Break Into Another World

Chapter 2083: died?

"I just shot Man Dun, why are there so many 'Middle Heaven Supreme' powerhouses suddenly appearing!?"

Cang Jiu was stunned, completely unaware of what was going on.

However, Cang Jiu thought about it with his toes, and this kind of battle could never be a good thing!

"Big trouble!"

Cang Jiu murmured in her heart, but a smile was already on her face. She looked flatly at the dozens of great experts around, and asked carefully, "Seniors, are you...?"

"Go away!" It was Jian Yi who spoke, "We are looking for him!"

With that said, Jian Yi's eyes fell on "Man Dun".

Cangjiu couldn't help being slightly startled when he saw that none of the "Middle Heavenly Sovereign" said a word, but a "Lower Heavenly Sovereign" spoke up and let him go. However, Cang Jiu was not unhappy at all, instead he was overjoyed - at such a time, he could not wait to get out of here!

The farther you roll, the safer it is!

"Yes yes yes! I'll get out right away!" Cang Jiu got out without hesitation.

"Stop!" But at this moment, Jian Yi shouted again, "Don't go too far, stand by the side first!"

Cang Jiu's face suddenly became bitter, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only stand by the side—dozens of heavenly supreme powerhouses, and the great formation was isolated from time and space; at this time, if Cang Jiu dared to resist, he would be courting death!

At this time, Jian Yi waited for Tian Zhizun's eyes to fall on "Man Dun".

Jian Yi spoke directly and sneered: "Xu Ming, it's really hard for us to find you!"

"Xu Ming?" Xu Ming's face deliberately showed a look of doubt, as if he couldn't understand what Jian Yi was saying.

"Xu Ming?" Man Dun also couldn't understand - isn't this "Man Dun"? Why call him "Xu Ming"?

"Stop pretending!" Jian Yi continued to sneer, "Although your appearance, breath, causal lines, etc., have nothing to do with Xu Ming; but, we have confirmed that you are Xu Ming!"

The other Heavenly Sovereigns also sneered: "Hum! Xu Ming, Feng Zhou Ding should be in your hands, right? You really look like you are pretending! But after all, you can't escape our palms!"

"Honestly hand over the Boundary-Breaking Spear, the Sealing Zhou Ding, and the Kun-feeding map!"

Xu Ming still looked dazed and ignorant: "What are you talking about? Xu Ming? Who is Xu Ming?"

"Heh! I'm still stubborn and refuse to admit it!" Jian Yi sneered, "That's fine! Then I'll play with you! Let's see how long you can be stubborn!"

With that said, Jian Yi waved at Cangjiu and said, "You, get back!"

Cangjiu was very depressed: I just told me to get out of the way, and now I'm going to get out of here... I don't want to be ashamed?

But at this time, it is obviously not the time to talk about face; Cangjiu rolled back without hesitation, looking at Jian Yi with a flattering expression on his face: "Senior, do you have any orders?"

"You, go kill him!" Jian Yi looked at Cangjiu and pointed at Xu Ming.

Cang Jiu was stunned for a moment—he had already seen it, "Man Dun" was probably disguised by another great power, and his strength should be very strong! Otherwise, how could it be besieged by dozens of "Median Heaven Supreme"?

Before, Cang Jiu naturally didn't take Man Dun in his eyes, thinking that he could easily crush and kill Man Dun; but now, he doesn't dare to despise "Man Dun" any more!

Let him kill Man Dun? I'm afraid I might be killed by Man Dun!

"Why, you don't want to go?" Jian Yi's face showed a playful look.

Cangjiu’s body trembled—of course he knew what the consequences would be if he didn’t want to go!

"If I don't want to, I will definitely die!" Cang Jiu was very clear in his heart, "And if you cooperate well, maybe there is still a chance!"

Cang Jiu has cultivated the Endless Era with difficulty, and only now has the strength he has today, so he is naturally reluctant to give up this chance of life easily. He gritted his teeth: "Okay! I'll go!"

Saying that, Cangjiu attacked Man Dun again. Only this time, his heart was extremely heavy.

"Mandun!" Cang Jiu drank coldly, and hundreds of millions of sword qi swept over frantically, "I don't care who you are! You have to die for me to survive!"

Xu Ming sneered disdainfully: "Kill me?"

If it was really about strength, how could Cangjiu be Xu Ming's opponent? As long as Xu Ming showed a little bit of strength, he could kill Cangjiu in minutes!

But now... Xu Ming was going to let Cangjiu "kill" him.

Because, Xu Ming is no longer going to continue to use the identity of "Man Dun"! - Mandun can die! Xu Ming is going to change his identity!

Therefore, Xu Ming intends to "die" once, and then use "infinite resurrection" to hang resurrection, and continue to walk in the Three Realms universe in another identity.

"Come on!" Xu Ming directly greeted Cangjiu's billions of sword energy.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

After some collisions, Xu Ming "receded", and his body was covered with scars.

"Dead! Die! Die!" Seeing this, Cangjiu's eyes lit up a bit, and his attack became much sharper.

"Xu Ming!" Jian Yi sneered aside, "Are you really going to keep pretending? Haha, if you keep pretending, you'll lose your life!"

Xu Ming continued to act: "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"I don't understand? Hahahaha..." Jian Yi couldn't help Then go ahead and pretend! Anyway, today, no matter what, you can't escape! I want to see what tricks you can play! Could it be can't even take your life? "

Jian Yi's voice just fell.


An extremely cold sword light has torn apart the divine body of "Man Dun"! Man Dun's divine body was instantly annihilated and turned into nothingness.

Damn, die!

And Jian Yi's words are still echoing in time and space: "Is it possible... can you even take your life?"

The surroundings suddenly fell silent, a dead silence.


"Xu Ming is dead?"

"Impossible! How could Xu Ming die so easily? - You know, Xu Ming still has the Boundary Breaker Spear in his hand; at the juncture of life and death, he will definitely use the Boundary Breaker Spear to fight for a chance!"

"How could it be possible to die like this?"

"So easily killed by a native like Cangjiu?"

Jian Yi and other Heavenly Supremes are all dumbfounded.

In their opinion, Xu Ming would never die in such a mediocre way! Even if he were to die, he would definitely die a little more gorgeously!

For a time, the Supreme Beings couldn't even realize what was going on. After a long time, they gradually recovered.

"Could it be..."

"Man Dun is not a disguise by Xu Ming? Is he really a genius in the Three Realms universe?"

"Other than that, there seems to be no more reasonable explanation!"

"We are so mobilized and dispatched, and the result... admits the wrong person?"

The Supreme Beings were speechless for a while.

Everyone believed that "Man Dun" was "Xu Ming", but it turned out not to be? - In the eyes of the Supreme Beings, this result is really a bit funny! it really just a little funny?

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