Break Into Another World

Chapter 1675: Gu Hanmo?

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In any domain, there are endless billions of chaotic worlds.

Xu Ming roamed the Starfall Domain, his majestic spiritual sense was like a cobweb covering the billions of worlds, domineeringly observing the chaotic worlds within the billions of worlds.

Soon, Xu Ming found a chaotic world with an environment similar to God's Domain - this chaotic world is only a low-quality chaotic world. Like God's Domain, the center is a main continent, surrounded by dense dust-like "dust worlds".

With Xu Ming's current state, the low-grade chaotic world is naturally very small to him!

With just one thought, Xu Ming can suppress and destroy hundreds of millions of inferior chaotic worlds.

However, when Xu Ming saw this chaotic world, he didn't know why, but suddenly had a feeling of "blessing to the soul".

"Just choose this dusty world and live for a while!"

Comprehend the "real self", pay attention to returning to the original and returning to the true self.

Therefore, there will be many powerful people who deliberately integrate themselves into the mortal world to realize the true self in order to embark on the road of comprehending the "real self".

And Xu Ming is also ready to try to use this method to step into the "imaginary realm".

call out-

Xu Ming turned into a rainbow light and quickly fell towards the "dust world" in this inferior chaotic world.

At the same time as he fell into this dusty world, Xu Ming's divine power was quickly hidden in the world of his heart. His divine body weakened even more rapidly; soon, it weakened to the point where it was not much stronger than that of mortals.

At this time, Xu Ming finally came to the surface of this dusty world.

"Most of the divine power has been taken into the heart world; and the door of the heart world has also been closed a lot! - If I don't take the initiative to use the divine power and realm, I am afraid... The strength is not much stronger than the ordinary!"

Xu Ming's approach is a bit like deliberately suppressing his own cultivation. After all, the cultivation base is too high and the strength is too strong, it is not easy to integrate into the ordinary; if you want to integrate into the ordinary, you must first become the ordinary.

"I hope... I can step into the 'imaginary realm' as soon as possible!"

For the current Xu Ming, there is no obvious improvement in his strength if his cultivation is improved by one or two steps. If you want to improve your strength quickly, you must comprehend the "real self".

"I haven't felt so weak for a long time!" Xu Ming felt his "body".

His current body looks like a body of flesh and blood; but in fact, it is flesh and blood transformed by divine power.

" feels good too!"

It felt like I was back in infancy.

At this time, Xu Ming observed that he descended into the surrounding environment.

Surrounded by lush forests and towering ancient trees; obviously, it is in a virgin forest.

In the distance, you can also see the smoke rising from the mountains and forests.

If there is cooking smoke, it means someone!

With Xu Ming's strength, if you want to see the situation where the smoke is rising, it is naturally easy. However, since Xu Ming wanted to integrate into the mortal world, he naturally tried not to use his own power.

Therefore, Xu Ming chose - go over and have a look!

Shuttle between the mountains and forests, Xu Ming saw many mortal monsters from the perspective of a mortal.

"This black wolf is... Rank 6 outside training?" Xu Ming couldn't help laughing.

Practice six turns outside!

What a distant memory that is!

When Xu Ming first embarked on the road of cultivation, he experienced "outer training" and "inner training" before stepping into "innate".

How weak is it to practice Rank 6 outside!

This black wolf, who was practicing rank six outside, also saw Xu Ming. Because Xu Ming concealed his aura and aura, it seemed that he was no different from ordinary people; therefore, this black wolf not only did not feel Xu Ming's fear, but also rushed towards Xu Ming.

"This..." Xu Ming couldn't help laughing again.

You must know that even a strong Nirvana realm, if they dare to take action against Xu Ming, they will be killed by Xu Ming! And if Xu Ming wanted to destroy this dusty world, this low-grade chaotic world, it was just a matter of thought!

And now, in this tiny dust world, a black wolf who was practicing Rank 6 outside, actually launched an attack on Xu Ming - if this black wolf knew, he was attacking someone with strength comparable to the domain master realm. I'm afraid it will be very honorable, right?

If you want to kill this black wolf, it's naturally very simple, and you don't even need a look! However, Xu Ming still intends to use ordinary means to deal with it.

"Sword come!"

As soon as Xu Ming stretched out his hand, a dead sapling nearby flew towards Xu Ming.

At the same time as it flew, the outer layer of the dead sapling quickly peeled off; the inner layer of the tree was quickly cut into a wooden sword. By the time Xu Ming held it, the wooden sword was fully formed.

"Haha!" Xu Ming laughed at himself, as if mocking himself for being too playful. Then, he slashed at the black wolf who was rushing in front of him.

"Ouch—" The black wolf was cut into two pieces in shock.

This weak black wolf would never imagine that Xu Ming who killed it was such a great being!

call out!

Xu Ming carried the wooden sword behind and looked like a swordsman who walked everywhere.

"This looks great!"

As for why Xu Ming chose to use a sword instead of a gun?

Honestly, does it matter what weapon you use?

Walking in the mundane, no matter what weapon is used, for Xu Ming, there is no difference.

"The smell of death!" Xu Ming glanced at the black wolf that was cut into two pieces.

There was a **** smell in the air.

Xu Ming had not smelled this kind of breath for a long time! Because... Xu Ming's power can destroy hundreds of millions of chaotic worlds every time he makes a move.

Sometimes, when Xu Ming takes action, it will inevitably affect some ordinary people. Those mortals, together with the world they live in, will instantly turn into nothingness, not even a single particle will remain, let alone the blood of death!

"Smell the smell of blood again, there is a strange feeling!"

Xu Ming found that returning to ordinary life would indeed give him some different touches. Maybe, I can really understand the "imaginary realm" here.

Move forward with a sword.

Xu Ming was not attacked by monsters again.

Finally, Xu Ming arrived near the place where the cooking smoke rose, and even... smelled the aroma of rice from the cooking smoke.


For Xu Ming, this is really far, far away!

Pushing aside Maolin, he walked over. Xu Ming saw that there were four boys, two girls and six boys cooking in the forest.

However, when Xu Ming's eyes fell on one of the girls, his whole body was like a lightning strike, and he was completely stunned: "Gu... Gu Hanmo!?"

Xu Ming was not mistaken, one of the girls, both in appearance and temperament, was very similar to Gu Hanmo in the mundane period! You could even say...the same thing!

Xu Ming was completely stunned: "How is it possible..."

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