Blue Sword

Chapter 150 Ax of the North Wind

After the Spartan warriors left, the girls couldn't hold back their expressions and just started laughing around them.

"The leader is happy to be a father!" Mia was the first to shout.

"Hey! Do you think those Spartans will regard any of us as Hood's mother?" Medea, who was worried about the world being in chaos, also asked with a smile.

"That must be Nora or Paige, they both have black hair." Eleanor analyzed seriously, "Considering that Paige looks younger, it is probably Nora."

"Stop making trouble!" Nora's face turned as red as an apple and she shouted angrily.

"Are you all too idle after the war?" Ask sighed, "Just in time, I have collected a batch of extraordinary characteristics of dark elves here, which can supplement everyone's nutrition."

"Just pair it with special training." He said with a smile.

"No!" the girls screamed immediately.


On Hearth Island, the girls stood listlessly in a row, like lambs caught by a big bad wolf, with expressions of "resignation" on their faces.

"Today's special training is to conduct one-on-one combat training with me." Asik held a wooden sword and said with a smile, "Of course, I am not a devil. As long as someone can defeat me, then today's special training can give She’s on vacation.”

The girls looked at each other, thinking that the pie you painted is too fake, who can eat it? If I can really defeat you, why would I still be afraid of special training?

"Why, do you think the difficulty is too high?" Asker said with a smile, "Then let's change the standard: whoever can defeat Hidliba in the morning will be exempted from half a day of training; the same applies in the afternoon."

"Wait a minute! Why is it me all of a sudden..." Hildrifa shouted in panic, and she saw several girls next to her turn to her, with hungry wolf-like green light in their eyes.

"Hidliba." Eleanor said calmly, "We are old partners, should we also spar together today?"

"I promise not to use the Immortal Sword." Peggy said.

"Sister Hidrifa, I have wanted to train with you for a long time!" Mia hugged her thigh.

Then Hildelife screamed and was half-dragged and half-pulled away by several girls.

Ask looked at them with a smile.

"Why did you suddenly choose to let Hildrifa be besieged?" Medea asked from the side, "Well, I think your choice was not without purpose. Is there any deep meaning in it?"

"Have you heard of Spartacus's ax?" Asker did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"What?" Medea was confused.

"Spartacus, the ancient Solomon-Thrace slave gladiator of the Third Age." Sheila explained beside him. "Due to dissatisfaction with the treatment of slaves, he revolted. The army once reached 100,000. Later, in the Battle of Apulia, Captured and killed.”

"It is said that he once received a one-handed battle ax given by God, named 'Berrill'."

"Boril, the word means 'North Wind' in Cyris, and also means 'God of the North Wind'. This god comes from Hyperborea in the far north, where the sun never sets, The ice and snow never melt, and there live the ancient Hybrians with the blood of frost giants. They have long lifespans and possess countless gold."

"In order to please the God of the North Wind, they found polar ice at the northernmost point. It was an extraordinary material countless times harder than steel and almost impossible to collect with any tools. The Hybrians slaughtered dozens of The tribe of frost giants used the boiling giant blood to soften the polar ice, and finally shaped it into the shape of a battle axe, which is the 'Axe of the North Wind' Beryl."

"The Hybrians dedicated the Ax of the North Wind to the God of the North Wind. The God of the North Wind later came to live in Thrace, and the battle ax was left by Him in Thrace. As for Spartacus How S got it, no one knows."

"Is this ax of the north wind powerful?" Medea asked thoughtfully.

"It's not a question of whether it's powerful or not." Sheila didn't know how to explain it. "It's really that kind of... artifact, beyond the scope of ordinary weapons."

"It is said that the Ax of the North Wind has two properties: one is the 'North Wind Freezes Everything', which can freeze the enemy the moment it hits it, making it unable to move."

"The second is 'The North Wind Will Return'. After being thrown and hitting the enemy, the North Wind Ax will automatically fly back to the owner's hand. No one can understand the principle of this."

"Hmm." Medea pondered. Just these two characteristics mentioned by Sheila sound like incredible abilities that can only be possessed by artifacts.

"Speaking of artifacts," Asik said, "The artifacts in this world can be divided into three categories."

"The first category is epic artifacts. This type of artifact is usually very powerful, but it also has high restrictions on its users. For example, the Sacred Heart Cathedral in West Francia contains a spear named 'Sacred Heart'. It is said that Only those who are absolutely righteous can hold it in their hands. Once the user has even the slightest evil thought, the spear will become too hot to hold."

"The second category is cursed artifacts. This type of artifact has difficult abilities, but it also has terrible negative effects. For example, the Shadow Blade used by Bruce to assassinate Caesar is characterized by the ability to launch attacks from the shadow world, thereby ignoring the target. All defenses and extraordinary abilities block it.”

"The price is that once possessed, the user will be tempted to kill their loved ones, causing the user to fall into regret and despair throughout his life."

"The third category is the growth artifact. The power of this type of artifact is directly related to the level and spiritual strength of the transcendent. If held in the hands of ordinary people, it is just an ordinary weapon."

"The North Wind Ax mentioned by Sheila is exactly such a growth artifact. At present, most of the artifacts in the world have been collected and studied by the Holy See of Solomon, and a few have fallen into the hands of the Orthodox Church as sealed artifacts. "

"And this Ax of the North Wind is one of the few artifacts that has never been discovered by the church. Back then, Spartacus originally planned to lead the slaves across the Strait of Messina, so he gave this weapon to the pirates as a gift. deposit."

"However, the pirates treacherously failed to provide ships in order to seize the weapon for themselves, and instead fled across the Ionian Sea."

"When landing at the port of Pylos in the Peloponnese, it is said that the battle ax could not bear to fall into the hands of despicable people, so it took advantage of a sea breeze to fly into the air, and finally landed on Mount Taygets."

"So the originally pleasant scenery of Mount Taygets immediately turned into a snow-capped peak."

The girls nodded and gasped, thinking that the reason why we came to Sparta was to get this weapon for Sidrifa.

But how did Aske know? No matter, although he is always mysterious, his predictions have never been wrong...

"To pull out this ax, you must at least have the 'Frost' and 'Giant' sequences. Back then, Spartacus originally had the blood of the Hybrians, and he also had the 'Frost' sequence."

"I don't know if Sidrifa has giant blood, but just in case, she must take and digest 'Frost I' and 'Giant I' as soon as possible." Ask turned to look at Nora and Medea, He ordered:

"Help me keep an eye on her during this period and urge her to upgrade me to Level 4!"

Nora and Medea responded, and suddenly felt some inexplicable sympathy for Hildrifa.

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