Break Into Another World

Chapter 2084: Report 1 wave

The atmosphere was very awkward at one time.

Dozens of Heavenly Supreme Powerhouses aggressively arranged to besiege and killed, only to find that they recognized the wrong person?

"If you admit the wrong person, just admit the wrong person!" Jian Yi was the quickest to look away, "After all, this Man Dun's performance is really a monster, we all thought he was Xu Ming!"

"If you admit the wrong person, there's nothing you can do!"

"It's better to kill by mistake than to let it go! Anyway, for us, it's just a waste of time, and there's nothing to lose!"


"I just didn't expect that this Xu Ming is hidden deeper than we imagined! Since Mandun is not Xu Ming, it can be said that we still haven't had many clues about Xu Ming!"

"What's the hurry? The Three Realms Universe is so big, spend a little more patience, where else can Xu Ming hide?"

"That's right! How long have we been looking for? Let's look for a few epochs first!"

The Heavenly Sovereigns had a detached mentality and quickly looked away.

"Every... Seniors?" At this moment, Cang Jiu said cautiously, "Can I go?"

Jian Yi glanced at Cangjiu, nodded meaningfully and smiled: "Well! You can go!"

"Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior!" Cang Jiu thanked him repeatedly, then hurriedly got up and prepared to leave.

call out-

And at this moment, a sword light slashed Cangjiu's divine body - it was Jian Yi who shot.

"You..." Cang Jiu's eyes were filled with endless horror and unwillingness, but he was speechless.


With a single sword, Cang Jiu was destroyed, directly transformed into nothingness, returning to the origin of the Three Realms universe.

And Jian Yi waved his hand, put away Cangjiu's treasure, and at the same time sneered lightly: "You can go on your way!"

Jian Yi waited for the Supreme Being, how could he let Cangjiu go?

Even if it is for confidentiality, Cangjiu must be killed here.

"Let's go!" Jian Yi said, "Let's continue to investigate Xu Ming's traces!"

The Supreme Beings scattered again and went to various places in the Three Realms universe, continuing to look for Xu Ming.


Jianyi and other Supreme Beings did not know that Xu Ming was actually watching them in his "death form".

"Is this the 'post-death perspective'?" Xu Ming couldn't help being secretly surprised as he watched the Supreme Beings dispersed.

The current Xu Ming is a completely nihilistic existence!

There is no divine body, no causal line, nothing... There is almost no means to detect Xu Ming's existence.

And just now, Xu Ming passed through Jian Yi and Tian Zhizun again and again in a virtual form; and the other party didn't feel anything.

At the same time, Xu Ming can perceive that as long as he is willing, he can use "Infinite Resurrection" to hang resurrection at any time, and compared with before death, there will be no loss!

"Too strong!" Xu Ming couldn't help exclaiming.

Alien Invincible plug-in ultimate version, it is too strong!

With an external link, Xu Ming just wanted to say: Who else can kill me?

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder - who created such a powerful plug-in?

Your Majesty?


Even in Xu Ming's current state, he still can't imagine what kind of heaven-defying means can he create a plug-in? And myself, why can I get a plug-in?

"I don't want to! Resurrection first, and change your identity to travel to the Three Realms Universe! Then... report it and go!"

Xu Ming finally grasped which Heavenly Sovereigns sneaked into the Three Realms Universe, and also mastered the cause and effect lines of these Heavenly Sovereigns—how could he not report them?

"Hey, this wave of reports will basically be able to catch me all at once!" Xu Ming laughed secretly in his heart, "Want to catch me in the Three Realms Universe? Haha!"

However, for Xu Ming, the only regret is that Cangjiu's world ring fell into Jian Yi's hands.

You must know that in the Three Realms Universe, there is no "Tao Realm Contract"; therefore, the most important treasures of a strong person are basically in the world ring that he carries with him - Cangjiu's other treasures, Xu Ming does not despise ; There is only one thing that Xu Ming really wanted, and that is... the inheritance order!

"It's just now... Cang Jiu's treasures are all in Jian Yi's hands! Moreover, judging from Jian Yi's shot to kill Cang Jiu, his strength is obviously not as simple as his cultivation!"

Through the "post-death perspective", Xu Ming can see the strength of Jian Yi, even if it is placed at the level of "Middle Heaven Supreme", it is a very strong existence!

"Grab it from Jianyi? Obviously not the way!"

If he didn't use the Boundary Breaker Spear, Xu Ming would really not be able to kill Jian Yi; and once he used the Boundary Breaker Spear, Xu Ming would be noticed by the great powers of the entire Three Realms universe, and there was no way out.

"never mind!"

Xu Ming could only find another way to obtain the inheritance order.

"Let's do something serious first and report it!"

Xu Ming had long been prepared for this. After all, he planned to "lead the snake out of the hole", so he naturally thought about how to report it: "In the barbarian king tribe, there is a Supreme Being in the Qinglong Army who fell into a situation not long ago. In a secret realm, life and death are unknown... I pretended to be the Supreme Being, and then pretended that I had just escaped from the dangerous place and discovered some secrets!"

With that identity Xu Ming can logically complete his "reporting process".

"Then come back to life!"

With the "infinite resurrection" hanging, although Xu Ming can't move his body after death, he can decide when he is "resurrected"! For example, if Xu Ming wants to wait ten years and eight years to be resurrected, then he will be resurrected after ten years and eight years; if Xu Ming wants to wait for ten eras to be resurrected, then he will be resurrected after ten eras!

Moreover, Xu Ming does not necessarily have to be resurrected in situ! He can choose freely, and within a period of time before his death, any "space-time coordinate point" that he has appeared will be resurrected!

"You can't be resurrected in the same place!" Xu Ming secretly said, "After all, although Jian Yi and other Tian Zhizun have already left, maybe they secretly left some means in place!"

Xu Ming was very cautious.

"It can't be resurrected in the Azure Dragon Army! The Azure Dragon Army is so powerful, I suddenly appear, maybe it will also attract attention! Then... on the way here, find a random place to resurrect!"

"'Infinite Resurrection' hang, open!"


In an instant, Xu Ming in death form, that is, Xu Ming's "pure conscious body", instantly disappeared in place.

In the next instant, Xu Ming's "Pure Consciousness Body" appeared in the infinite distance, and then directly resurrected and returned to its perfect state!

And this resurrection, only consumed one point of Xu Ming's level 23 hanging point.


It can only be said that the "Infinite Resurrection" hanging is too strong!

Strong to the sky!

If it weren't for the Great Venerables who couldn't determine the real universe, what means would they have; Xu Ming could even run rampant in the real universe - anyway, Xu Ming wasn't even afraid of death! Immediately resurrect after death!

Next step-


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