Blue Sword

Chapter 455 The Real War

"That's just the way it is."

In Hearth Island, Nora explained the matter to everyone:

"Currently, there is no evidence to confirm the transmission mechanism of this spiritual plague, but it is likely to be spread randomly. Therefore, it is not clear whether everyone has been infected, and it must be confirmed as soon as possible."

"The method of confirmation requires everyone to let go of their minds and let me or Medea conduct in-depth exploration. Of course, this may involve the leakage of memory privacy, so you can choose one of me or Medea based on your level of trust. .Whoever we choose, we promise to keep it absolutely confidential."

"Have you explored yourself?" Mia asked curiously.

"Yes." Nora said, "My memory is not abnormal, and Medea was infected when she was a child and was later cured."

Medea can also be infected... The girls talked a lot.

Although it is very unpleasant to have someone peek into your memory, having a backdoor planted in your mind so that it can be manipulated unknowingly is a more fatal and serious problem.

From this point of view, in-depth examination still has to be done. The question is just whether to choose Nora or Medea.

"Nora." Needless to say, Eleanor believed her best friend.

"I too...choose Nora." Silla sighed. Although she cherished her memory, but... she could never trust Medea anyway.

"I choose Medea." Hidrifa said directly. She usually has a good relationship with Medea.

"Medea." Unexpectedly, Paige also chose Medea.

Only two little girls, Mia and Mier, were left. Mi'er looked at Mia and said casually:

"I don't care, then Nora will be fine."

"Then I also..." Mia was about to follow Mi'er when she suddenly caught a glimpse of Medea's dangerous eyes and immediately changed her words timidly, "I'd better choose the kind sister Medea."

"Half and half." Medea shrugged, "That's fine."

"Yes." Nora responded with a gentle smile.

The two people made eye contact, and each read the subtext in each other's eyes: It doesn't matter who reads the minds of these sisters...

...The key is to wait for the leader's memory and who will check it.

Medea had read Asker's memory before, but of course she would never give it to Nora this time, thereby wiping out her information advantage.

And Nora knew that Medea had read it, so she must seize this opportunity to bring Medea back to the same starting line.

After this, that is the real war!

The two of them absentmindedly examined the girls in order, while their minds were spinning rapidly, thinking about what reasons they should use to convince Aske or the other party... To be precise, they just convinced Aske, because the other party would never give in. of.

"Huh?" Nora suddenly realized that there was no feedback from her mind reading, "Eleanor?"

"Sorry, are you trying to free your mind? I forgot." Eleanor said.

As she opened her mind again, Nora's spiritual tentacles were able to penetrate deep into her mental body.

That’s not right! My mind-reading ability can be read even if you don't let go of your mind, but you will feel strong discomfort and headache!

Nora reacted again and tentatively asked in the spiritual channel:

"Eleanor? Are you..."

"Well, I have mastered the law of will." Eleanor replied, and then a text came from her mind.

That was the first law skill Eleanor learned after condensing the law:

Law of Will. Unyielding: Will is greatly strengthened, can maintain concentration of thoughts for a long time, and can eliminate and be immune to most psychic effects, such as "Mind Reading", "Mind Control", "Desire Interference", "Hypnosis" and "Dizziness" "etc.

"Wow!" Nora exclaimed, "This skill suits you very well! Ellie!"

"Yeah." Eleanor smiled implicitly. After all, she is the heavily armored defender in the team, and she must be at the forefront when encountering a battle. This skill ensures that she will not be controlled by the psion, which can be said to have greatly enhanced her battlefield survivability.

"Then do I still need to read your mind?" Nora hesitated, "If you can be immune to psychic effects, then the psychic plague..."

"Wait." Eleanor said, and then activated her indomitable ability again.

With the strong concentration of her will, the entire mental body turned into a brilliant and hot pure white, and the subconscious ocean around the mental body also boiled.

Nora felt as if her mental tentacles had been burned, and she couldn't wait to retract them.

Immediately afterwards, in her spiritual vision, she saw various thoughts being thrown out of Eleanor's burning mental body.

Most of them are irrelevant thoughts, that is, miscellaneous thoughts generated by people's involuntary thoughts in their spare time; the rest are messy feelings coming from the body, such as itching, slight hunger, fatigue, etc.

"This ability of yours is really easy to use." Nora said enviously. She felt that this ability seemed to be a bit unnatural. Not only was it completely immune to psychic effects, but it could also eliminate physical desires? That doesn't mean you can't eat or drink...

"This is just to remove the feeling." Eleanor understood what she meant, "but it cannot solve the physical need itself. For example, if I remove the idea of ​​hunger, although I will no longer feel hungry, my body still needs to eat."

"Oh." Nora thought to herself, that's pretty awesome, and suddenly noticed a certain thought that came to her mind.

This shape... is similar to the information Medea described to me. It seems to be an implanted spiritual plague?

She stretched out her spiritual tentacles, grabbed the intricately constructed idea, and pulled it over for a closer inspection.

That's right, that's right.

"So I'm infected," Eleanor said.

"Can you see thoughts?" Nora asked in surprise.

"No, but I can tell I'm getting rid of something," Eleanor replied. "It's a dangerous idea, isn't it?"

"Yeah." Nora continued to study it, and then threw it into the depths of the subconscious ocean.

"Since it has been cleared, I will not continue to check you, Ellie." She signaled that Eleanor could leave, and then waved for Sheila to come over.

The collective mental examination the two men conducted on the girls did not take too long overall.

Because Nora and Medea soon suddenly realized that if the other party completed the inspection before them, they could use the excuse of "Ah, Asik hasn't checked yet" to teleport to the real plane first.

Therefore, after thinking about this, both of them speeded up the inspection, and they were able to finish it at the same time in about half an hour.

The infected include Eleanor, Sheila, Mia and Mier.

The ones who were not infected were Hidliefa and Paige.

Half of our mercenary group was actually infected... Seeing this result, the two of them felt a little scared.

If Aske hadn't taken the lead in discovering this, no one would have known that there was a backdoor in their minds!

Judging from the list of people infected with the spiritual plague, it seems that the characteristics of susceptible people cannot be analyzed. Eleanor, Sheila, Mia, Mel, and Medea are all of different ages, regions, and classes, and have nothing worth noting in common.

Maybe it was really spread randomly?

No matter what, the real war is about to begin!

Thanks to fhfgfhgfhg for his 233 coins, to Lord of Carcosa for his 500 coins, and to Sun Moon Cloud Ghost for his 1000 coins~

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