Break Into Another World

Chapter 2103: Lei Mie Pavilion

real universe.

The Great Seniors of all parties are talking through voice transmission.

"The Heavenly Sovereign I sent to the Three Realms Universe has fallen!"

"The Heavenly Sovereign that I sent has also fallen!"

"What!? Have all your subordinates fallen into the Three Realms Universe?"

The Three Realms universe and the real universe are completely isolated. Even the Great Senior, it is very difficult to investigate the cause and effect situation in the Three Realms universe.

When a certain Great Venerable discovered that his subordinates had fallen into the Three Realms Universe, other Great Venerables also hurriedly investigated; as a result of this investigation, it was discovered that all the Heavenly Supremes they sent into the Three Realms Universe had also fallen. !

"how so?"

"Could it be that Xu Ming did it?"

"Can Xu Ming have such strength?"

"The only possibility is that they were all exposed in the Three Realms Universe and were hunted down by the four major legions!"

"Will it be so easy to reveal?"

"Needless to say, it must be Xu Ming who is in the middle of it! It seems... Feng Zhou Ding is in Xu Ming's hands, it should be a sure thing!"

Soon, the Great Venerables discovered that among the Heavenly Venerates they sent into the Three Realms Universe, only one person did not fall, and that was Jian Yi!

"According to the causal investigation, Jian Yi is still alive!"

"It seems that only Jian Yi escaped the catastrophe!"

"As expected of the super genius cultivated by the Eternal Hall! All the other median Heavenly Supremes have fallen, and Jianyi is only the lower Heavenly Supremes, but has survived!"

All the great masters could not help but sigh about Jian Yi's talent and strength.

The great honor of the Eternal Hall also felt quite honored - the geniuses they cultivated are now "standing apart" in the Three Realms universe, and of course they are proud.

It's just... the great lords never thought that although Jian Yi was not dead, he was suppressed and sealed by Xu Ming, which was even worse than death! - After all, if Jian Yi falls, he will definitely be resurrected by the Eternal Hall; however, he is now suppressed and sealed, and it is impossible to even be resurrected!

It's no wonder that the great masters can't think of it - after all, if you want to suppress Jianyi, you must crush Jianyi in strength, and you have to use the treasure of suppressing and sealing! How could the great masters have thought that Xu Ming's strength would soar so terribly!

"With Jian Yi's talent, he will definitely be able to capture Xu Ming in the Three Realms Universe!"

"That's right!"

"There is indeed some chance and talent that Xu Ming can achieve today! However, compared with Jian Yi, the top genius in the real universe, it is nothing!"

The great honorable said involuntarily.

It's just that, how did the great masters know that at this time, Xu Ming had walked out of the Three Realms universe and came to the "Thunder Extermination Domain" in the real universe.

call out-

Xu Ming's figure, in the passage of "Three Realms Universe" and "Thunder Extermination Domain", moved forward rapidly.

Soon, Xu Ming came to the end of the passage. In front of him, there was an endless layer of membrane wall; as long as this layer of space-time membrane wall was broken, one could enter the Thunder Extermination Domain of the True Universe.

"This should be the space-time gap between the real universe and the Three Realms universe!" Xu Ming secretly marveled. It is this layer of space-time membrane wall that almost completely cuts off all the cause and effect of the real universe and the universe of the Three Realms.

There is a similar membrane between Xu Ming's "self universe" and the real universe; therefore, Xu Ming hid the Moon Demon in his "heart universe" before, so that it would not be discovered. It's just... Xu Ming's membrane wall is nothing compared to the boundless membrane wall in front of him.


Xu Ming was ready to start, breaking the space-time membrane wall.

However, just when Xu Ming was about to start, he found that there was a sudden fluctuation in the space-time membrane wall.

"Huh?" Xu Ming was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted, "Someone should be fighting there!"

After thinking for a while, Xu Ming disguised his body at will, and blasted towards the fluctuation of the space-time membrane wall.

boom! !

The space-time membrane wall was blasted directly out of a large hole, and it healed rapidly.

Xu Ming flew directly towards the big hole.


Time and space are shifting.

When Xu Ming saw the scene in front of him clearly, he saw that there were just a few attacks coming towards him.

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned slightly.

However, these attacks are only at the level of "high-ranking and supreme", and for today's Xu Ming, there is no threat at all. With a wave of Xu Ming's hand, he dismissed these attacks.

At the same time, Xu Ming also clearly saw the source of the attack—they were three black-clothed powerhouses, all of whom were high-ranking supreme cultivation bases.

When the three high-ranking Supremes saw Xu Ming, they were all surprised: "Heaven... Heavenly Supreme!?"

The cultivation base Xu Ming revealed at this time was the "Supreme Heavenly Supreme". However, like the three people in front of them, they could only see that Xu Ming was "Heavenly Supreme", but could not see the exact cultivation level; after all, their own cultivation level was too weak.

Xu Ming also discovered that the target of the three people's pursuit was the young man in white behind him.

Xu Ming understood, he broke the space-time membrane wall and came out, right between the two sides.

"Looks like, I can take care of it!" Xu Ming is not afraid of being busy, and even vaguely expects to be busy. After all, the "High Heaven Supreme" that Xu Ming is disguising now is an identity without any background; and an identity without background is easy to be suspected! So, if you are busy with your own business, you can give some background to your identity; in this way, Xu Ming can take this identity and run rampant in Lei Mie Domain!

The cultivation base Xu Ming is showing now is "the supreme being of the heavens"; even if it is placed in the real universe, it is still a top-notch existence! - If the Great Senior does not go out, the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign can indeed run rampant in the Thunder Extermination Domain!

"Thank you senior for saving your life!" Just when everyone was in a daze, the young man in white behind Xu Ming reacted quickly and said respectfully to Xu Ming.

"A life-saving grace?" Xu Ming sneered; of course he understood the intention of the young man in white, and he said "life-saving grace" as soon as he opened his mouth, in order to make himself have to take action to save him, "Oh! I am not saving you! But I was cultivating in the interlayer of time and space, but I was disturbed by you!"

"Heavenly Supreme!" The three black-clothed powerhouses thought that Xu Ming was from the side of the white-clothed youth; now they heard the conversation between the two and knew that the two had nothing to do with each other, so they were relieved and their voices were arrogant. Shao, "Since it's not your business, then please step aside!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming's pupils shrank - it's fine if the three black-clothed powerhouses don't apologize, how could they be so arrogant?

"What if I don't allow it?" Xu Ming asked with a sneer.

"No?" The three black-clothed powerhouses snorted coldly, "Does your Excellency want to get involved with our 'Lei Mie Pavilion'?"

"Lei Mie Pavilion?" Hearing these three words, Xu Ming couldn't help but want to laugh.

Xu Ming had heard of the "Lei Mie Pavilion" force in the Three Realms Tower; once, it was indeed a superpower.


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