Break Into Another World

Chapter 1200: do not die

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To karma, or to die?

"Damn! Damn!" Li Wuyi took out all the more than 300 karma stones from his body without hesitation, and offered them with both hands, "Brother Ming, your karma stones!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless for a moment - this genius of the Li family is too spineless, right? Or... my reputation is so great that I am shocked by this genius of the Li family?

However, the other party had already offered all the karma stones, so Xu Ming would not be polite.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Xu Ming took the karma stone and waved his hand casually.

"Thank you, Brother Ming!" Li Wu ran away as soon as he pulled his legs, and disappeared in a flash.

"Uh..." Xu Ming just wanted to say that this robbery went well beyond his expectations!

Xu Ming originally thought that Li Wuyi would have to resist symbolically anyway, right? Unexpectedly, he didn't resist at all, and he didn't struggle at all... This made Brother Ming robbery, which was very boring and had no sense of accomplishment!


Of course Li Wuyi also thought about it, should he symbolically resist for the sake of the family's face? However, when he thought of Xu Ming's brutal methods, Li Wuyi immediately gave up the idea of ​​resisting - he was afraid that if he resisted, he would be beaten into a dog by Xu Ming! After all, Can Tian, ​​Li Xiujie, etc. on the Bloody Sea Battle Stage were all living examples!

The risk of resistance is too great!

Or honestly give in as well!

After robbing Li Wuyi, Xu Ming continued on the road of "robbing while digging for karma".

As for Li Wuyi, he ran non-stop to find Li Xiujie.

"It's not good! It's not good! I...I..." Li Wuyi shouted repeatedly when he saw Li Xiujie.

"Huh?" Li Xiujie's face sank slightly, "What's wrong?"

Li Wuyi cried, "I met Xu Ming... He robbed all my karma stones..."

"What!?" Li Xiujie's face suddenly became hideous - his focus was not on the "karma stone" at all, but on "Xu Ming".

"You said... you met Xu Ming?"

"That's right!" Li Wu continued.

"Which small world?"

After asking about the small world where Xu Ming appeared, Li Xiujie roared, "Have you arranged everything that should be arranged?"

"It's arranged!" A younger brother replied immediately.

"Very good!" A sinister smile appeared in Li Xiujie's eyes, "Quickly ask Wang Kai to come and see me!"

Xu Ming had no idea that a conspiracy against him was quietly unfolding.

Of course, even if Xu Ming knew, it didn't matter!


In the face of Brother Ming's tyrannical and unparalleled strength, a single spear can crush all conspiracies!

Besides, Xu Ming still has the "exploration" to see everything! - As long as he wants to know, what conspiracy can he hide from him?

"Do you want the karma stone, or is it your life?"

"Do you want the karma stone, or is it your life?"

In the small worlds, Xu Ming recklessly searched for karma stones. This sentence "Fate or die" has directly become his mantra, and it has become the most spoken sentence by Brother Ming on Wanjie Island.


When entering a new small world, Xu Ming met an acquaintance—the same loyal young man he had met earlier on the banks of the Shensha River.

"It's you!" Xu Ming was still a little impressed by him, knowing that his name was "Wang Kai", and he was supposed to be the enemy of Yehenala's clan! —After all, when Xu Ming first met him, he was being hunted down by the **** emperor of Yehenara clan.

"Brother Ming!" Wang Kai deliberately looked surprised, "I didn't expect to meet you!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded casually.

Since it was an old acquaintance to meet, Xu Ming didn't bother to rob Wang Kai's karma stone! - Of course, the main reason is that the karma stone on Wang Kai is too shabby, there are only two in total; if it is fifty or two hundred, then Xu Ming can also consider robbing!

Simply put, Wang Kai is not worthy of being robbed by Brother Ming!

After saying hello to Wang Kai casually, Xu Ming was ready to go to the next small world.

"Brother Ming, please stay!" At this moment, Wang Kai suddenly shouted.

"Oh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but look at Wang Kai suspiciously, "Is something wrong?"

"Brother Ming, in the direction I came from, there is a small world with a lot of karma! But...the people who discovered that small world with me were two Yehenala clansmen; I couldn't compete with them, I didn't dare to be an enemy of the Yehenara clan anymore, so I ran away in despair! - I didn't expect that, not long after I ran out, I ran into you, Brother Ming..."

"Really?" Xu Ming couldn't help asking.

Lots of karma? - Xu Ming of course,

want to!

However, Xu Ming always felt that something was wrong with Wang Kai. And... Brother Ming has "exploration" hanging on it. Does Wang Kai have a lot of karma stones in the direction when he came, doesn't he know?

Obviously there are not a lot of karma stones, but Wang Kai said that "there are"! - Xu Ming had to wonder what Wang Kai's intentions were.

"Let's see what he wants to sing!" Xu Ming didn't bother to expose it directly, and he didn't even bother to use "exploration".

Where did Wang Kai think that Xu Ming could see through him lying at a glance. At this time, Wang Kai pretended to be serious and said, "Brother Ming, let me take you to that small world! With your strength, you can definitely sweep away those Yehenaras. clan!"

Xu Ming smiled meaningfully: "Okay! You lead the way!"

Xu Ming guessed with his toes, and he had already guessed it - obviously, the loyal-looking young man "Wang Kai" in front of him was planning to deal with him!

"Deal with me?"

Xu Ming sneered disdainfully - in Wanjie Island, what kind of strategy can threaten Xu Mingqiang's strength?


"Brother Ming, please come with me!" Deep in Wang Kai's eyes, a haze flashed, and then he began to lead the way.

Xu Ming looked at Wang Kai's back, and thought to himself: "Sure enough, a man who seems to be loyal and good is the most unbelievable! - Let's play with him!"

Xu Ming is looking forward to it, what is waiting for him in front of him!

However, no matter what is waiting for him, in short... this Wang Kai is doomed!

Do not die! Self-inflicted sin, do not live!

Outside Wanjie The masters who watched the battle were able to watch the situation of the entire Wanjie Island; so, of course, they could also know the conspiracy of Li Xiujie and Wang Kai.

"Wang Kai actually deceived Xu Ming so easily!"

"This Xu it too weak or too arrogant?"

"Li Xiujie has already set up the game and is waiting for Xu Ming! - As long as Xu Ming walks into that small world, he will definitely be gone!"

"Yeah! After all, Li Xiujie has accepted the mysterious second inheritance of the Li family! In terms of strength, he is not even inferior to some junior masters!"

"Look! Let's see how Xu Ming will die!"

Finished the update today, thank you.

The transition chapter is over, and the next chapter starts a series of face slaps!

(End of this chapter)

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