Break Into Another World

Chapter 2068: great success

call out-

Honing the stature of the Supreme Being of Heaven and traversing the endless sky of the Three Realms Universe.

"The position I sensed before is right in front!" Tian Zhizun couldn't help but be cautious, "The barbarian king tribe? Xu Ming is probably still in the barbarian king tribe, but I don't know what method he used to cover up the cause and effect of himself and the Moon Demon. Line-before, I could sense the causal line of the Moon Demon; now, I can't even sense the causal line of the Moon Demon!"


The Divine Sense of Honing Heavenly Sovereign shrouded, and soon covered the entire barbarian king tribe.

"Huh?" Tian Zhizun couldn't help but stunned, "No Xu Ming and no Moon Demon? Did they leave, or are they still staying in this barbarian king clan? - It shouldn't be such a coincidence to leave, after all, Xu Ming also I don't know, I'm on my way!"

In the view of Hon Mo Tianzhu, Xu Ming was most likely still hiding in the barbarian king tribe, but he could not recognize which one was Xu Ming.

"The strength of this tribe is not weak! There are even high-ranking Supremes! But... in my eyes, it is still too weak!" Heng Mo Tian's expression suddenly became a little gloomy, "Either... just take this barbarian king tribe first. Let's slaughter! - If Xu Ming is really hiding here, he will definitely be exposed; and if Xu Ming is not there, for me, there is no loss!"

Honing Tian Zhizun is a strong "median Tian Zhizun"! For him, slaughtering the barbarian king tribe is as easy as the palm of your hand!


Hon Mo Tian Zhizun couldn't even notice that there was a "superior Tian Zhizun" hidden in this barbarian king tribe!

"Then kill it!" Heng Motian sneered, "The barbarian king tribe... If you want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck!"

boom! !

Honing Tian Zhizun shot directly.

The mighty giant palm is crushed down like the sky; under the giant palm, those whose strength is not at the level of "Earth Supreme" will be turned into ashes.

"With this palm down, there are only a handful of Supreme Beings who can survive! In this way, if Xu Ming is really hiding here, it will not be difficult to find!"

The idea of ​​honing the Heavenly Sovereign is not wrong, but... he didn't know that it was not Xu Ming who was hiding in the barbarian king's clan, but a "superior Heavenly Sovereign"!

When the huge palm of Honing Heavenly Sovereign was crushed down, an extremely angry voice resounded through time and space: "I don't know whether to live or die!"

"What!?" Heng Motian's expression suddenly changed - of course he felt that this extremely angry voice was far more imposing than him!

"The Supreme Heavenly Supreme!" Hon Motian Supreme couldn't believe it, "Why is the Supreme Heavenly Supreme hiding in the barbarian king tribe?"

You know, even in the real universe, the Supreme Heavenly Supreme is a super powerhouse! In the Three Realms Universe, only the four major legions have the existence of the Supreme Heaven! - So, Hon Mo Tian Zhizun never thought that he would meet the upper Tian Zhizun when he started a small tribe.

"Is this too back?" Heng Mo Tian Zhi Zun wanted to vomit blood.

"Outsiders!" The angry voice sounded again, "Sneaking into my Three Realms Universe, how dare you be so arrogant, trying to destroy the tribes in my Three Realms Universe!?"

Hon Mo Tian's face changed again: "You... how do you know that I am an outsider?"

"Haha... Sure enough, as soon as you try it out, you will find out that you are an outsider! I don't even need to use the means behind!" The Qinglong messenger sneered—of course he couldn't be sure whether Honing Heavenly Sovereign was from the universe of the Three Realms. Outside; that's why he tried it out with an angry voice!

Unexpectedly, just a random test, it was really tested!

It has to be said that Honing Tian Zhizun is really stupid, and he has a guilty conscience; otherwise, how could it be so easy to expose his identity as an "outsider"?

"You..." At this moment, Hon Mo Tian Zhizun also reacted - it turns out that the other party has not confirmed his identity!

"It's Xu Ming! It must be a trap set by Xu Ming!" Hon Mo Tian Zhizun was shocked and angry - but at this time, he didn't have time to be angry at all; because he was facing the anger of a "superior Tian Zhizun"!


Hon Mo Tian Zhizun didn't dare to hesitate at all, and ran straight away - facing the upper Tian Zhizun, he couldn't have the mind to contend at all! After all... the gap between the "Middle Heaven Supreme" and the "High Heaven Supreme" is no smaller than the gap between "High Heaven Supreme" and "Lower Heaven Supreme".

"Want to escape?" The Qinglong messenger sneered disdainfully, "It's ridiculous!"

You must know that in addition to crushing and honing Heavenly Sovereign in terms of cultivation, the Three Realms Cosmos is also his main home. As the "High Heavenly Sovereign" of the Three Realms Universe, he can even invoke some of the origin power of the Three Realms Universe!

Under such circumstances, how could the messenger of Qinglong let Hemotian Supreme escape?

"Outsiders! Dedicate your strength to the great Three Realms universe!" The Qinglong messenger's face exuded a pious radiance; at the same time, he directly slayed the Heavenly Sovereign.


The endless time and space seem to be crushing towards the Honourable Heavenly Sovereign.

"No—" Heng Motian Supreme was terrified; he wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

call out-

Immediately afterwards, a sword light that annihilated all things passed by; the entire divine body that honed Tian Zhizun directly turned into nothingness!

Honing the Supreme Being, die!

However, the Qinglong messenger did not pay any attention to whether Honing Heavenly Sovereign was dead or alive, but carefully felt the power of the origin of the universe of the Three Realms.

"The origin of the universe of the Three Realms has really grown a little bit stronger!" The Azure Dragon messenger's eyes lit He really is an outsider! "

Immediately, the Qinglong messenger sneered: "These outsiders all want to spy on the treasures in my Three Realms universe! Oh! Are the treasures in my Three Realms universe so easy to get? - Don't say it's just the median heaven! Even if it is the Supreme Heavenly Venerate who dares to enter the Three Realms Universe, it can only become fertilizer for our Three Realms Universe!"

Even, the Azure Dragon messenger still expects that more "outsiders" can enter the Three Realms Universe; in this way, the Three Realms Universe will be even stronger!

Of course Xu Ming didn't know that the Supreme Heaven Honouring had fallen.

He was still thinking badly: "I have 'reported' the Honest Heavenly Sovereign. It should cause him a lot of trouble, right?"

"Hey Hey!"

Xu Ming just wanted to say - the feeling that the enemy is open and secret is really cool!

"Heavenly Supremes of the real universe, it's better not to let me see!" Xu Ming couldn't stop laughing, "If I see one, report it!"

Saw one, report one!

At this moment, Xu Ming received a summons.

The communication came from the patriarch of the barbarian king: "Mandun, you have made a great contribution! - The suspected outsider you mentioned is really an outsider, and has now been beheaded by the Qinglong messenger!"


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