Blue Sword

Chapter 456 Suicide note

Eleanor returned to the main plane and saw Asik taking a nap in front of the table.

Alas, for everyone, you must have been working very hard during this time.

Eleanor found a blanket from the bed and covered Aske with it.

Then he woke up.

"Well, are you done with the inspection?" Ask asked, grabbing the blanket that had fallen off his shoulders.

"Yes." Eleanor said the result again.

"Four infected people, is that many?" Asik sighed.

"Including you, there may be five." Eleanor picked up the ancient book that was placed under his head. "Go back. After the inspection, go to bed and sleep. I will take the book to Weisbach Station tonight. It will follow the team and leave. Be careful not to teleport out casually to avoid being exposed."

"Okay." Ask's figure disappeared and teleported back to Hearth Island.

Eleanor sat down at the desk, his body heat still seeming to remain on the chair. She stared at the empty table for a long time, silent.

Then, he sighed quietly.

Taking the letter paper, ink and quill out of the drawer, she flattened the paper on the table and began to write.

The first letter is to Nora:

"Dear Nora, by the time you read this letter, I will have..."

On the other side, in Hearth Island, Asik, who had just teleported in, was immediately flanked by Nora and Medea.

The two girls hugged his arms from both sides and argued angrily:

"I have treatment experience. If there is any damage during the examination, I can still save him in time!" Nora said righteously.

"Haha, I have much more experience in mind reading than you. He will not be hurt at all under my hands!" Medea retorted with a sneer, "Don't think I don't know, you actually just want to pry into his thoughts!"

"It's as if you haven't peeked into his thoughts." Nora said angrily, "You have already seen it, why don't you let me see it?"

This girl was obviously used to being gentle. She was already feeling very unhappy, but her tone could not be toughened. Of course, an old thief like Medea was not afraid at all. She glared and shouted:

"I've seen it and I want to show it to you? Then when I get married, will my husband also share half of it with you?"


It was over, and Silla was helplessly holding her forehead next to her.

I also knew that Nora and Medea would never win in a fight. If the gentle Nora's combat power was 10, then the fierce Medea's combat power was 1000. She would be crushed to pieces without even being able to talk.

However, winning or losing the quarrel will not determine who owns the spoils.

Because this trophy is alive!

"What's the fuss about?" Ask said inexplicably, "If you don't trust each other, then just watch it together."

Nora immediately nodded desperately, while Medea was shaking with anger and pinched Asik's waist hard.

"What's wrong with you!" Ask was annoyed.

"Can you be more reserved! This is your own memory!" Medea was almost furious. "Would you feel pleasure showing your memory to others? You are a pervert!"

"Isn't this to prevent the hidden spiritual plague?" Asik spread his hands helplessly, "Besides, it's not like you haven't seen it before!"


Ahhhhh this man! It’s this natural tone that makes people so uncomfortable!

She was so angry that she kept pulling the ends of her hair with her fingers, but Nora resisted the urge to cheer, and then looked at her calmly (however, the smugness in her eyes could not be hidden at all) and said:

"So, Medea. Let me check on Ask, or should we do it together?"

"Together!" Medea gritted her teeth.

What if the other party planted a backdoor in Aske's mind?

Although Medea can't do it yet, if she can... judge others by herself, she will never trust Nora to check it alone.

So the two girls surrounded Aske and carefully reviewed his memory while he was completely relaxed. The meticulousness of their attitude and the seriousness of their techniques cannot be compared with when they inspect other girls.

"Well, is this Aske's elementary school?"

"I told you, his world is very boring. Not to mention extraordinary abilities, even technology is very backward."

"Are all primary school classes in Dragon Kingdom so large? Can the teacher teach them?"

"The only good thing about his elementary school is that he doesn't allow puppy love."

"Speaking of's unlikely that you will fall in love prematurely at this age."

The two psychic girls were muttering, while Asik sat on the chair, half-squinting his eyes, and gradually fell asleep again.


The plane of reality.

Eleanor finished writing the last stroke, folded the letter carefully, and wrote "To Honey" on the outside.

Next to it is neatly folded letter paper.

She wrote a letter to every girl on the team.

Finally taking out a piece of paper, Eleanor composed herself and then wrote:

"Dear Captain Aske..."

A little too ambiguous. She crossed out the word "darling" and hesitated again.

Even if it is painted out, the position and the length of the painting can still make it easy for people to guess the original word.

So she changed a new piece of paper and wrote:

"Captain Aske, when you read this letter, I will probably be dead..."

Eleanor suddenly stopped writing and became silent.

The address to other girls all starts with "dear", but the address to Aske does not have a modifying attributive. This will make him feel that he is deliberately alienating him, right?

After crumpling the paper into a ball in distress, Eleanor took out a new piece of paper and hesitated after thinking about "how to write the initial title"...

Finally, he put down his pen as if giving up and buried his face deeply in his arms.

"Ask..." She murmured, her eyes gradually becoming moist.



In a daze, it felt like I had a long dream.

Scenes from the past flashed through her mind, like yellowed old film reels. The images were sometimes clear, sometimes blurry, mixed with the voices of countless people:

"...Do you understand? I have nothing left...let me be free..."

"...I just slaughtered the city, but you destroyed the country! Who do you have to accuse me!"

"... Once war comes, there will be no way for the weak in this world to survive..."

"...Give me relief...Kill me..."

"...Send these civilians who have not received any military training to be used as cannon fodder on a cruel battlefield?"

"...In the final analysis, people like us are like rootless duckweeds that scatter when washed away by the current..."

"...In the next battle in Italy and Canada where the Supreme One personally conquers Italy, the number of deaths will be multiplied ten times! A hundred times! Even a thousand times!"

Those layered sounds, those desperate cries, crazy roars, and extremely sad murmurs, finally faded into a low cry.

It was her own voice:

"Weak people, in this world, really don't have any... right to speak out?"

"That's right."

"So, mature as soon as possible, Ellie."

Eleanor jerked awake from the table.

"Ask!" she shouted.

The tent was empty and silent.

But she clearly heard Ask's voice just now.

Is it a dream?

Eleanor lowered her head and stared blankly at the tear-stained paper on the table. There was no word written on it, it was blank.

She sighed, folded the paper according to the pattern of the previous letters, and then wrote two words on the outside neatly.

To Ask.

With all these letters tucked into the pages of "Absurd Dreams", Eleanor picked up the ancient book and walked towards Weisbach's residence.

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