
Chapter 106 Old City #

"Qi Mi, do you want to go to the chemistry laboratory?" Liu Yan, her deskmate, patted her.

Ever since he started taking chemistry classes in junior high school, Liu Yan has been fanatical about doing chemical experiments, wasting countless reagents every week. But because most people now go to school in the virtual world, physical schools have excess funds and insufficient students, so they have so much to waste.

"No, I'm going home." Qi Mi refused. She didn't want to die from an uncontrolled thermite reaction at the age of twelve.

"Hey, don't bother me." Liu Yan pulled the sleeves of her school uniform, "I plan to dissolve some zinc particles today, what do you think?"

"Not very good." Qi Mi was a little annoyed with him. In fact, Liu Yan is a good person, but she always feels that he has a tendency to have Asperger's syndrome. He is very interested in things that interest him and does not listen to the classes that he is not interested in.

"Then I'll go by myself." Liu Yan gave up urging her, thought he was "handsome", threw away his schoolbag and left the classroom.

There were only thirteen students left in the classroom, scattered among the seats that could have accommodated forty people. Apart from Liu Yan, there should be few people who would come to play with Qi Mi. It's not because they don't like Qi Mi, but because they all know that Qi Mi can't be attracted to brainoids.

Who among today’s young people doesn’t want to use a brain-like body? The virtual world is exactly the same experience as the real world, and you can do almost anything in the virtual world.

Of course, it costs money. But what can we do without spending money these days? Take the escape room that was popular among the young people of the previous generation as an example. A real escape room costs at least one or two hundred per person. However, the escape room project in the brain-like body has much richer content than the real one, but the price is less than that. Half.

Some people may say that developing a similar entertainment project in a brain-like body doesn't cost much at all. It only takes two builders to do a day's work, and you don't even have to pay the store rent. But who will care about you as a consumer? Brainoids are a monopoly, but so what if they are monopolies. For ordinary people, as long as they are cheaper than those in the real world, there will be a huge market.

Therefore, even the classmates in the physical school are not able to understand that Qi is not fascinated by the brain-like body.

Part of the reason why they come to physical schools is that the existing physical schools are all public schools, while virtual schools are privately funded, and there is still a slight gap in cost. The reason why more people choose physical schools is based on some kind of nostalgia among parents. But even with nostalgic parents, these students plunged into the brain-like bodies as soon as school was over. Some people even eat dinner in the virtual world, but virtual dinner is only virtual after all. After coming out, they have to eat again to replenish energy, but then they can recharge with cheap and simple food.

Qi Mi heard several classmates by the window discussing weekend appointments at the theme park in the virtual world, and others were discussing the real-life CS that they stayed up late to play yesterday. She did not listen carefully, but simply packed her schoolbag and left the classroom.


Compared with Qi Mi's "return to nature", Qi Min is currently participating in a zombie hunt in the "old city" of Beijing District, a brain-like body.

The old city is the circular city that Qi Mi created when he first entered the brainoid body. There is a central dome in the middle that prevents zombies from entering, and it is surrounded by blue-purple strange-shaped buildings. Zombies are randomly generated in urban areas. They move slowly but are attracted to "living people". The setting of the game is that players who arrive in the old city must eliminate as many zombies as possible and "control their numbers within a reasonable range to prevent them from walking out of the old city and disturbing other surrounding entertainment facilities."

Qi Min is also familiar with hunting zombies, but her main purpose is not to experience the thrill of blowing off a zombie's head with one shot, but to keep her score among the top ten in the standings.

Although the brain-like body is a virtual world, there is no such thing as "cheating". The semi-mounted corpus callosum interface used by ordinary players will repeatedly close and open at a frequency of 100-500Hz to keep their consciousness data constantly oscillating between their own brains and brain-like bodies, so that their consciousness will not last long. Time stays in the brain-like body and it is difficult to offline. Therefore, in fact, they only ingest relevant data from the brain-like body, and the real thinking activities still occur in their own brains, so there is no opportunity to actively change the scene in the brain-like body through consciousness.

When architects with administrative rights enter the brain-like body to work, they need to use the fully mounted interface chip that Qi Min and Qi Mi originally connected to the brain-like body. Once this chip is connected, the constructor's consciousness is directly sucked into the brain-like body, where he can construct and maintain the scene, and then come out after the work is completed. However, in view of early experience that long-term stay in the brain-like body will have obvious sequelae, now the constructors of the brain-like body company generally take a ten-minute break from the brain-like body for every hour of work.

For ordinary players, there is no online time limit. Theoretically, the brain-like body company does not recommend that ordinary players stay online for more than eight hours, but in reality there are many Internet addicts who are online 24 hours a day. Hunger and fatigue are not felt in the brain-like body, so some players even rely on glucose infusions to maintain "life". There have been cases of sudden death, but even news reports are of little use.

For those who are addicted to entertainment, forty years ago they could be addicted to game consoles, and ten years ago they could be addicted to the Internet, but now there is nothing special about those who are addicted to brain-like bodies.

But Qi Min is not yet addicted to brainoids - at least she doesn't think so. She was currently squatting on the tall building closest to the central dome, waiting for the joke team below to gather the zombies together, and then grab the wave of points with grenades while they were not paying attention.

There are no complicated rules in the old city. You can get valid points by killing zombies by yourself or by taking advantage of others. The only taboo is causing harm to other players - this does not only mean deliberately shooting at other players or throwing grenades, as long as your own weapon causes harm to other living people, even if it is a misfire or a missile hits accidentally, it will be judged as intentional harm. Once it is determined to be intentional harm by the old city monitoring system, all points for this month will be cleared and you will not be able to enter the old city for thirty days.

Therefore, players who don't know each other in the old city generally keep their distance. Only those with a high skill level and boldness like Qi Min would dare to deliberately trick others into cheating on the rankings.

But when she calculated the moment and was about to throw the grenade, a gunshot suddenly came from behind her.

Qi Internet Addicted Youth Min: What is scientific research? Don’t delay me from playing games (biu biu biu)

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