
Chapter 105 Real World #

As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Qi Mi woke up from her desk and knocked down the pencil case at hand.

She bent down to pick up the pencil case, and took another look at her valgus ankle.

Qi Mi is twelve years old and a sophomore in junior high school. A 12-year-old second-grade student is very common, but in this era of brain-computer interaction, it is rare to see a second-grade student living in a big city like Beijing who still takes five subway stops to go to a physical school every day.

The school where Qi Mi is currently studying existed before the advent of the brain-computer interaction era. At that time, there were twelve classes in a grade, with about forty people in each class. Now Qi Mi is in a grade with only six classes and seventeen people in the class. Among them, three of them applied for "online students" because they lived far away. .

The so-called "online students" are people who go to school in the virtual world. This is the most common education method in developed areas in the new era of brain-computer interaction. The invention of brain-like bodies and the expansion of "cloud array" supercomputer units have enabled the establishment of brain-like body access networks in first- and second-tier cities across the country. As long as people are connected to the brain-like body, they can enter a virtual world that is sensory identical to the real world, and can experience all the things that can be experienced in the real world, including going to school.

So why doesn’t Qi Mi go to school in the virtual world of brain-like bodies? To talk about this matter, we have to start with the development of brain-like bodies.

Brainoids were not originally built for brain-computer interaction. As its name suggests, they were originally built as neurobiological models for studying the human brain. The brain-like body was invented more than eight years ago, when Qi Mi was less than four years old. It was originally a rather fringe project in neurobiological research. The probability of accidents in marginal projects is relatively high. However, it was because of an accident that people discovered that brain-like bodies have the function of storing consciousness, which means that people can connect their brains to it and create a A new virtual world.

It sounds like a very fascinating discovery, and when its technology truly matured, it became popular in Asia in a very short period of time. The initial commercialization of brain-like bodies was a Sino-Russian cooperation project. Later, a new supercomputer was built for this purpose. The first generation was located in Inner Mongolia, mainly because Inner Mongolia was sparsely populated and had low electricity prices, so it could build a large enough computer. unit. The second-generation unit is located in eastern Siberia because the local average temperature is lower, which is conducive to the high-load operation of the second-generation unit.

But no matter how great the achievements of the brain-like body company are, Qi Mi will not kneel down and lick the big boss like those fans. Although the classmates in her class chose to go to a physical school, they would also make appointments to play in the virtual world together during the holidays, but Qi Mi never participated in such activities.

It's not that she is unsociable or "retro", it's mainly because Qi Mi has a special relationship with brain-like bodies - she became the first person in the world to enter a brain-like body when she was less than four years old. She is a human being, so she has the highest authority to modify everything at will in the brain-like virtual world.

Qi Mi was told by her parents that this state would cause the brainoid to interfere with her consciousness, but in fact it was just the opposite. Having the highest authority allows Qi Mi to modify everything that has been built in the brain-like body at will once she enters the brain-like body, which is not allowed by the normal operation of the brain-like body company. It is really ironic that a twelve-year-old girl has such great abilities that the constructors of the Brainoid Company, who have at least a Ph.D. degree, are helpless and have to be on guard against her at all times.

But it stands to reason that if a little girl's consciousness poses such a big threat to the virtual world that is common across the country and even Asia and Europe, it can be solved by prohibiting her from connecting to the brain-like body. But no one has the right to take this approach with Qi Mi, because she also has an important identity - she is the daughter of the inventor of brain-like bodies.

Qi Mi is the daughter of Qi Min, the inventor of brain-like bodies, CTO (chief technology officer) of Brain-like Body Company and one of the three major shareholders. This is why Qi Min was just a young PI eight years ago. Will be accidentally connected to the brain. To be precise, she was the first to discover a virtual world in a brain-like body when she was less than four years old. Furthermore, to be more precise, that virtual world was originally "created" by her - using her own consciousness. This is why the expanded brain-like bodies based on this have continued the "back door" open to her alone.

Because she is the daughter of the major shareholder of the Brainoid Company, Qi Mi is not strictly prohibited from entering the Brainoid even if she poses a threat to the Brainoid. In fact, she could have gone to school in the virtual world, which would have prevented her from walking on her problematic feet. But after experiencing a series of accidents in the virtual elementary school, Qi Mi chose to go to a physical middle school.

She didn't want to make things complicated and give her mother a headache.

Qi Mi knew that she was not a good child since she was a child. She broke her leg when she had almost no memory, causing her to still walk with a limp. And she is different from ordinary little girls. While other little girls like to play with dolls, Qi Mi likes to play with toy guns and pretend to fight monsters or "Japanese devils" - this is a concept learned from TV shows, and it was not popular at that time. Few people watch TV. She didn't really understand until she was in elementary school that her mother was not a sniper or anything like that, but just a scientist who liked to play games.

But no matter what, Qi Mi still supports her mother. She has thought many times that if the brain-like body company splits and Qi Min can no longer use the "Cloud Array" supercomputer unit, then she will continue to support her mother and risk the risk to re-establish it in the new brain-like body. A new virtual world. But it was almost impossible for Brainoid Company to split up, so Qi Mi never had a chance to prove his determination.

However, Qi Mi also knows that the other two major shareholders of Brainoid Company—that is, the other two founders besides Qi Min—are very respectable people. Yelena Andreevna Sakharova is Qi Min’s doctoral classmate and close friend, while Professor Zhou Xiaoshan was the senior who initially provided Qi Min with a supercomputing platform and played a role in the expansion of brain-like bodies. decisive role. Qi Mi likes Aunt Lina a little bit, because she is really good-looking. Professor Zhou is more like her grandmother.

Speaking of grandma, Qi Mi’s grandma and grandpa were both engineers and have now retired. She is also half a child raised by her grandparents. However, now even people of my grandparents’ generation have begun to indulge in the virtual world of brain-like bodies on a daily basis, especially the elderly with inconvenient legs and feet who prefer to visit famous attractions replicated in equal proportions in the virtual world.

Therefore, as a teenager, it is particularly rare for Qi Mi to not develop a brain-like body.

Chapter 1 of Volume 2 first reviews the basic concepts and asks for daily recommendation votes (paralysis.jpg)

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