Break Into Another World

Chapter 2067: report

"Honing Heavenly Sovereign?"

What shocked Xu Ming even more was the direction that Hengmotian Zhizun was flying quickly—the direction of the barbarian king tribe.

Xu Ming immediately reacted: "Honning Heaven Supreme, is here to find me!"

You know, honing the Heavenly Sovereign is the median Heavenly Sovereign!

Although Xu Ming's cultivation base has broken through and his strength has soared, he has even jumped over the gap between "Earth Supreme" and "Heaven Supreme", and his strength is comparable to that of the next Heavenly Supreme! However, in the face of the median heavenly supreme, Xu Ming is still not an opponent! Unless... Xu Ming uses the Boundary Breaker Spear!

But once the Boundary Breaker Spear is used, Xu Ming will probably face more trouble!

"calm down!"

Xu Ming watched Heng Motian Supreme approaching, and said a few words to calm down, and then moved aside a little to avoid it. It seems that Xu Ming respects the strong and makes way for the strong - this is normal.

"Heavenly Sovereign can't recognize me!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Moreover, the Moon Demon is now in my 'Heart Universe', and the causal line will not leak at all, and he will definitely not be able to detect it!"

That is to say... Now, Xu Ming can recognize Hon Mo Tian Zhi Zun, but Hon Mo Tian Zhi Zun "doesn't know each other" to Xu Ming!

call out-

Sure enough, Hon Mo Tian Zhizun passed directly by Xu Ming, without even looking at Xu Ming - Xu Ming's current cultivation base is "Lower Earth Supreme"; and in Hon Mo Tian Zhi's eyes, the lower Earth Supreme is just an ant , of course disdain!

"It seems that Honma Heavenly Sovereign must have found the cause and effect line of the Moon Demon, so he went straight to the barbarian king tribe!" Xu Ming couldn't help but feel a little scared, "Fortunately, I took the Moon Demon into the 'Heart Universe' in time, Otherwise, he will really be caught by him!"

Although Xu Ming would not be discovered directly; but, if the Supreme Heavenly Honest caught the Moon Demon, wouldn't it be equivalent to catching Xu Ming?

"Hengmo Tian Zhizun ran to the barbarian king tribe, but didn't catch me, will he vomit blood in anger?" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing.

The answer is yes - yes!

And at this moment, the Honest Heavenly Sovereign, who had already flown over, suddenly turned back and flew towards Xu Ming.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but stunned for a moment, then secretly said, "Could it be discovered? Impossible! Even the superior Heavenly Sovereign can't see through Feng Zhouding's disguise; what's more, Honing Heavenly Sovereign is just the middle Heavenly Sovereign. !"

Thinking of this, Xu Ming calmed down - Honing Tian Zhizun definitely didn't discover his identity, but because of other things!

"I'll just play the role of an ordinary 'low-ranking supreme' genius! If the honing heavenly supreme is to attack me, I will be killed directly!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Anyway, even if he was killed, Xu Ming could easily use "Infinite Resurrection" to revive him; moreover, he wouldn't reveal any secrets. For Xu Ming, there is almost no loss.


In an instant, Honing Heaven Supreme appeared in front of Xu Ming.

"Boy!" Heng Motian Supreme looked at Xu Ming proudly - however, Xu Ming's current identity is "Man Dun", so Heng Motian Supreme can't see it at all.

"Senior!" Xu Ming pretended to be respectful.

"I'm asking you a question!" Heng Motian said, "Where is this direction?"

Xu Ming continued: "That's the barbarian king tribe!"

"Tribe? - Oh, nothing to do with you, let's go!" Heng Motian said, and continued to fly in the direction of the barbarian king's tribe.

Xu Ming also continued to move forward.

"It seems... Honest Heavenly Sovereign doesn't know what's ahead. I'm afraid I'll set him up, so I came to ask!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Unfortunately... he didn't find out at all, I'm Xu Ming!"

"However..." A cold expression appeared on Xu Ming's face, "The 'senior' I just said was not for nothing!"

To know…

The powerhouses in the Three Realms universe are extremely hostile to outsiders!

In particular, Honing Heavenly Sovereign is still a "median Heavenly Sovereign"!

Once it is known by the powerhouses in the Three Realms Universe, that there is a Median Heavenly Supreme who enters the Three Realms Universe, he will definitely be beaten to death!

"I will send a message to tell the patriarch of the barbarian king now, and say...Hengmo Tianzhi is suspected of being an outsider!" Xu Ming laughed coldly in his heart, "As for what the patriarch of the barbarian king will deal with, and what will happen to the Tianzhu, then Look at his own luck!"

Without further ado, report it first!

"Hehehehe..." Xu Ming smiled sinisterly, and sent a message to the barbarian patriarch. The next thing is not what Xu Ming needs to care about.

What Xu Ming didn't know was...

The Three Realms Universe attached great importance to the word "suspected outsider" far beyond his imagination!

After all, the powerhouses in the universe of the Three Realms are absolutely loyal to the Great Venerable of the Three Realms. Although the powerhouses from all sides will kill each other, but no one ever jokes about the word "suspected outsider"!

Once someone says the words "suspected outsider", it means that there is certain evidence! The great power in the universe of the Three Realms will definitely be strictly investigated, and even... kill it first!

Anyway, the entire Three Realms universe is in "energy conservation". Therefore, for the entire Three Realms universe, if you kill the wrong one, you will have nothing to lose; if you kill it right, then you will earn extraneous energy for the Three Realms universe!

"What!? Suspected of an outsider!?" Sure enough, after receiving the message from "Mandun", the barbarian king suddenly became solemn, "The median sky is supreme? And it is also suspected to be an outsider!?"

Without hesitation, the barbarian king immediately reported this information to the "Qinglong messenger"!

Every Qinglong messenger is "the supreme heaven"!

After hearing about the "suspected outsider", the Qinglong messenger immediately became solemn: "From your I have never seen such a person in the Three Realms Universe. Heavenly Sovereign!"

You know, the Three Realms universe is just that big in total.

The Heavenly Sovereign powerhouses in the Three Realms Universe are generally known by the four major legions; there are only a very small number of secluded Heavenly Sovereigns who are not known by the four major legions.

Therefore, when the Qinglong messenger heard that a "median Heavenly Supreme" suddenly appeared, and he was "suspected of an outsider", how could he not pay attention?

"I'll immediately teleport to your barbarian king tribe!" The Qinglong messenger said directly.

The four major legions all have "one-way teleportation arrays".

These one-way teleportation arrays can be teleported to any place in the territory—for example, the one-way teleportation array of the Qinglong Army can be teleported to any place in the Qinglong Army’s territory.

As soon as the Qinglong messenger finished speaking, he immediately rushed to the single teleportation array.


Almost in a blink of an eye, the Qinglong messenger appeared in the barbarian king tribe.

"Welcome the messenger!" The barbarian patriarch said respectfully.

"Yeah!" The Qinglong messenger restrained his breath and waited for the arrival of the "suspected outsider".

Of course, Hon Mo Tian Zhizun would not know that there was already a "superior Tian Zhizun" waiting for him in the barbarian king tribe.


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