Blue Sword

Chapter 479 Trust War

"First of all, judging from the content of the suicide note, the professor obviously made some controversial remarks in public."

"Secondly, since the suicide note was forged by the murderer, these remarks were likely to be the cause of the professor's death, which led to the murderer needing to use his name to eliminate the negative impact of his previous remarks."

"Since it was published in front of the public and there are serious adverse effects, the most likely possibility is..."

"Ever been in the newspaper?" Mia asked.

"That's right." Mi'er said.

So the two little girls began to look for newspapers again. Unfortunately, although there are many books in the professor's study, no newspapers were found.

"how come?"

"Could it be that……"

"This professor..."

"He doesn't read the newspaper!"

"Speaking of which, paper media is quite troublesome," Mi'er said. "After reading it, you have to throw it away, otherwise it will take up space."

"You mean, he uses electronic media?" Mia said thoughtfully.

After changing the search target from newspapers to display screens, Mia finally pulled out a Pad from the drawer.

"I need a password." Mia said.

"Try fingerprint unlocking." Mi'er raised the corpse's left index finger and pressed it on the Pad's buttons, and it successfully unlocked it.

"Well, you don't have to bother looking for it. This professor has collected all his comments in relevant newspapers and periodicals." Mia said with a smile, opened the personal collection folder named "Publish", clicked on the document and started reading :

"... Among them, the most serious one is the monopoly of market segments by trust giants. Due to the application of the Matthew Effect in the economic market, the strong take all is still effective. However, it cannot be ignored that, on the contrary, there is no Competitive small and medium-sized enterprises provide more than 80% of employment in Italy and the peninsula. If trust giants are allowed to unscrupulously acquire assets or merge with small and medium-sized enterprises, it will inevitably lead to a substantial shrinkage of the labor market and a rise in unemployment."

"Well, why do I know every word, but I can't understand it at all?" Mia looked confused and confused, "Mi'er, can you understand?"

"Hmm." Mi'er didn't answer. She just used her fingers to pull the display screen and slide the page down:

"...At present, the Licinius family has completed a complete monopoly on high-precision manufacturing, and is trying to deepen its expansion and control upstream and downstream. Its upstream is many parts suppliers, and there are almost no acquisition plans in this direction. There are no competitors, and there are numerous market channels and distribution agents downstream, which will inevitably lead to conflicts with the Medici family."

"As a veteran financial giant, the Medici family has been committed to controlling the circulation of market goods. Its purpose is to realize the ideal financial concept of 'everything is a position' proposed by Giovanni, so that all spot goods can be perfectly matched with options or Futures were transferred to each other. However, the Licinius family's rapid advancement in the circulation market aroused strong vigilance and hostility from the Medici."

"The Trust War in 239 of the Sixth Age was undoubtedly caused by the fierce conflict between the two giants. The Licinius family acquired 827 small and medium-sized enterprises in one month, and was directly denounced by the Medici family as a 'capital market' 'barbarians' and launched an all-round asset defense war."

"Although the war finally came to an end with peace talks between the two sides, the process led to the bankruptcy of countless small and medium-sized enterprises and the unemployment of tens of millions of workers. It was like a giant elephant and a rhinoceros wrestling, but trampling to death countless people around them. ants, earthworms and beetles. In this regard, I call on the Holy See to intervene as soon as possible to curb the expansion and fighting of the trust giants, otherwise..."

"Although I don't understand it very well." Mi'er turned off the screen and said to the people around her, "But this professor was probably killed by someone sent by a certain trust giant, right?"

Bang bang bang, the man in black robe applauded in the study, and his tone was quite playful: "I'm curious, at such a young age, you can understand the content above?"

"I still don't understand some parts," Mi'er said, "but I noticed at the end of the article, he called for curbing the trust giants, so the murderer is most likely to be sent by the trust."

"Trust, trust, one of the most advanced monopoly business organizations." The man in black robe explained lightly, "For example, for example, the Licinius Group where your sister Nora is from is one of the famous trusts on this continent. one."

"How prominent is the Licinius family? They control the most advanced industrial manufacturing technology in the world, as well as all high-precision manufacturers in Italy and the peninsula. Any industrial product with minimum technical content that you can come into contact with , cannot break away from the Licinius Group."

"So?" Mi'er asked, "Is this the professor killed by the Licinius family?"

"Who knows?" the man in black robe said nonchalantly, "Maybe it's someone sent by the Medici family. Or maybe it's the Holy See."

"The Holy See?" Mi'er was surprised.

"Mi'er, do you know who the biggest trust giant in the world is?" The man in black robe laughed loudly, "It's the Holy See!"

"If it weren't for the lack of unity within the Holy See itself and the cardinal hierarchy being completely divided among the major wealthy families, the Holy See led by Innocent would have ruled the world long ago."

"I thought the Holy See was just a theocratic institution." Mi'er murmured.

"Religion is a disguise worn by the Holy See." The man in black robe sneered. "The Holy See is essentially an academic clan and a violent political organization. It is a collection of Italian and wealthy families who represent the interests."

“By establishing dioceses, the Holy See dumped the goods and services produced by the trust giants to the mainland countries to plunder wealth; through the preaching of doctrine, it plundered talents from the mainland countries and absorbed them back to Italy; through the Templar Knights, it attacked and exterminated Any organization or regime that dares to rebel against the Holy See.”

"Technology and violence, religion and propaganda, these two are respectively the 'secular sword' and the 'spiritual sword' of the Holy See. They use these two swords to pierce back and forth on the bodies of the nations of the world, causing them to bleed and weaken, Suffering from a loss of resources and talent.”

"You must know that from the First Age to the Fourth Age: from the ancient Cyrus city-states, to the ancient Solomon Republic, and then to the Solomon Empire, apart from the destruction caused by the rise of the demonic tide, the overall technological level of the continent is constantly rising. , the flow of talents, resources and capital between different regions is also increasing. In the long run, it is not impossible to achieve 'grand unification' on this continent."

"However, with the emergence of the Holy See at the end of the Fourth Age, throughout the Fifth Age and the Sixth Age until now, no country outside Italy and the Peninsula has been able to achieve complete re-industrialization. The only Holy Solomon Empire that has any hope, Both sources of goods and technology are strictly restricted by the Holy See. This is the highest level of trust, which is to monopolize the development and future of all countries in the world!"

"A country without a future cannot become rich and powerful, nor can it allow its citizens to live a better life. This continent will only remain divided forever and cannot be unified, and the people outside Italy and beyond can only live in ignorance. They are continuously exploited by the Holy See. From birth to death, they are like a school of salmon being caught, with no possibility of controlling their own destiny!"

"So, it turns out that the Holy See has done so many evil things." Mi'er said tentatively.

"You don't need to test me." The man in black robe said coldly, "When we get to the last level..."

"...You will understand everything."

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