Break Into Another World

Chapter 2089: digestion

"Old iron, what a coincidence!"

Xu Ming was thinking about where to find a genius to kill; he didn't expect that as soon as he entered this dangerous place, a genius came up to him.

This is not "coincidence" what is it?

"It's a coincidence?" The gloomy figure was stunned, obviously not understanding what Xu Ming said.

However, he does not need to understand!

Xu Ming shoots up and down, and with one shot, kills him instantly!

"This guy's strength, at the level of 'Lower Heaven Supreme', should be regarded as the bottom!" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully.

To deal with this kind of weak chicken, Xu Ming didn't need to use the Boundary Breaker Spear at all, he could kill him in one move casually.

"With this little strength, you dare to be arrogant in front of me?"

If the other party hadn't died, Xu Ming really wanted to ask him: Who gave you the courage and confidence?

Immediately, Xu Ming took out the inheritance order.

"It should be able to motivate, right?" Xu Ming tried to inject divine power.

Sure enough, just as Xu Ming's divine power was injected into it, the inheritance order triggered a purple light, which instantly enveloped Xu Ming's body.

call out-

In the next instant, Xu Ming disappeared directly into the scorpion vortex—the inheritance order, which was left by the Great Venerable of the Three Realms; within the universe of the Three Realms, he had the highest authority. No matter what dangerous place it is, it is impossible to stop the stimulation of the inheritance order.

Time and space change.

When the surrounding time and space stabilized, Xu Ming saw that he had appeared in a quiet space.

In the air, there is a natural peace and tranquility, as if it can make people forget time and worries.

"The place of inheritance?" Xu Ming looked around.

Near the place where Xu Ming descended, there happened to be a strong man in gray robe.

Seeing Xu Ming, the gray-robed powerhouse was slightly surprised: "Oh? Another newcomer?"


Xu Ming couldn't help looking at the other party and asked curiously, "What? Someone came to the place of inheritance just now?"

"Not bad!" said the gray-robed powerhouse, "I just arrived, and I entered the 'Three Realms Pagoda' directly!"

Three Realms Tower?

Xu Ming did not directly inquire about the situation of the Three Realms Pagoda, but waved his hand to conjure the influence of Jian Yi, and asked, "Is this person who came here just now?"

"That's right, it's this person!" The gray-robed powerhouse didn't hide it and said directly.

"Sure enough!" Xu Ming was not surprised.

Earlier, Xu Ming saw through the "post-death perspective" that Jian Yi killed Cangjiu and took away Cangjiu's treasure. And in Cangjiu's treasure, there is an inheritance order; Jianyi will definitely not miss this kind of opportunity.

However, Xu Ming didn't know that Jian Yi didn't come to the place of inheritance because he refused to miss the opportunity; but he urged the inheritance order when he was chased and desperate.

Speaking of which, the reason why Jian Yi was hunted down was because of Xu Ming's "report".

Therefore, from a certain point of view, Jianyi was rushed to the place of inheritance by Xu Ming like "driving a duck".

"Oh! It's really a narrow road for the enemy!" Xu Ming sneered.

Xu Ming and Jian Yi can be said to be old enemies.

From the virtual universe to the real universe, Jian Yi has repeatedly dealt with Xu Ming; and now, Xu Ming has finally caught Jian Yi!

At this time, Xu Ming looked at the strong man in gray robe again and asked with a smile, "What is your name?"

When Xu Ming first arrived, he naturally wanted to learn about the situation in the place of inheritance from the strong man in gray robe.

"I, the Supreme Lord of the Sky!" The gray-robed powerhouse was easy to talk about, and the situation of the place of inheritance was no secret at all; therefore, the gray-robed powerhouse said it directly.

Soon, Xu Ming had a general understanding of the rules of the place of inheritance.

There are actually only three places in the entire inheritance: the Three Realms Tower, the Sea of ​​Time, and the Invincible Battle Stage.

According to the Supreme Venerable Grey Sky, in the Three Realms Pagoda, various exercises, secret skills, and inheritances left by the Great Venerable Three Realms are recorded. Any strong person can accept the inheritance as long as he enters the Three Realms Pagoda; as for how much he can inherit, it depends on his own ability!

Time Sea is a sea area where time flows very fast.

And the invincible battle platform is not an ordinary "inheritance" who is qualified to board! Only the inheritors who have inspired visions in the Three Realms Pagoda are eligible to board the invincible battle platform. And... It is said that the invincible battle platform leads to the ultimate mystery of the inheritance.

"The Three Realms Pagoda is the place of inheritance, the most important place!" The Supreme Being said solemnly, "And the sea of ​​time is just a way of auxiliary cultivation; if you are in the Three Realms Pagoda, what kind of inheritance is there? You can enter the sea of ​​time and save some training time! As for the invincible battle platform... that is not something that ordinary inheritors can look at! Moreover, all the inheritors who dared to board the invincible battle platform have all fallen!"

"All fell?" Xu Ming was slightly shocked.

"Not bad!" Supreme Venerable Grey Sky said again, "There is no absolutely invincible strength, but you are on the invincible battle stage, that is courting death!"


However, Xu Ming vaguely guessed something - this place of inheritance is not only the chance for the inheritors, but also the place where the Three Realms Great Senior chooses the heir; and this invincible battle platform is probably an important factor for the Three Realms Great Senior to choose the heir. level!

If you are not good enough, but you are on the invincible stage, you must be screened; and the result of being screened is - death!

At this time, the Supreme Venerable Grey Sky said again: "Now, there are already people in the Three Realms Pagoda, so you can't enter! But you can wait first, and when Jianyi comes out of the Three Realms Pagoda, you can go in!"

Three Realms Tower?

To be honest, Xu Ming really had no interest in the Three Realms Pagoda.

In the eyes of the Supreme Beings and others, the Three Realms Pagoda is the most important place in the entire inheritance; however, Xu Ming did not care about it at all—after all, the inheritance in the Three Realms Pagoda was only left by the Three Realms Great Venerable. That's it! And the Great Master of the Three Realms was slaughtered by Xu Ming... What interest does Xu Ming have in the inheritance of exercises and secret skills left by a defeated general?

What Xu Ming is interested in is not the inheritance left by the Great Senior of the Three Realms, but the "treasure" left by the Great Senior of the Three Realms! - If Xu Ming guessed correctly, as long as he passed the tests of the inheritance, he should be able to obtain the "Tao Realm Contract" of the Great Master of the Three Realms!

That is the most important thing left by the Great Senior of the Three Realms! Most of the treasures of the Great Senior of the Three Realms are probably stored in the Dao Realm Of course, there is one thing that Xu Ming is also interested in, and that is... the sea of ​​time!

That's right!

It is the "Sea of ​​Time" that the inheritors such as the Supreme Lord of Grey Sky don't think much of - in the eyes of other inheritors, the Sea of ​​Time is nothing more than a faster flow of time; other than that, it seems to have no effect!

But in Xu Ming's view, the sea of ​​time is exactly what he needs the most!

You must know that in order to strengthen his "universe", Xu Ming devoured a large amount of the power of "the origin of the universe, the truth" and "the origin of the universe, the virtual"! Because the food was too full, it took Xu Ming a lot of time to digest it.

And the time of "Xiao Shi" is definitely in "epoch"!

For other powerhouses, several epochs, dozens of epochs, or even tens of thousands of epochs are just a flick of a finger; but for Xu Ming, this period of time is too long!

And now, there is a place called "Sea of ​​Time", which can just help Xu Ming to "digest" quickly!

When "Xiao Shi" is completed, Xu Ming's cultivation will definitely skyrocket!


Other powerhouses came to the place of inheritance mainly to accept the inheritance of the Great Venerable of the Three Realms; but Xu Ming found that he came here mainly to digest food.


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