Break Into Another World

Chapter 2090: You just pretend X

Other powerhouses came to the place of inheritance mainly to accept the inheritance of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms; but Xu Ming found that he came here mainly to digest food.

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but ask, "Where is the sea of ​​time?"

The Three Realms Pagoda, Xu Ming had already seen it; after all, this is the tallest building in the land of inheritance, it is very eye-catching, and it is difficult not to see it.

"You're going to the Sea of ​​Time?" Supreme Supreme Grey Sky looked at Xu Ming in surprise, and continued, "I advise you not to, what's the point of going to Sea of ​​Time? You should wait a little while for Jian Yi to leave the Three Realms. Once the tower is out, you can go directly to the Three Realms Tower!"

Xu Ming didn't explain anything, but still said: "Tell me the location of Time Sea first!"

"Hey..." The Supreme Lord of the Grey Sky saw that Xu Ming was obviously determined to go, he couldn't help but sighed and persuaded, "Even if you want to go to the sea of ​​time, I advise you to wait until you have been to the Three Realms Pagoda before going there. Time Sea; in that way, you will find that you will benefit a lot! Really, go to Time Sea, don’t be in a hurry!”

The Three Realms Pagoda... Xu Ming didn't want to explain anything.

After all, it was out of kindness that the Supreme Lord of the Grey Sky persuaded him so much. Could Xu Ming explain that I don't like the Three Realms Pagoda at all?

This is forced, Xu Ming still does not pretend!

After inquiring about the location of Time Sea, Xu Ming was about to find an excuse to leave; suddenly, he saw that the Three Realms Pagoda in the distance suddenly burst into a dazzling golden light.

"His—" The Supreme Supreme Being on the side of the sky, but he sucked in a sharp breath, showing a shocked and incredible expression.

"What's the situation!?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled.

"Something has happened!" Supreme Venerable Grey Sky said in horror, "The Three Realms Pagoda blooms with golden light, which proves that the people in the pagoda have a very high degree of inheritance! In the entire inheritance land, there are very few people who can achieve this degree of inheritance, and Those are still inheritors who have received many inheritances; and Jianyi... this is the first time he has entered the Three Realms Pagoda, and he has reached such a degree of inheritance, how terrifying!"

Xu Ming said: "Meaning, Jian Yi's talent is very high?"

"It's more than high!" Supreme Venerable Grey Sky said without hesitation, "It's simply against the sky! In the entire inheritance land, since the endless years, the first time entering the Three Realms Pagoda can achieve such a degree of inheritance, there are only a handful of fingers. what!"


Xu Ming smiled secretly and said in his heart: "Can you not defy the sky? You know, no matter what, Jian Yi is also a super genius cultivated by the Eternal Palace! The super genius of the Eternal Palace represents the entire 'real universe' A genius at the top level! And the Three Realms Universe... Compared with the entire real universe, what does it count? A super genius at the top level in the entire real universe, when he comes to the Three Realms Universe, can he not defy the sky?"

However, Xu Ming didn't take Jian Yi in the slightest - against the sky? Even if it goes against the sky again and stands in front of Brother Ming, Brother Ming will slap him over with a slap!

God, you can reverse it!

But, Brother Ming, you can't do it!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

At this moment, countless tyrannical auras flew out from all over the place of inheritance, all of them looked at the Three Realms Pagoda in astonishment.

"Who...caused the vision of the Three Realms Pagoda?"

"If you can cause the golden light of the Three Realms Pagoda to bloom, you have the qualification to board the invincible battle stage! Although there are few people who dare to board the invincible battle stage; but, this is a proof of strength!"

"I don't know who broke through in the Three Realms Tower!"

"I heard... The person who entered the Three Realms Pagoda seems to be a genius who has just come to the place of inheritance!"

"What!? Just came to the place of inheritance?"

"God against the sky..."

The powerhouses who flew out from everywhere were shocked and amazed when they heard that the people in the Three Realms Pagoda had just entered the place of inheritance.

Xu Ming looked at it and sneered: "I didn't expect that when Jian Yi came to the place of inheritance, he pretended to be coercive!"

Shaking his head, Xu Ming quietly walked away alone, walked towards the sea of ​​time, and smiled in his heart: "You just pretend to be X, I'm going to digest!"

It's none of Xu Ming's business what Jian Changxuan X pretends to be like!

For Xu Ming, taking advantage of this time in the land of inheritance, to improve his own strength, and then find a way to obtain the treasures of the Three Realms Great Venerable, is more important!

The sea of ​​time is really a sea.

However, the sea water in this sea area is not an ordinary current, but all "waves of time".

"It is said that in the sea of ​​time, the deeper the dive, the faster the flow of time! But... the higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to dive!"

Changing the flow rate of time is actually not difficult. Even in some pure natural places, the flow of time is very fast - like when Xu Ming was still weak, when his cultivation base had not yet reached the Chaos Realm, he had traveled to some different dimensions where the flow of time was billions of times.


It is very, very difficult to change the time flow of a strong man! Because, to change the time flow rate of a strong man, the energy consumed is extremely exaggerated! Therefore, after Xu Ming's cultivation level has risen, he will rarely be able to go to those places where time flows quickly! - For example, Xu Ming now, if he went to those different spaces where time flowed fast, he had been there before; I am afraid that the whole space would collapse immediately after stepping in!

"However... Time Sea will definitely be able to carry me!" Xu Ming secretly said, "I didn't come to this place of inheritance for nothing! After all... at my current state, I want to speed up my time flow. It's so hard!"

call out-

Xu Ming directly turned into a streamer and dived into the depths of the sea of ​​time.

"On the surface of the sea of ​​time, the flow of time has not changed!" Xu Ming felt the flow of time around him.

However, before diving deep, Xu Ming found that the flow of time was rising sharply.

Twice the time flow rate…

Triple time flow rate…

Five times the time flow rate…

Ten times the time flow rate…

After a while, Xu Ming felt that the flow of time around him had reached a million times!

You must know that when Xu Ming is in his current, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to make the flow of time reach a million times!

"It really is a good place!" Xu Ming was pleasantly surprised.

Moreover, a million times the flow rate of time is obviously not the limit of the sea of ​​time, nor the limit of Xu Ming. Although Xu Ming has begun to feel some pressure, he can continue to dive.

"Then go further down!"

For Xu Ming, this rare place where the flow of time is accelerated can help him save a lot of cultivation time.

"Three million times..."

"Five million times..."

"Eight million times..."

Finally, when the flow of time reached ten million times, Xu Ming's feet also touched the bottom of the sea of ​​time.

"Uh? Is it the deepest place already?"

Ten million times the flow rate of time, compared to Xu Ming's weaker before, those places where the flow rate of time was hundreds of millions of times were naturally far worse! But there is no way, with Xu Ming's current cultivation realm, I am afraid there is no place that can stably maintain his time acceleration billions of times!

"Just at the bottom of the sea of ​​time, slowly digest it!"

What Xu Ming didn't know was... when he was silently "digging food" by himself, the entire inheritance place was completely boiling!


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