Blue Sword

Chapter 127 Science and Metaphysics

In the morning, he and Hood finalized the team's subsequent equipment update plan, and in the afternoon Asker set off for the University of Hippocra to visit the girls studying there.

Medea's "Fire", Sheila's "Storm" and "Meteorite", as well as Hilda's "Frost" and "Thunder" that have not yet been taken, but exist in the subsequent bloodline sequence, all belong to the classical Macedonian Austrian. technique sequence.

In addition, Mia's "Shadow" and Paige's "Stealing" are relatively more spiritual sequences.

These spiritual department sequences have corresponding lecturers and training grounds at Hippocratic University, specifically used to train corresponding extraordinary beings.

Therefore, these five girls were arranged to study these (metaphysical) theories in university. As for whether they would be beneficial to actual combat, Aske had to confirm it himself.

After all, a bigger war is coming, and there are not many short-lived calm days before the war that can allow everyone to seize the time to improve their strength.

The University of Hippocra is not a full-time academic university like Asker's previous life, where dozens of students gathered in the classroom to listen to lectures, but more like a practical training class.

The students stood on the training field and took turns using their extraordinary abilities, while the instructor explained the principles and corrected mistakes.

"This classmate asked me, what will happen if the fire ability and the frost ability come together? Then I will answer you now, it will be annihilated."

The lecturer summoned a ball of fire with his left hand and a ball of ice with his right hand, snapping the two together.

The fireballs and frost are gone.

"Revise the knowledge we have learned. The quality of a system depends on the protons in the isolated system; the temperature of a system depends on the energy quantons of the isolated system."

"Massive quantons and energy quantons can transform into each other under certain conditions. The transformation formula is the mass-energy equation E=mc2."

"Energy quanta are divided into high spin states and low spin states. The low spin state is absolute zero, while the high spin state is not zero. The temperature of the isolated system is related to the difference between the high and low spin state energy quanta in the system, which translates into The formula is Dirac's equations, which are quite complicated. You can go back and read the textbook, Chapter 5 of Quantum Mechanics, "Equation of Energy Quant Spin State."

"The mechanism of the flame sequence ability is to convert low-spin state energy quanta into high-spin states, so the temperature in the system will increase rapidly; the frost sequence is just the opposite, so once the two spells come together, they will be annihilated."

"So, teacher." Sheila raised her hand and asked, "If the fire ability is stronger than the frost ability, shouldn't the frost spell be annihilated and the fire spell remain?"

"Theoretically, this is the case." The lecturer nodded and explained, "In fact, don't forget that quantum has observational collapse property."

"Unobserved, the state of a quantum can be a superposition of high spin and low spin. Once you observe it, the quantum must be in one of two spin states."

"Only the superposition state can be calculated. In the non-superposition state, the quanta have collapsed and cannot superpose each other."

"A mathematical metaphor is that you can perform superposition calculations on two vectors, but once the vector collapses to a certain point, you cannot perform calculations."

Teacher, it seems that this is not the question I asked... Sheila wanted to say something else, but the lecturer looked down at his watch and said:

"Then that's it for today, get out of class is over."

"How are you doing with your studies?" Ask greeted the three girls.

"What the teacher taught is difficult to understand, but he does have unique insights into the principles of spell casting." Sheila replied.

"The explanation is a bit obscure, but it may be useful in the future if you understand it." Medea said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm different from them, I completely understand!" Hidrifa said cheerfully with an innocent smile.

The other two girls immediately glanced sideways at her, showing speechless expressions.

No, you actually don’t understand at all...

"I know." Asik didn't have any expectations for this person's IQ, and sighed, "Let's go find the remaining people."

The other two were assigned to the training ground next door because they were not in the arcane sequence.

As soon as he walked into the venue of the shadow sequence, his vision suddenly went dark.

Alas, the style of the Blind Team. A strong sense of déjà vu suddenly emerged in Asker's heart.

Then he raised his sword upside down and struck it lightly to the left front, and a crisp ouch sounded in the darkness.

Then the darkness disappeared, and Mia squatted in front, holding her beaten forehead, with tears in her eyes.

"How did you know I was sneaking up on you!" she whimpered.

"Listen to the sound." Asik replied, "Your ability to generate darkness is the skill of Shadow Tentacles?"

Shadow tentacles attack the enemy's face and blind them. It is nicknamed "shadow blinding face" in the professional circle. Logically speaking, it requires Shadow II to activate, and Mia only has Shadow I, which means...

"The trick I just learned is the ability to match the weakness sequence." Mia said proudly.

Weakness I is a magic potion that the team found in the Extraordinary Market. After taking it, she was promoted to Level 4.

The ability of the weakness sequence itself is to capture the enemy's weaknesses in an instant and launch an attack, thereby weakening the enemy's resistance to attacks.

Shadow I can actually control darkness, but the effect is worse than that of Shadow II. Enemies attacked by shadows usually only feel their vision dimmed, and cannot achieve the effect of blocking their vision.

However, combined with the ability of the Weakness Sequence, Mia can weaken the enemy's resistance to darkness, so that Shadow I can also "shadow the face", blinding the opponent in a short period of time.

As for blinding, it may be quite difficult for ordinary people, and professional players will naturally not fall for it so easily. What's more, Mia doesn't even have the consciousness of how to launch a follow-up attack...

"That's not how shadows make faces." Asik couldn't help but point out to her, "You think, when a normal person's vision falls into darkness, the first thing they do is focus on their hearing. You can make a little more noise. Your voice, doesn’t it expose yourself?”

Mia looked confused: "Ah, is that so?"

Sheila and Medea were speechless behind them:………………

No, no, no, when a normal person is plunged into darkness, their first reaction must be panic! Do you think everyone is like this monster like you?

"The simplest attack method is to shoot quickly after the shadow blinds the face." Ask pointed out to her.

"Move around while shooting, cover up the sound of footsteps with the sound of gunfire, and the enemy will subconsciously regard the location of the gunfire as your position."

"At this time, after you have completed your position, you can take advantage of the situation and launch a sneak attack."

Mia was stunned for a long time and suddenly shouted: "It sounds very powerful, but I don't have a gun!"

"Firearms are just an example." Asik knocked her elm head angrily, "Most long-range weapons can be used, such as throwing weapons, sleeve crossbows, etc. If it doesn't work, you can just pinch it. Throw the stone over."

"Well said." Applause rang from the side, and the instructor in the training ground reached out and tore off the mask on his face, revealing an elegant and handsome face.

"Rasul, I knew it was you." Ask said helplessly.

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