Build a giant by yourself

420. Source continuous

For now, Huo has a total of a new hopes, and the relationship between the mutual utilization of Miao Yi, Li Jia, and the mutual use of Jijia. The most expectant is not these, but Huo Jiaming's overseas company just established.

For this company, Huo is unfortunately to use his own backhand, and sent it in the past.

Whether it is one of the top teams in this world, it is also a few ace in the world.

Once the loss is lost, he will be a serious blow to him.

But there is a saying that the child does not have a wolf. Huo wants to deal with Huo, you must use your own card.

He wants to develop Huo Jiaming's company, and develop to a point that is enough to pay attention to Huo family, and then take the opportunity to integrate into Huojia.

When I was at that time, the entire plan was only a real key step.

How to use this company to shake the whole Huo family!

Everything is going to do, there is absolutely unable to make anyone aware of anyone before no sufficient grasp. Even if Huo Jiaming, Huo is not intended to tell him what.

Huo Jiaming is a very real person. He doesn't like things in business, the company's future controller, definitely not him. But this guy can't hold any secret because it is too true.

You can be friends with him, but you can't do confidants.

Confelite, meaning that person who knows everything, if Huo Jiaming became a confidant, no more than three days, all secrets of Huo will be exposed.

Maybe he is just a no heart, but it is not intentionally, it does not mean that you have to agree with him.

All in all, Huo Jiaming is now only used, of course, after the event, Huo will naturally compensate him, will not cross the river.

At the same time, after determining how Huo Jiaming's overseas company is concerned, Huo is in the air, while thinking about how to carry out the next step.

There are many things that are currently harvesting and need to do.

The survey on Li Jia has, there will be no results in a short time, or you have to do it by yourself. After all, when I started, I just intend to put Li Jia as a block.

Regardless of what happened in the investigation, you can push it to Lijiatou.

The mail sent by the unknown network is also a score, let Huo have more understanding of Huojia's past.

But these are not enough, he needs more clear understanding.

Wang Hao ...

After a little thoughts, Huo has given up the intention of using Wang Yunxing.

Those people have now, in accordance with his instructions, in the secondary market, and they will send them elsewhere at this time, they will only have to pay.

Huo's extraordinary needs to make money from the secondary market as much as possible, etc.

This is not easy to do, and the current stock market is numerous, and various institutions and swaps compete for each other. Even Wang Yunxing, I want to kill a blood road, it is not easy.

When the amount of funds is small, it may be better to do everything, the ability of the government team, is not difficult to complete the growth of profits.

But when the amount of funds is large enough, those who are not as good as they will be vigilant.

They will build a league, intend to smash the government team, do not let this team in the second-level market such as fish with a moment of breathing.

There is a crisis everywhere, but it has not been revealed yet.

So let them cultivate the precision, this is the right practice.

So, what kind of card you can use without use Wang Yunxing?

There are a few cards, which is what I can use, but I don't want to use it.

It is not used, but it is too important, it is difficult to look back.

But if you don't use it, you may not come later.

Until the plane, the flight attendant came over: "Please fasten the seat belt, turn off the mobile phone, the plane will take off immediately."

Looking at the busy land in the porthole, Huo has finally made a determination. Before the plane took off, he issued several information. When these information sent out, Huo closed mobile phone and sighed slightly.

These bachelors, I originally planned to leave a retreat to everyone when the family met in danger.

But I didn't think that it was used to deal with Huojia.

It seems that the four words of the world, it really makes sense.

From that day, all parts of the country, and even overseas companies have a number of people with high positions, and they have resigned, some go out, some return to China to submit a resume.

No matter what they did, but in a few months, these people did the same thing.

That is, join Huojia.

Huo Home has given a considerable power and status for external people, even a lot of core positions, and the family children have no discourse weights.

This is the style of Huo's feelings, as long as you have the ability, Huojia needs your help.

Now, after these people join Huojia, there is only one purpose, that is, do what I can, try hard.

Join Huojia's new foreign person, with fewer quantities, some of which will be eliminated, the remaining people are boiling sand. Can climb the middle layer, only less than twender, can climb the high-level, more thousand miles!

Huo's extraordinary did not give them the second instructions, before the things you have to do, these leaders only need to make the current thing in the class, it is enough.

Huo after going back, no other chaos.

He concentrated on the help of Ji Xiangchang to do a good job in the second branch, have to say that Huo's personal ability is too powerful.

With his help, the second branch of the quarterly financial report increased by 300% than the same period. This is because of a long time in the previous period, and there is another half a month. Integration.

In other words, only one and a half months of time have completed the things that others can't do in two or three years.

Can do this, not only because Huo is very accurate to the future trend, it is more thorough enough to understand the market, and because the people of the Ji's people have seen the benefits of him, strict or order everyone must listen to him. Instruct it.

From the general manager Ji Xiang, any employee under the end, in accordance with Huo's requirements.

Instead of saying that the second branch is Ji Xiangning in management, it is better to say that the actual controller is Huo.

It is only, Huo is not equipped in the company, he only has the position of the deputy general manager.

Many people are not flat for him. I feel that the ability of Huo is the ability to give some equity fierce. Otherwise, it is too sorry.

The people of the Ji family are also considering this, but they don't dare to make decisions easily.

Because Huo is too powerful, and he is the successor of Professor Zhao Yongan, and the network is coming to even the scorpion.

Will it create a second Ji Xiang?

No, he is more than Ji Xiang.

Ji Xiangning is just a small role he supported, there is no Huo, and she is nothing to do in the Ji family.

Huo is not the same, once you master the right, what he can do is too much, and the Jiajia is hard to block.

The better the Huo's feelings, the greater the jealous of the Ji family.

In turn, those people who depend on him are even more inseparable.

Including Ji Xiangcheng, Ji Chuanhai, and even straight, a few people have a good person.

Unconsciously, Huo's extraordinary took a year, and preliminarily got some support in the darkness of Jijia.

Many people may not be aware that he is actually an indispensable person.

Ji Xiangcheng is the only person who knows Huo's ambition, but she does not dare to definitely, and even if they don't want to think.

The purpose of this person is not only to support himself, but also want to completely control the Jijia?

Accurately, Ji Xiangjing feels that Huo's ambition is not limited to this.

Jijia, but he is a springboard, or a tool, he wants, far more than his own imagination.

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