Break Into Another World

Chapter 1710: Greed is the original sin

"Now, let me see how you can resist!"

The two Yi Tao domain masters drew their bows and arrows at the same time and aimed at Xu Ming.

But immediately, the two domain masters of Yi Tao stood there in unison; the arrows in their hands were also frozen there, unable to shoot.

"Ten... ten clones!?"

Lord Yi Tao looked at one of his clones, then looked at Xu Ming's ten clones, and almost spurted blood - he thought that he had the secret skills of clones, and the strength of this clone was also quite strong, so it's just Niu X God It's over! As a result... Xu Ming has ten avatars for one point, and each avatar is obviously not weak!

What is the gap?

This is the difference!

The domain master Yi Tao still doesn't know that the ten clones are just a warm-up for Xu Ming! As long as Xu Ming is given time and a hang-up point, it will not be a problem for him to fill the entire virtual universe with his clone!


Jiang Taichu and other dozens of high-ranking domain masters were all dumbfounded—this was undoubtedly the most perverted avatar secret skill they had ever seen!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Xu Ming and his ten clones all attacked the domain master Yitao in unison—just to deal with one domain master Yitao. After opening the "infinite clone" and summoning ten clones, he already looked down on him very much; there was no need at all. Split into more clones.

call out! call out! …

Lord Yi Tao hurriedly shot, trying to stop Xu Ming from advancing.


When the domain master Yi Tao and Xu Ming were one-on-one, they couldn't stop Xu Ming's approach; now they were two-on-one, how could they be able to stop him?

In an instant, the eleven Xu Mings gathered together and killed the Domain Master Yi Tao. And a strong man like the domain master Yi Tao who uses bows and arrows, once he is approached by Xu Ming, the fate can be imagined!

"I admit defeat!" Lord Yi Tao shouted decisively.

Rather than admit defeat after being ravaged by Xu Ming, it is better to admit defeat happily and have some face.

"Yitao domain master... admit defeat..." Jiang Taichu and other dozens of powerhouses were still somewhat unable to accept this fact.

You must know that Domain Lord Yi Tao almost represents the top-level existence under the Domain Lord! To be able to force the domain master Yi Tao to admit defeat, then... Xu Ming's strength has not already entered the realm of the realm with one foot?

"Hi-" Thinking of this, everyone's gaze towards Xu Ming changed.

Xu Ming put away his avatar, looked around, and said, "Now... can I have more treasures allocated to me?"

"This..." All the powers fell into a brief silence.

Jiang Taichu thought about it and frowned, "How many treasures do you want to share?"

Xu Ming said lightly: "The previous distribution ratio of the domain master Yi Tao was 30%! Now, my strength is stronger than his, and I don't want too much. Only 30% is not too much, right?"

Xu Ming's request was indeed not excessive.

However, the reason why Jiang Taichu and Yi Tao domain masters organized so many high-grade domain masters is mainly to earn more treasures for themselves; now if Xu Ming takes 30% of the money, how will they make money?

When Jiang Taichu was hesitating, the Domain Master Yi Tao directly agreed: "It's really not too much! Let's distribute it like this!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming was quite satisfied that he could get 30% of the treasure.

As for how the other high-rank domain masters distribute the remaining 70% of the treasures, that is their own business, and has nothing to do with Xu Ming.

"Yi Tao..." Jiang Taichu whispered, "Why did you agree..."

A strange look flashed in the eyes of the Lord of the Domain of Yi Tao: "Promise is one thing, how much he can take away is another..."

Dozens of high-rank domain masters did not search for chaotic pronuclear fragments much.

Anyway, there is only one exit of this virtual universe; as long as you keep it here, the chaotic pronuclear fragments will not be able to escape.

"It's almost time!" Jiang Taichu, who was in charge of monitoring the exit, said, "More than 30% of the powerhouses have left this virtual universe! And recently, more and more powerhouses have come to the exit! - It's time Get started!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Dozens of high-rank domain masters all have bright eyes and sharpen their knives.

"Can you finally do it?" Xu Ming was also looking forward to it. "I don't know, how many chaotic pronuclear fragments will be obtained in the end?"

"Set off!"

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Dozens of high-rank domain masters, all of them dispatched together, quietly attacked the exit of the virtual universe—the powerhouses who blocked the exit were all middle-rank and even low-rank domain masters. Although there were hundreds of them, But it is impossible to be the opponent of dozens of high-grade domain masters!

When Lord Yi Tao, Jiang Taichu, and Xu Ming rushed to the exit together, the strong men who blocked the exit all showed fear; they almost did not hesitate to flee!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

One after another, the powerhouses all showed their means and swept towards the exit.

"Want to escape!?" Lord Yi Tao split into two instantly, raised his bow and arrow, and shot two arrows from afar, towards the two powerhouses fleeing at the front.

At the mid-level domain master level, it is absolutely impossible to block the attack of the domain master Yi Tao; the two middle-grade domain masters were both killed by an arrow.

"Death! Or hand over the treasure!" Jiang Taichu shouted loudly.

Dozens of high-ranking domain masters also rushed forward.

"We hand over the treasures! We hand over the treasures!" These powerhouses who blocked the exits obviously knew very well that things like "robbery" and "being robbed" are very common in the disordered frontier. In the face of the absolute strength gap, they made the right choice in an instant.

"This is my world ring!"

"This is all the treasures in my inner world! If you don't believe me, you can check my inner world!"

"Hey... If I knew earlier, I wouldn't be so I've robbed some, so it's time to leave!"

"Too greedy!"

The powerhouses who blocked the exits, while handing over the treasures cooperatively, felt remorse.

Jiang Taichu was responsible for putting away the treasures one by one.

These powerhouses left treasures, but no one embarrassed them, and let them leave the virtual universe directly.

After that, dozens of high-rank domain masters directly replaced the original group of powerhouses and blocked the exit - nearly 70% of the powerhouses in the virtual universe did not come out!

Xu Ming looked at Jiang Taichu: "Tai Chu Domain Lord, should we distribute the treasures first?"

If you have nothing to do, of course you have to sit down and divide the spoils first.

"Distribute treasures?" Jiang Taichu shook his head calmly and said, "No hurry! When we leave the virtual universe, let's distribute it!"

"It's better to allocate first!" Xu Ming said, "After all, no one knows what will happen later!"

"Really?" Jiang Taichu looked at Xu Ming, "Since you have to allocate now, then..."

Suddenly, Jiang Taichu, the domain master Yi Tao, and the other high-rank domain masters looked at each other and shot Xu Ming in unison—obviously, the powerhouses only agreed on the surface that Xu Ming would take 30% of the treasure; but in fact, they did not. I didn't intend to let Xu Ming take away so many treasures!

"Xu Ming! Greed is the original sin! - Sancheng treasure, you think so beautifully!" The domain master Yi Tao has already opened his bow and shot arrows, "Although you have ten clones, you can block dozens of us from the top-rank domain master realm. Siege?"

(End of this chapter)

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