, Ji Xiangnong has never seen a person like him, regardless of men, young, young, is the same.

In Ji Xiangying, there is no thing that can't be solved, any problem that makes it a headache, put it in his hand, and you can get a proper solution for a few minutes.

This ability is no longer described by the eye or any alone, but a collection of almost all advantages.

Sometimes Ji Xiang is thinking, when you overturn it, a brain hits me, is it the big master of the flower wine? Maybe, that is just his camouflage, in fact, is he a genius?

Regardless, now Ji Xiangcheng is more remanding a once decision, that is, let Ning Xueqing replaces her to marry the illegibility of Li Jia.

If there is no sunny sunny, now every day and his greasies should be yourself, or you don't have to worry about him to leave.

Thinking of this, Ji Xiangying and the ideology, if you can become his wife ...

This idea made her very blushing, and he felt a sense of unpleasant stimulus.

Is there this possible?

Compared with Ning Xueqing, my own appearance does not lose to her, the family and personal ability is stronger than, since it takes advantage of the advantage, what is impossible.

The only reason that she can't do this is that Ning Xueqing has relieved her for many years, no matter what the past is embarrassed, or her heart is grateful, she can't betray her friendship between each other.

Ji Xiangning's complex emotions, Huo's extraordinary did not feel too much, even if sometimes I copened that the other party stared at him, I didn't want to think about other aspects.

Because before, Ji Xiangning is very annoying Li Shuheng.

Huo's extraordinary is a very charming man before, but there is a face, change a body, he will never think so.

First, the body changes, let his thoughts have changed with some changes, and he has now pursuing a phase of the charm of personal male.

The rapid development of the second branch of the Ji family allows Huo to increase the prestige and day by the company. At the same time, the new hopes also ushered in the next stage.

Weight loss series package, from diet pills, until the fatal meal, then to the weight loss equipment, zero-heat beverage, has formed a complete product chain.

Based on this product chain, the company and the express delivery industry, the railway transportation industry, the advertising industry, the fitness industry, and the beauty industry have produced cooperation.

Ning Xueqing is busy every day, a large number of customers flour into the company, seek common interests, she as the general manager of the company, must be filtered one by one.

Because Huo has reminded her that there are two things in the world that changes in changing, and there are two things that will not change.

The two things in changing, one is the interest, the second is the heart.

There are no two things that will change, one is a losing word of mouth, and the second is the chair of the lost.

The money will always earn, but if it is eager to make money, Ignore the word of mouth, it will be wrong. These things are gone, it is difficult to find it.

People have memories, for bad things, memories are particularly profound.

He saw you bad, you are not a good thing in this life.

For this sentence, Ning Xue is clearly recognized, so the screening of partners is extremely strict.

However, in the customer experience, it has been mistaken. The first time is eliminated, and it can be left to continue to talk, it is the leader.

Ning Xueqing always remembers the words that Huo said, selling things, in fact, is selling services, sell trust. Customer trust you, will have your product, can't live up to their trust.

With these companies that jointly pursue customer experience satisfaction, the new hopes of the company's development will naturally become more prosperous.

Nowadays, the old product channel is in order to expand, basically do not need to do something special, naturally someone actively on-seeking cooperation.

Ning Xueqing remembers the third sentence of Huo's extraordinary, that is, there must be a crisis awareness.

When the company needs to change, it is the best time to develop the best.

During this period, the person has a power, the company has sufficient cash flow, if this is not changed, when is it?

Wait until the company walked down the slope, people turmoil, change again? In case failure, it will only be disabled, there is no fault tolerance.

To develop into large companies, the most important thing is not much to make money, but as much as possible for yourself for a long time.

Because you survive enough, those competitors have more opportunities to make mistakes, the number of times, accumulating will make them nature to be naturally eliminated by the times.

Time, it is fear that anyone is afraid.

There are a lot of path to new hopes that the company is currently in the current, and there are two people who are most fascinating.

First, the ideas of several entrepreneurial veterans are disconnected, that is, to create a diet industry chain with lipid meals and zero-calorime beverages. This idea is to suggest B. Branch, and operate as an armor.

Peeling out the industries about the eating branch, making a deeper expansion.

This road is still very good. According to the annual industry growth report, the diet industry is the most stable in recent years. Many industries have risen, either fall, and there is no fixed curve. Only the diet industry, all the way, can't see any decline.

Regardless of the economic and bad, eating will always be in the first place, especially now people pay more attention to health, and the requirements for diet are getting higher and higher.

It is also very potential to build a diet group.

In addition to this idea, there is a road, and it is also a sunny, which is to continue to expand the weight loss industry.

The most critical, is rushing into the fitness industry, stirring a party.

Now the growth rate of the fitness industry is also very good. More and more young people have begun to join the fitness team, but their biggest problem is that the heat is easy to decrease.

Because people are getting more lazy, let them go out, just like killing.

Huo is advised to cooperate with the VR category company to create cloud fitness concept.

The so-called cloud, it is to rely on VR glasses, let you play at home, you can play together into fitness activities. Social activities can be completed simultaneously through visual, auditory.

In this way, you can solve the needs of young people don't want to go out and want fitness.

However, this road is more troubles, because you need a lot of funds to buy equipment, first distribute to the participant home, let them have enough instruments to fit.

In addition, the VR industry is still not fully mature, and it needs to be improved in the degree of simulation. At the very least, it will not appear in the field of view, and the device-related border is not available. That kind, it is too easy to play.

All in all, this is a road that burns money, there is a big risk, but the ceiling is also very high.

Because it is not just in fitness, it is more invested in VR and social two industries. Once the industry matures, it is much more than three assets in an instant, which is much higher than the ceilings of the pure diet group.

Everyone knows that VR will become a future trend, including many games, movies, and are close to this.

However, due to technical reasons, it has not yet been accepted.

But when everyone accepted, you will enter the market, then it is late, you must prepare.

Ning Xueqing and others think that now, Huo is the future, how to choose, it is really tangled.

Fortunately, Huo gave Ning Xueqing a good choice.

Huo Jiaming's overseas company is specially doing the VR industry, and there is already a good progress. Only because of the restrictions of funds, many devices can't be delayed.

Huo's extraordinary suggests that Ning Xueqing is invested in Huo Jiaming's overseas company to help him explore the VR industry, and establish two branches of B. Bi and B.

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