Break Into Another World

Chapter 1674: accident

Genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Time goes by.

The strength of the twenty-seven disciples Xu Ming received was also steadily improving.

Zhao Xu broke through to the second level of the Profound Yellow Realm, and Bai Qingqiu broke through to the first stage of the Profound Yellow Realm; in this way, the twenty-seven disciples just happened to have one disciple for each small cultivation realm.

Moreover, Xu Ming's next instructions to them are not focused on breaking through the cultivation base, but focusing on improving their strength. Xu Ming is sure that before the arrival of the Wendao Palace Grand Competition, every disciple can be absolutely invincible to the same level in Wendao Palace!

In this way, Xu Ming's disciples can swept the Wendao House Grand Competition and contracted all the "firsts".

On the contrary, Xu Ming's own strength has temporarily stagnated - Xu Ming's cultivation base is already at the peak of the realm of all things, and he does not dare to break through to the realm of destruction; his cultivation base cannot be improved, and his strength is naturally difficult to improve.

But Xu Ming is not in a hurry to improve his strength.

After all, if Xu Ming turns on the "attribute modification" link, he will be able to temporarily modify his cultivation base to the "peak of Nirvana realm"; that is to say, even if Xu Ming's current cultivation realm breaks through from the realm of all things to the realm of destruction, he will not be able to change his cultivation base to the realm of annihilation. The "maximum combat power" has no effect. Therefore, Xu Ming was naturally in no hurry to improve his cultivation.


There is a way, but Xu Ming is eager to explore! That is - the road to the Realm of Self.

The realm of the true self belongs to the realm, not the cultivation base. Therefore, comprehending "the realm of the true self" can improve your strength, but it will not improve your cultivation! Moreover, even if Xu Ming opened the "attribute modification" link and modified his cultivation, the bonus to Xu Ming's strength from "The Realm of Real Self" would still be there - this is exactly what Xu Ming wanted the most!

There are three steps to the "real self"!

The first step, imagination!

The second step, Illusory Realm!

The third step, the real self!

It's just...even the first step of "imaginary realm" usually requires the cultivation of Nirvana realm before it can be understood! And Xu Ming is just the cultivation of the realm of all things. It is too difficult to understand!

Xu Ming spent a lot of time and energy, but he couldn't imagine what his "real self" should look like.

"The realm of the true self, pays attention to clear mind and epiphany... If you don't have an epiphany, you can't step into this threshold!" Of course Xu Ming hoped to realize it quickly, but if he didn't realize it, he couldn't do anything about it.

The real me, what is it?

Xu Ming really didn't understand at all.

"Maybe... I should go for a walk among the mundane! Let go of my mind!" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

At this time, Lin Lan came to see him.

"Lin Lan, what's the matter?" Xu Ming said with a smile.

Xu Ming was quite satisfied with Lin Lan as a disciple.

After all, in terms of talent, Lin Lan was the worthy number one among the twenty-seven disciples he had accepted in Wen Dao Mansion! Of course, for Xu Ming, talent is secondary, the main thing is that Lin Lan knows how to repay.

Therefore, Xu Ming did not hesitate to give Lin Lan some pointers.

Today, Lin Lan's cultivation has broken through to the ninth order of the Great Desolate Realm! In the upcoming Wendao Mansion Competition, there will be no doubt that all other geniuses in Wen Dao Mansion will be suppressed and come out on top!

"Teacher, I want to leave the land of origin and go home!" Lin Lan's expression seemed a little unsightly.

"Go home?" Xu Ming frowned slightly.

He remembered that Lin Lan should be a sixth-rank force from the "Starfall Domain"!

He glanced at Lin Lan: "Is there something wrong at home?"

Lin Lan said in a low voice, "The family urgently summoned me back. It must be something! However, I didn't say much in the summons. I won't know until I go back!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming thought for a while, then smiled, "Just right! During this time, I was just about to go for a walk in the mortal world; why don't I go to Xingluoyu with you! I'll also stop by your house to see it. Look, is something wrong!"

"This..." Lin Lan hesitated, but continued, "Teacher, there may be some situations in my house, even dangerous! Teacher, please don't go with me!"

Although Lin Lan didn't say it clearly, Xu Ming certainly didn't hear it hard. Lin Lan felt that his cultivation was not high, and even if he went, he wouldn't be able to help him much, instead he might be in danger.

It's normal for Lin Lan to have such thoughts—although Xu Ming's ability to instruct his disciples is unbelievably strong; but in the end, he's just a cultivation of the realm of all things! And the power that Lin Lan is in is a sixth-rank force with Nirvana realm powerhouses in charge; what does a cultivator in the realm of all things use to help the sixth-grade power?

"Haha!" Xu Ming smiled and said, "Don't worry! Your teacher, I am not as weak as you think! Besides, even if it is really dangerous, I have 'Teacher Wen Dao' and 'Genius of Chaos Secret Realm' My dual identity; looking at the endless chaos, I am afraid that few Nirvana realms dare to kill me, right?"

Wen Dao Mansion, Chaos Secret Realm, and their status in the endless chaos are all highly respected. Just like when Xu Ming went to the last Chaos Era, the Immemorial Temple had the same status in the entire Destiny Sacred Realm.

Ordinary Nirvana realm powerhouses really dare not offend Wendao mansion teachers and chaotic secret realm geniuses easily!

Lin Lan thought about it, and it was indeed the case.

Moreover, there is a teacher to accompany you, if something really happens at the teacher can help to say a word, maybe it will change the result.

"Then there is Teacher Lao!" Lin Lan said gratefully.

Now that it was confirmed, Xu Ming and Lin Lan quickly set off for the Starfall Domain. After all, the two had nothing else to prepare for.

The Starfall Territory is already the frontier territory among the 100,000 Territories of Endless Chaos.

On one side of the Starfall Territory, there is endless chaos; on the other side, there is a disorder beyond the endless chaos.

Of course, even the most powerful people in the Nirvana realm would not dare to step into the border of disorder without permission. Because in the border of disorder, the order has been completely chaotic, and it can even be said that there is no order; if one's own strength is not strong enough, once you step into the border of disorder, even if it is only on the edge, it is very likely that you will be lost forever and never again. There is no return to endless chaos.

In the chaotic frontier, getting lost almost means death.

Throughout the endless chaos, no one has ever been able to return alive after being lost in the chaos.

Xu Ming and Lin Lan rode the Chaos Teleportation Formation directly in the original place and entered the starting place of the Starfall Domain.

Lin Lan's home is not in the original land, but it is also on the edge of the original land. After she placed Xu Ming, she said, "Teacher, I'll go home first to see what's going on, and then let you know!"

"Alright!" Xu Ming nodded. After all, they have come to the Starfall Domain, and they still don't know what happened in Lin Lan's house; if it's just some family affairs, Xu Ming is really not suitable to appear, "Being a teacher is near the starting place, if you have anything The situation, the subpoena told me that I will be there soon!"

I've been busy these days, sorry.

The update is completed today... In addition, I do not update every day, but only occasionally, and many of them have been made up. In a month, at least fifty or sixty chapters have been updated.

(End of this chapter)

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