Blue Sword

Chapter 126 Cute Contrast

Early next morning.

The girls who focus on the spiritual department went to the University of the Supernatural, while the girls on the physical department stayed on Fire Island to continue to hone their skills.

Only Asker, who had just been promoted to Level 5 (there was no need for potions for the time being), was left alone with Hood in the workshop of the military camp, researching something.

"I suddenly discovered that your team has a fatal problem." Hood said suddenly while operating the machine tool.

"What's the problem?" Ask asked, crossing his arms.

"The girls you have have no characteristics." Hood commented.

No features? By the way, Asik immediately understood what he meant.

These girls have been discovered by me since they were new and have been trained and grown to where they are now. The advantage is that they grow faster and will not take detours. The disadvantage is that their playing style is also closer to their own and lacks some personal characteristics.

No matter how proud Asker is, he dare not say that his playing style is completely flawless. If the whole team has the same style and then is deliberately targeted... that is indeed a difficult problem.

"It seems that I have to give them more opportunities to explore on their own." Askew said thoughtfully, "Let them play freely and form a style of play that suits them personally."

Hood:? ? ?

"I'm not talking about playing style, I'm talking about character!" Hood corrected, "Don't you think the girls under your command have no character?"

"What is the characteristic you are talking about?" Ask was completely confused.

"For example, let me give you an example." Hood said, "Eleanor, the knight of justice, can she be labeled as an old-fashioned character?"

"For example, the mechanical idiot doesn't know how to use a mobile phone at all; he gets lost easily; he will stand up when he sees a weak person being bullied. Although he is tough, he has a gentle side in his character. He especially likes small animals..."

"Another example is Paige. She can have the attributes of a yandere. For example, she stalks you secretly every day, gnashes her teeth when she sees you talking to other girls, has eighty hatchets hidden in her clothes..."

"Are you writing a novel?" Ask interrupted him dumbfounded, "Where do you get so many messy attributes!"

"Without attributes, your harem is very boring!" Hood expressed strong doubts.

"We are a mercenary group, not a harem group." Asker emphasized, "The mercenary group does not need to deliberately collect people with distinctive personalities. We only need potential seedlings, and then cultivate them into reliable combat effectiveness, and finally go to the battlefield."

"That's so boring," Hood complained.

"It doesn't have to be interesting," Aske said, "just winning is enough."

"Keep winning."

Hood was stunned for a moment, suddenly feeling that this guy was a bit scary in some respects.

"Let's talk about the second one." Asker sighed helplessly, "Those labels of yours also come from novels and animations? Artistic works will adopt some relatively distinctive character labels for the purpose of expression."

"But look at the reality, how can there be such a person around you? He gets lost easily. Does this guy have an underdeveloped brain? He hides dozens of hatchets in private. Is there really no psychological problem for such a person? Shouldn't he? Send him to psychiatric treatment?”

"It's because reality is so bland and boring that we need to have more fun!" Hood shouted angrily, "You are a heinous criminal! You have opened a harem, but you want to destroy the dream of a harem party like mine. Ah! Can’t we give people some room for imagination?!”

"It's none of my business!" Asik was also a little annoyed, "I don't decide their characters! And you kid has been slandering me all day long about having a harem. Do you want me to make a hole in your head first? ?”

"What's wrong with men being more imaginative!" Hood quickly hugged his head, "I also want to make them more cute!"

"I'm sorry, then I'm really not cute enough." Eleanor's voice sounded from outside.

The two turned their heads stiffly and saw Eleanor leaning against the door frame with her arms folded, a speechless expression on her face that said, "Look what you are arguing about."

"When did you come?" Ask asked with a dry smile.

"When you said 'I have no characteristics'." Eleanor said calmly.

"Uh...ah, by the way, Hood is developing a new weapon for you!" Asik quickly changed the subject and winked at Hood, "Hood, take it out quickly."

"Huh? But that's..." Hood hadn't reacted yet.

"It's a new weapon developed for Eleanor." Ask emphasized.

Hood was speechless and took out a streamlined long sword from the workbench.

Hearing that there were new weapons, Eleanor's eyes were immediately drawn to them.

Although it roughly looks like a sword, its blade is extremely narrow and has a cold and chilling sheen. The arc is slightly curved, more like a knife to be precise, with dense patterns on the blade.

"The hot melt knife!" Hood lifted it up and said ostentatiously. "It is made of tantalum and hafnium carbide alloy that is resistant to ultra-high temperatures. It has a three-dimensional network of hollow tunnels inside. It is powered by a single-phase nuclear fusion battery and heated by a heat pump. Flame-retardant heat-conducting oil is pressed into the tunnel for circulation, so that the long sword edge can be directionally heated to more than several thousand degrees Celsius, which is enough to cut through the steel structure of the power armor."

Eleanor took the melting knife and pressed the switch as Hood said. Sure enough, the blade turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the air began to become hot and scorched.

She swung her hand casually and struck at the steel piled next to her, just like a hot knife cutting into butter. The hot-melt knife easily cut the steel into two pieces, and the broken part dripped slightly as if it had melted.

"It looks quite powerful." Eleanor commented, "But this is not a weapon prepared for me."

Ask was silent after hearing this, and indeed he still hadn't lied to her.

As a MT, Eleanor's main role is to attract the enemy's hatred, so the weapons suitable for her are not high-damage output weapons, but diversionary weapons with high durability and wide attack range, such as spears or broadswords.

"Then I will help you bring it to Peggy." Eleanor put away the melted knife and turned to leave. "Anyway, you also said bad things about her. I hope she can forgive her for the sake of this weapon. you."

"Wait a minute, Eleanor!" Aske shouted quickly, "Don't tell her, don't!"

"Just kidding." Eleanor turned around and winked.

"After all, I don't have a rigid personality." She said playfully, as if her prank had succeeded.

The door was closed again, and Asik finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, that’s fine, there’s no misunderstanding.

He looked at Hood, only to find that the young man was staring blankly at the door, with two lines of nosebleeds slowly flowing down.

"Hood, what are you doing?" Ask was a little shocked.

"The contrast is so cute..." Hood murmured.

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