Blue Sword

Chapter 149 Sparta City

Early next morning.

The war ended so quickly that the citizens of Olympus City generally had not yet reacted.

It was not until newspapers began to describe the wreckage of the Crusader camp in the south and the huge corpse of Leviathan in the north that these citizens seemed to wake up from a dream, and an atmosphere of joy suddenly filled the entire city of Olin, including the bars. The business is booming.

Olin City currently prohibits ordinary citizens from going out due to concerns about the radiation produced by neutron bomb explosions. Therefore, citizens can only gather in entertainment venues, talk to each other and brag about the pitiful war intelligence they heard from somewhere.

On the other side, everyone from Cangqing Sword also planned to leave as soon as possible with the Spartans after exchanging their military merits for rewards.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no point in staying any longer.

In exchange for military merit, Olympia City provided six bottles of Level II potions needed for the Cangqing Sword, which are:

Fire II, Frost II, Storm II, Meteor II, Thunder II, Shadow II.

It also comes with two bottles of level I potions, Giant I and Ray I.

The combined value of these actually far exceeds the redemption amount for military merit. It can be said that under Sheila's operation, the city lord did give amazing discounts.

Flame II is for Medea. Although her other personality has the super-level ability of Flame V, it is a gift from purgatory after all. It does not belong to the sequence that Medea has mastered, and it does not count towards her own level. above.

Besides, we can't release that pervert Medusa every time.

Frost II and Thunder II were prepared for Sidrifa. The "Titan Giant" route she chose was a rare bloodline route in this world. It was characterized by the explosion of both physical and spiritual systems, which was very powerful.

Of course, the corresponding magic potion is also much more expensive. For example, the bottle of "Giant I" potion can give the person who takes it the blood of a giant, automatically understand the language of giants, and at the same time, the explosive power and endurance are almost doubled.

It is equivalent to a comprehensive increase in offensive and defensive blood, and it becomes a super heavy weapon output, so the price on the market can reach about 800 pounds.

Shadow II is Mia's potion, let's not mention it for now; the remaining Storm II, Meteorite II and Light I are obviously gifts from the city lord Appilios to his precious granddaughter.

Storm II and Meteorite II are Sheila's dual main sequences. You can take them up to level IV (level 4) along the bloodline route. Together with her original cornerstone sequence "Wisdom X", there are a total of 9 bottles of magic potion so far. .

For the remaining 1 bottle, you can choose any arcane sequence of potions.

Among players in the previous life, if there was no thunder in the main sequence, the player would usually choose "Thunder I" for no other reason: the thunder ability is fast to activate, the air projection time is short, and it comes with a paralysis effect, which is very suitable for starting spells.

However, Sheila chose "Ray I" for the same reason as Eleanor before:

Since Sidrifa already has the Thunder sequence in the team, it would be a waste for her to choose another of the same sequence. It would be better to choose an ability that is not available in the team to make up for the overall shortcomings.

In this way, the seven arcane sequences of fire, frost, thunder, storm, meteorite, light, and shadow are gathered together.

Asker suddenly felt like he was playing a mobile game to collect illustrated books, with all kinds of beautiful girls and various professions living together.

Fortunately, everyone is a real person, not a piece of paper, so I am not addicted to online games, right?

However, thinking about the super war that was about to happen in the future, which would almost destroy half of the continent, Asker began to feel heavy pressure again.

Low-level extraordinary beings below Level 10 were all cannon fodder in that super war. How many of the girls in your team will survive then?

Time is running out and the team level must be raised quickly!

Leaving Olympia, the next stop is the city-state of Sparta. Cang Qing Sword chose to go with Ludasius and others.

The car parked in the small town of Olympia at the foot of the mountain had long been destroyed in the war.

Even if it is not destroyed, there is a high probability that the microcontrollers in various electronic control systems will be burned in the subsequent wave of demons, and will be completely scrapped.

Fortunately, Olympia City kindly sponsored two carriages...

Appirius was so protective of his granddaughter that he even asked Quintus to escort her with a bodyguard of mages.

Last month I was driving a car, but this month I could only ride a horse-drawn carriage. It gave people the feeling of suddenly regressing from modern times to the Middle Ages. This is how the magic tide deceives people.

Go along the Siris National Highway. In the afternoon of the next day, everyone arrived at the city-state of Sparta.

The city-state of Sparta was surrounded by mountains on three sides and was established on the central Laconia plain. In the Second Age, Sparta was one of the few cities on the Cyrus Peninsula that did not build city walls, and it was also one of the few city-states that focused on the extraordinary sequence of physics.

In the words of the Athenians, there were only two kinds of people in Sparta: macho men, and "macho men" with female body structures.

Even Spartan women are very tough in battle, so the Spartans often mocked the Athenians by saying:

"You can't even beat my mother-in-law."

After Quintus sent everyone to the outskirts of the Spartan city-state, he left with the mage guards. After all, the city-state of Sparta had a long history of despising the supernatural power of the spiritual system, and he did not want to be watched and ridiculed by these tough men after entering the city.

Before leaving, Quintus stuffed something into Sheila.

Mia could see quite clearly that it was a large stack of banknotes...

After Quintus and his party left, Rudasius eagerly dragged Asike into the city and wanted to take him to try the local specialties: roast lamb and black soup.

Ask declined. You can still try the roasted lamb, but forget about the Spartan black soup.

It was a dark dish made with pig blood, salt and vinegar. The Spartans didn't know how to add some cooking wine, onions, ginger and pepper to remove the fishy smell and smell like the Chinese. It tasted much more disgusting. nausea.

As a result, before everyone entered the city, Rudasius saw a group of Spartan warriors standing outside the city, holding shields and spears, surrounding a certain corpse on the ground.

"What's going on?" Rudasius pushed away the crowd. As soon as he returned to the city-state, everyone in Cangqing Sword saw Spartans being killed outside the city, which made him feel embarrassed.

"Rudasius!" Some of the Spartan warriors around him also knew him. They immediately pointed to the corpse on the ground and said concisely, "Someone was killed."

"You must explain it clearly! I'm not blind, can't I see that someone was killed?" Rudasius was speechless. Although he had been in the Spartan city-state for nearly ten years, he still could not adapt to the local people's language style of "never say a word more".

"The murderer is the snow monster that came down from Mount Taigetus from the southeast." Another Spartan warrior said.

"Then go to its lair!" Rudasius said.

"I can't do it." The Spartan warrior shook his head.


I just brought my friends back, and you let people see you being beaten by a snow monster in front of your house, and you can't beat it?

What a shame!

"Rudasius, did you win?" asked a Spartan warrior.

Obviously, in the eyes of the Spartans, either the whole army was wiped out when going out to fight, or they returned victorious. Since Rudasius, who went north to aid Olympia, appears here, he must have won.

"More than 600 people went out and only 21 came back. It's not a win." Rudasius sighed.

"Victory is victory, even if it is built on blood." The Spartan warrior rarely quoted a proverb.

"No more words, I'm going to find the King of Sparta. Please take care of these guests behind me. They are all comrades who fought with me in the north." Rudasius pointed back, and then he was furious. Went into town.

Comrade? The Spartan warriors turned around to look, and were immediately shocked by the disparity in gender ratio within the Blue Sword Mercenary Group.

However, the Spartans respected their comrades, so they didn't say much. One of the warriors stepped forward, gestured to Asik, and said:


Under the leadership of the Spartans, Cang Qingjian and others were introduced into the city and arranged a place to stay.

As a militarized city-state since ancient times, the Spartans implemented military management and lived in collective dormitories. In addition to independent bedrooms and bathrooms, the kitchen, canteen, balcony, etc. were shared on each floor of the dormitory, even for guests. Residential is no exception.

Everyone in Cang Qing Sword was taken to a large room, and the leader of the Spartan warriors introduced:

"This is the largest room in all our dormitories, with ten beds and three bathrooms for you and your wives."

The girls were embarrassed, but Ask didn't take it seriously, because it was very difficult to explain to the Spartans, and once the explanation was clear, they had to arrange other rooms for the girls to live with those unmarried Spartan girls. together.

It would be too troublesome to regroup later, and after all, everyone has a Fire Island.

Speaking of Hearth Island, Ask suddenly noticed that Hood was missing.

"Where is the young man traveling with us?" he asked.

"Your son is almost an adult," the Spartan replied. "We will provide him with additional accommodation in the Boy Scout camp."

(Due to the Spartan dormitory system, children are often assigned to the Boy Scouts' living area when they reach the age of 7. Otherwise, it would be inconvenient for parents to do things if they live in the same room.)

That's not my son... Asik was completely speechless and suddenly reacted. Boy Scouts?

"Please be sure to arrange for him to receive training from your Boy Scouts." Ask said seriously.

Get trained well, you! Let you continue to slander me for having a harem all day long!

The Spartan warrior was stunned when he heard this. Although it was Spartan custom for parents and children to live separately, if guests requested it, Spartans would usually make other arrangements.

However, guests usually ask to "live with their children" or "let them live in the room next to me."

This was the first time he saw a guest like Asker who "respected Spartan customs".

He is indeed a comrade recognized by Rudasius!

The Spartan warrior suddenly showed a serious expression: "Don't worry, we will definitely train your son to become a real warrior!"

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