Break Into Another World

Chapter 2104: make koi for you

Inside the Three Realms Pagoda, there are introductions to the top forces in the real universe, including the "Lei Mie Pavilion".

In the past, Lei Mie Pavilion was indeed a superpower, but that was before the endless distant years... To be precise, it was in the "First Cosmos Era".

You know, now is the fifth universe era! The first universe era, it can really be said to be the primordial period of the real universe!

In the first universe era, the real universe is divided into eight territories as it is now! And Lei Destruction Pavilion is the only overlord who dominates the Lei Destruction Domain; its status is not much worse than that of the current Eternal Hall in the Eternal Domain!

One can imagine how powerful the Lei Mie Pavilion was back then!

The number of Great Seniors in Lei Mie Pavilion has reached as many as four!

But the tragedy is - Lei Miege and Kunpeng Great Venerable have a grudge!

Kunpeng Dazun, what kind of existence does he exist? That is the invincible existence that ends the first universe era and opens the second universe era!

After Kunpeng's strength broke through and reached the invincible state, he directly cut down all the four great masters of Lei Mie Pavilion... The Heavenly Supreme powerhouse of Lei Mie Pavilion also had more than half of the casualties! Later, it was because Kunpeng Great Senior was disdainful to kill them all, so he left a legacy to Lei Mie Pavilion.

Therefore, Xu Ming couldn't help laughing when he heard the three words "Lei Mie Pavilion" - Lei Mie Pavilion, in the era of the first universe, was indeed strong! However, since the second universe era, until now, it has always been just a very ordinary top force; moreover, there has never been a great powerhouse!

The top powerhouse in the entire Lei Mie Pavilion is just the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign, and his current strength is on the same level as Xu Ming! Moreover, Xu Ming still has "infinite resurrection" hanging! Therefore, Xu Ming is really not afraid of Lei Miege!

But now, the other party used the words "Lei Miege" to press Xu Ming, can Xu Ming not laugh?

"Yes! I just want to get involved with your Lei Mie Pavilion!" Xu Ming replied with a smile.

"Huh? Your Excellency is provoking our Lei Mie Pavilion!?" The three black-clothed powerhouses shouted angrily, "Although Your Excellency is a Heavenly Supreme Powerhouse, you shouldn't be able to bear the anger of our Lei Mie Pavilion, right?"

"I can't tell if you can bear the anger of Lei Miege! But..." Xu Ming sneered, "You three are not qualified to represent Lei Miege, right? - When the three of you spoke, did you have any questions? Have you ever thought about your attitude, can you bear my anger? Oh! How dare you be arrogant in front of me?"


Xu Ming slapped the three of them directly.

With this palm, Xu Ming shot with anger, and contained killing intent - you must know that Xu Ming's current identity is "the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign"! The Supreme Heavenly Supreme must have the majesty of the Supreme Heavenly Supreme. How can any cat or dog be arrogant in front of him?

The fate of provoking the strong is death!

Only then did the three black-clothed powerhouses feel the power and killing intent of this palm, but it was already too late! - They thought that Xu Ming was just an ordinary lower-ranking Heavenly Supreme Being, and he should have been deterred after hearing the three words "Lei Miege"; they did not expect that Xu Ming did not say a word, and acted directly, and directly It's a killer!

Before the three could even regret it, they were killed by Xu Ming with one palm.

In the endless void, only Xu Ming and the young man in white remained.

"Who are you?" Xu Ming looked at the young man in white.

When he came to Lei Mieyu, Xu Ming first wanted to inquire about the detailed information about Jian Yi, so that he could disguise himself as Jian Yi and infiltrate the Eternal Hall in the future; second, he wanted to see if there was a chance to infiltrate the Kunpeng clan. Inheritance - After all, Xu Ming only got three world-breaking weapons, but he did not get the ultimate inheritance of Kunpeng Great Venerable! Xu Ming estimated that the inheritance should be in the Kunpeng clan; and how to get the inheritance is probably a big test left by the Kunpeng Great Venerable.

However, the two things Xu Ming wanted to do when he came to Lei Mieyu were not easy to do! Therefore, Xu Ming has to take it step by step; the first step is to construct an identity for himself that is convenient to act in the Thunder Destruction Domain.

Seeing Xu Ming asking, the young man in white replied respectfully, "I am the direct disciple of Lei Miege, Fang Ping!"

"What?" Xu Ming was slightly startled.

Lei Miege's direct disciple?

It seems that the three black-clothed powerhouses who were chasing down before were also from Lei Miege, right? - The people of Lei Miege, chasing and killing their own direct disciples?

What is this operation?

Only after Fang Ping's explanation did Xu Ming understand what was going on.

It turned out that this was a test of Lei Miege's direct disciples. Lei Miege asked each direct disciple to carry the same resources to develop and recruit their own subordinates; in the end, when the time expires, whoever develops the most powerful force will be the candidate for the elder!

In Lei Miege, each generation has many direct disciples; however, there is only one person who can become an "elder candidate". And those who fail in this assessment will even lose their lives.

"I'm the one who failed the assessment!" Fang Ping said with a wry smile, "If it wasn't for the senior, I'd probably already be a dead person!"

Xu Ming frowned slightly and pondered: "So... have I intervened in your Lei Mie Pavilion's assessment?"

The assessment of top forces like Lei Miege is not something that can be easily interfered with! Whoever intervenes may be in trouble.

"It seems so..." Fang Ping gave a clear answer.

"Then you Lei Miege, are you going to trouble me?" Xu Ming asked again.

"Don't hide it from senior... It does!" Fang Ping said embarrassedly, "However, there is a way to prevent senior from being retaliated by Lei Miege!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming smiled, "Tell me about it!"

"That's..." Fang Ping smiled and said, "Senior, if you condescend to join my power, wouldn't you be equivalent to my side? According to the rules of the assessment, Lei Mie Pavilion Naturally, it won't take revenge on the seniors!"

"Your abacus is really good!" Xu Ming scolded with a smile, "I saved your life, you still want me to work for you?"

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Fang Ping continued - the senior in front of him, but he would kill people if he didn't get along! Moreover, the three black-clothed powerhouses just now reported that they belonged to Lei Miege, but this senior still did not hesitate to kill; it can be seen that this senior should not be very afraid of Lei Miege!

How could Fang Ping be disrespectful to such a strong man?

"It's just this way, it can save the seniors some trouble!" Fang Ping said very respectfully.

"Really?" Xu Ming smiled incomprehensibly and said, "It's okay! I've been in retreat for too long, this time out, I just have nothing to do, so I'll play with you and give you a koi!"

"Koi?" Fang Ping didn't understand the meaning of the word.

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word.

The meaning is: let you, the waste that almost eliminated the dead, become the elder candidate of Lei Mie Pavilion.

At the same time, Xu Ming secretly said in his heart: "The elder candidate of Lei Mie Pavilion should have a lot of power, so you can help me a little bit!"


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