Blue Sword

Chapter 478 Threat Index

It is also the R4 level, but in fact the threat index of the girls is different. It is dynamically represented by 6 lines of different colors on the large monitoring screen, which is constantly updated as time changes.

Nora and Eleanor's threat index is the most stable: Nora remains at about 5%, and Eleanor is at 12%. The lines on the monitoring screen are like a heart rate curve that stops beating, with basically no fluctuations.

Sheila, to be precise, was Theodora, the former little queen of the Eastern Solomon Empire. Her threat index fluctuated between 30-40%, which was generally considered normal.

In stark contrast to them are the two girls Sidrifa and Medea:

The white-haired girl Sidrifa is always careless and heartless. Her threat index is not as harmless as the husky character she shows. The lines jump back and forth between 60-90%, as if she is riding an intense roller coaster. generally.

Especially when she said "Blek_Imperator", the threat index line finally exceeded 90%, which shocked the priests and quickly notified the cardinal. However, a few minutes later, the line slowly dropped to about 70%, making the relieved priests suddenly feel a humiliating feeling of being fooled.

As for Medea, this guy's threat index has been so high and stable at around 94% that the priests are too lazy to pay more attention to her - the monitoring data of this guy is watched by the commissioner, as long as it rises by another 6% and breaks through into Keter Level, you can directly report to the Pope for permission to strike.

Finally, there was "Miss Unstable" (the nickname given to Paige by the priests).

As an existence that once wiped out the city of Verona, this black-haired girl almost attracted the attention of most of the priests in the control room: her threat index was like a ferocious catfish, sometimes rushing upward to about 80% of the danger range. Sometimes I swim in the 20-30% low water area. Don’t be too willful with all the ups and downs.

Every time her line suddenly goes up, everyone immediately tenses up; when her line goes down again, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. If things go on like this, people's hearts will soon be unable to bear it, and there will be an endless stream of people resorting to drinking water, going to the toilet, etc. to take a breath.

Of course, it was not without the priest's discovery: In fact, when Peggy talked with Sheila, Nora and others, the threat index tended to decrease steadily; when she talked with Medea and Sidrifa, the index rose rapidly.

This proves an eternal truth in life: those who are close to vermillion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

Don't get close to those two dangerous people, Miss Unstable! Please! The priests present all shouted in their hearts.

"I have a bold idea." A new priest finally couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't help but said.

"Stop talking." The priest next to him sneered, "Creating an accident to separate them? No less than ten people have already expressed the same opinion as you."

"No way?" The new priest was shocked.

"The superiors are unwilling to approve, so we don't dare to take risks."

The priest sighed and suddenly asked:

"Where are the other three people?"

"Their leader stayed in the room and didn't know what he was doing. The other two underage girls were playing games in the game hall."

"Their monitoring index?"

"The boy is 7%, and the two little girls are only 5%."

"That's quite normal," muttered the priest.


In the game hall, the second level.

This is a relatively elegant-looking study room, and its owner is obviously much richer than the previous couple who committed suicide.

An old man fell in a pool of blood, with a huge hole in his temple. The pool of blood under him soaked the carpet and soaked the pile of books next to him.

The pistol that caused the wound was held in the corpse's right hand.

"Another suicide case?" Mia looked at the desk next to her, "He even wrote a suicide note."

Mi'er walked to the desk and stared at the suicide note for a while. It probably said that this professor had previously made some inappropriate remarks in public, which had a bad impact on public opinion. He himself was deeply ashamed and frightened by this, and could only offer his own life as an apology.

"It's undoubtedly suicide, right?" Mia announced that the case was solved at the speed of light.

Mi'er didn't say anything, she just grabbed the professor's right hand holding the gun from the pool of blood, put it next to her little nose and smelled it.

There is indeed a faint smell of gun smoke, and this game is quite realistic.

"Then, the cause of suicide has been confirmed." Mia said and went to get the suicide note on the table, but was stopped by Mi'er:


"Look at this!" She picked up the manuscript on the sofa. "This one also seems to be written by the professor, but the handwriting is different."

"I don't see any difference." Mia took a look and said strangely.

"Look here, there are obvious ink scratches." Mi'er said.

"Ink scratches are normal. If too much ink comes out of the pen when you write, and you accidentally touch it before it dries, there will be scratch marks." Mia disagreed.

"No, no, no." Mi'er pointed to three places in the manuscript, "Look carefully, here, here, and here, the ink scratches are all from the letters to the right."

"So?" Mia was confused.

"Under what circumstances will scratches to the right occur?" Mi'er picked up the pen with her left hand and gestured to write in the air, "For example, in this case..."

"Wait!" Mia said in shock, "Why do you hold the pen with your left hand?"

"Because this professor is left-handed." Mi'er replied, "Only left-handers will hold the pen with their left hand. Since the words are arranged from left to right, when he writes letters, his left hand will hold the pen from left to right. Moving the writing over covers the words just written, so there are occasional ink scratches."

"!" Mia finally exclaimed, "Mier! Why is your mind so sharp? I didn't know it before!"

We've been best friends for almost a year, and you actually have the nerve to say you don't understand me? Mi'er was also speechless and continued her analysis:

"If you look at the other manuscripts on the shelf, they should have similar problems."

The two little girls started flipping through the bookshelf again, but did not find any extra manuscripts. Instead, they found several economics books. The professor's notes were on the pages between the bookmarks, and they also had similar scratches.

Mi'er raised the professor's left hand again, and sure enough, she found traces of ink on the outside of the back of his hand.

"So this guy is really left-handed," Mia said.

"However, this suicide note." Mi'er shook the letter paper on the desk. "There are no similar traces on it. Not only that..."

She pointed to the professor's right hand and said, "Even his gun-holding hand is right."

"So it's a forgery," Mia suddenly realized. "The suicide note and the way he held the gun were all forged, right? This professor was actually murdered."

"Finding the real murderer is the biggest difficulty in this level." Mi'er said.

Thank you ARETHA for your 100 coins, thank you Big Black Mushroom for your 500 coins, and thank you for thinking about happiness~

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