Break Into Another World

Chapter 1199: beg for robbery

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Xu Ming's figure passed through one small world after another without stopping at all.


The masters watching the battle were a little puzzled: "Why doesn't Xu Ming continue to dig for the karmic stone?"

"Could it be... he doesn't know the location of the other karma stones?"

"It shouldn't be possible, right?"

The masters watching the battle are already used to Xu Ming being able to easily find the karmic stone. Now, Xu Ming suddenly didn't look for the karma stone, but "walked around" there with nothing to do, which made the masters of the master realm somewhat puzzled and surprised.

What is Xu Ming doing?

"Look at Xu Ming's appearance... he seems to be heading somewhere!"

"That's right! I feel that way!"

"Just... Where is Xu Ming going?"

"Huh?" Suddenly, the expression of the Pavilion Master changed slightly, "I see!"

"What do you know?" The other masters were puzzled.

The Pavilion Master of Wan Wan said in a low voice, "According to Xu Ming's current direction, he only needs to move forward a few small worlds, and then he will arrive... the small world where I hide a lot of karma stones!"


One after another, the masters of the realm immediately guessed: "Xu Ming wants to..."

"It's very possible!" The face of the Pavilion Master of Wan Wan became more and more gloomy, "Xu Ming is probably too lazy to dig up the karma stones one by one. He probably has his eyes on those piles of karma stones..."

All the great masters of the Dominion Realm were speechless—when other geniuses had difficulty finding even a stone of karma; and Xu Ming, he was too lazy to find it piece by piece!

What is the gap?

This is the difference!

The first place in the fate assessment, is there any suspense?

There seems to be no suspense!


How can these masters of the realm know that Xu Ming's goal is not to be the first in the fate assessment, but... to contract the top 100!


Sure enough, after Xu Ming entered the small world envisioned by the Pavilion Master, he paused for a while; after recognizing the direction, he went straight to the location of the pile of karma stones.

"Sure enough!" The Pavilion Master of Wan Wan exclaimed, "Next, Xu Ming will probably focus on the piles of karma stones to find it!"

Under the horrified gazes of the masters of the master realm, Xu Ming dug up the pile of more than 300 karma stones hidden by the Pavilion Master of All Things. Then, he went straight to the next stop.

Time goes by day by day.

The fate assessment in Wanjie Island is also becoming more and more intense.

Many geniuses have summed up some rules for finding karma stones - after all, karma stones seem to be scattered randomly in small worlds; but in fact, there are still some rules to follow!

Which places have a high probability of appearing karma stones, and which places have a lower probability of appearing karma stones... Gradually, they were mastered by the geniuses in Wanjie Island.

At the same time, the battles between the various factions gradually began to unfold and became more and more intense.

There are constantly large-scale battles taking place in various small worlds.

One genius has fallen; there are many geniuses who were chased and escaped from Wanjie Island and gave up the fate assessment.

And the number of karma stones in Xu Ming's hands is also soaring rapidly.

Ten thousand yuan!

Thirty thousand!

Fifty thousand!

"It's 100,000!" When the number of karma stones exceeded 100,000, Xu Ming was overjoyed. "I don't know how many karma stones are there in total if the other geniuses add up - Xiaohang, help me find out!"

Xiaohang immediately replied: "Adding up the other geniuses, there are a total of about 31,000 karma stones!"

"What? So many!?" Xu Ming was slightly startled. "Other geniuses, the efficiency of finding karma stones has also come up?"

You must know that Xu Ming's goal is to obtain more than 100 times the number of karma stones of all other geniuses combined!

But now, there is only "more than three times", and it is getting farther and farther from the goal of "hundred times".

Although half of the more than 30,000 karma stones belonged to geniuses such as Pan Gang, they could be regarded as Xu Ming's karma stones; however, the number of karma stones in the hands of other geniuses was still far beyond Xu Ming's "acceptable range". !

"That's not possible!"

Xu Ming decided to change the strategic policy! From now on, you have to dig up the karma and "rob" - if you meet other geniuses, you can't be more polite, just rob!

"Just do it!" Xu Ming made up his mind and continued to move towards the location of the next pile of karma stones.

Li Wuyi.

One of the emperor-level geniuses of the Li family.

If it wasn't for Li Xiujie who accepted the mysterious inheritance in the family and was born, then Li Wuyi is definitely one of the most amazing geniuses in the younger generation of the Li family!

It's a pity that under the light of Li Xiujie, Li Wuyi's talent is as inconspicuous as a spark.

"I've collected more than 300 karma stones!" Li Wuyi secretly said, "This number should be in the forefront of all the geniuses who participated in the fate assessment! If you continue to collect, the fate assessment will end. It shouldn't be a problem to squeeze into the top 100 and be promoted to the second link! It's a pity..."

Li Wuyi sighed silently: "Unfortunately, these karma stones must be handed over to Li Xiujie!"

Of course Li Wuyi didn't want to hand it in! He also wants to be amazing, and he wants to be valued by the family! But... does he dare not turn it in?

dare not!

Li Wuyi can be sure that if he dares to hide the karma stone and refuse to hand it in; when the marriage is over, Li Xiujie will never let him have a better life!

"Alas..." Thinking of this, Li Wu let out a long sigh.


At this moment, Xu Ming entered the small world where Xu Ming was through the teleportation channel.

"Huh? Xu Ming?" Li Wuyi didn't care too much—this was the third time he had met Xu Ming! Every time, he passed by Xu Ming, and no story happened. ,

Sometimes, Li Wuyi even thought - the karmic stone on his body, it is better to let Xu Ming rob it! In this way, it makes him more comfortable than handing it over to Li Xiujie!

I would rather be robbed by Xu Ming than hand it over to Li Xiujie!

But Every time they met, Xu Ming never robbed him, which made Li Wuyi very helpless! - Xu Ming didn't rob him, could it be possible that he still came up to ask for robbery?

Therefore, the first two times, Li Wu watched Xu Ming pass him with some resentment, but did not rob him.

Now, the third time I met Xu Ming, Li Wuyi no longer "expects" Xu Ming to rob him!

With a silent sigh in his heart, Li Wuyi was preparing to pass Xu Ming once again.

However, at this moment...

"Stop!" Xu Ming shouted violently without warning.

"Huh?" Li Wuyi couldn't help but light up.


Xu Ming teleported, appeared in front of Li Wuyi, and said fiercely: "Do you want karma or death?"

(End of this chapter)

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