Break Into Another World

Chapter 1709: Playing a clone in front of Brother Ming?

"What I want to challenge is... Domain Master Yi Tao!"

Xu Ming's voice fell.

There was a dead silence in the air.

Dozens of high-ranking domain masters stared at Xu Ming in disbelief. After a long time, all the great talents began to transmit voices: "He... he wants to challenge the domain master of Yi Tao?"

"What is Xu Ming's confidence in? - Challenge the domain master Yi Tao? Does he think he is the realm master?"

"Haha! The World Lord cannot enter the shattered virtual universe!"

"You know, even if you look at the entire Destiny Heaven, the domain master realm level, the strength is stronger than the Yi Tao domain master, I am afraid there are not many! I don't know where Xu Ming appeared, think he is?"

Even the Domain Master Yi Tao himself looked at Xu Ming in disbelief: "Are you going to challenge me?"

How long has the domain master Yi Tao been challenged!

At the domain master level, no one dared to challenge him! At the realm level, it is impossible to challenge a domain master!

And now, in this shattered virtual universe, Xu Ming, who has never been taken seriously by himself, is going to challenge himself!

After being shocked, Domain Master Yi Tao couldn't help laughing!

"Xu Ming!" Jiang Taichu shook his head and smiled, "Don't you know the domain master Yi Tao? He is the pinnacle of the top-rank domain master!"

Jiang Taichu seemed to be reminding Xu Ming, but in fact he was telling Xu Ming - don't bring shame on yourself!

"High-grade domain master peak?" Xu Ming said lightly, "I know!"

"I know you still..." Jiang Taichu wanted to say something, but suddenly realized that since Xu Ming knew, he must have some confidence!

"Oh?" The domain master Yi Tao also restrained his smile, "Alright, I'll let you know that the peak of the top-rank domain master is also divided into strengths and weaknesses!"

For example, Yi Tao and Jiang Taichu are both at the top of the top-rank domain masters; and Yi Tao is stronger than Jiang Taichu.

"Please!" Xu Ming already had a spear in his hand.

Xu Ming is naturally 100% sure of winning this battle; it's nothing more than a question of how to win, whether to open an "unlimited clone" or not.


The other powerhouses stepped back one after another, leaving enough space for the two of them to fight.

They also wanted to see if Xu Ming was really strong enough to challenge the Domain Master Yi Tao.

"Can Xu Ming win?"

"How is it possible to win - if he really has the strength of the top-rank domain master, he has long been known to the entire Destiny Heaven, how could he have been unknown until now, and suddenly appeared?"

"Not bad! The top-rank domain master peak is rarer than the world master realm powerhouse. How could it suddenly appear?"

Xu Ming and Yi Tao's domain master are far away from each other.

In the hands of the domain master Yi Tao, there was a bow and arrow that was much larger than his own! The arrows alone are bigger than Xu Ming's spear!


Lord Yi Tao controlled the divine power and drew the bow and arrow. Suddenly, a huge sense of threat enveloped Xu Ming.

Jiang Taichu shook his head silently by the side: "Xu Ming is too far away from Yi Tao! At this distance, even me, it is difficult to get close to Yi Tao's body; without fighting, Yi Tao is already invincible!"

call out-

A shocking light pierced through the endless void.

"Come on!" Xu Ming glanced at him, "Let me see what the strength of the top-rank domain master is! It's just right, I can verify my own strength!"

After Xu Ming broke through to the "Illusory Self Realm", he hadn't really made a move, so he still couldn't accurately know his strength. I only know that I am a top-rank domain master, but I don't know if I have reached the peak of a high-rank domain master.

This battle is Xu Ming's trial battle!

"Break it for me!"


Xu Ming swept his spear angrily, and slammed directly at the arrows that were shooting at a high speed.

"Head to head?" Domain Master Yi Tao couldn't help laughing—you must know that he is good at attacking, and defense is an absolute weakness! In the case of attacking attack, Yi Tao is confident and has no opponent at the domain master level; even if it is a weaker world master, he dares to try it!


The owner of the domain of Yi Tao did not know that Xu Ming had an add-on and had no flaws in offense and defense; Xu Ming would also not be afraid of anyone if he confronted him head-on.


The shocking collision caused the chaotic void of hundreds of millions of worlds to be torn into dense space cracks in an instant; in a flash, all the space cracks merged together, and the entire space was instantly annihilated!

Xu Ming retreated several worlds, and the arrows of the domain master Yi Tao were directly thrown into the endless distance. Judging from this head-on collision, Xu Ming should have some advantages.

"What!?" The domain master Yi Tao couldn't help but be startled, but then he laughed, "Even if you are strong, you can't get close to me, what's the use! I want to see, how many arrows can you pick me up? without defeat!"

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

The arrows of the domain master Yi Tao shot out one after another—using bows and arrows as weapons, almost gave up all defenses! However, like Domain Master Yi Tao, who cultivates attack to the extreme, perfectly interprets what it means: Offense is the best defense!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

One arrow after another, forcing Xu Ming, making Xu Ming unable to approach the Lord of the Domain of Yi Tao.

However, Xu Ming won't always confront the opponent head-on - just now, Xu Ming just wanted to verify whether his strength has reached the peak of the top-rank domain master; now, it has been verified!

Obviously, even in the peak of the top-rank domain masters, Xu Ming is a very strong existence!

And Xu Ming, he hasn't used the level 21 hanging point yet! If you use the level 21 hanging point to temporarily modify the strength of Xu Ming, it will be even stronger!


While blocking the rain of arrows from the domain master Yi Tao, Xu Ming kept getting closer to the domain master Yi Tao.

Although the Domain Master Yi Tao kept retreating, he was horrified to find that the distance between him and Xu Ming was still shrinking.

"What!?" Domain Master Yi Tao had to admit that Xu Ming's strength exceeded his imagination!

Even Jiang Taichu was shocked: "Xu Ming... I'm afraid he is even better than me!"

As for the other high-rank domain masters around, they were completely stunned for a long time - they never thought that Xu Ming could really compete with the Yi Tao domain master!

"Xu Ming!" Finally, when the distance between Xu Ming and the Domain Master Yi Tao was reduced to only a few realms, the Domain Master Yi Tao couldn't help shouting, "You are very good! It's beyond my expectations!— If you can force me to use the secret skills of clone, you should be proud too!"


While speaking, the divine body of Lord Yi Tao was directly divided into two parts.

One of the divine bodies has the same imposing manner as before; while the other divine body is obviously a few percent weaker, but it is also comparable to the high-ranking domain masters!

The two Yi Tao domain masters drew their bows and arrows at the same time: "Now, let me see how you can resist!"

"Clone?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled - dare to play clone in front of Brother Ming?

That being the case, Brother Ming is here to teach you what a real clone is!

"Unlimited Avatar" hang, open!


In an instant, ten clones appeared around Xu Ming!

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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