Blue Sword

Chapter 108 Chaotic War

Olympus City, top-level arena.

The military competition held by the Spartans here attracted a large number of mercenaries to participate.

After all, the reward for first place is as high as 1,000 pounds.

In addition, mercenaries who perform well in the tournament will also be recruited to join the Spartan mercenary team and join the Olin City defense team.

For mercenaries who have their heads stuck in their belts and are easily tricked by their employers if they do a single task, a job like the city defense force, where they work 9 to 5 and get paid regularly, is simply their dream job.

As a result, the number of people who signed up for the first time exceeded 20,000.

As the saying goes, if there are a thousand people, there will be no bounds. The arena will certainly not be able to accommodate that many people.

The Olin City Mage Association solved this problem: they found the demigod boss of the Dream School and arranged a large-scale dream that could accommodate tens of thousands of people fighting together.

In dreams, anyone is free to kill without causing actual harm to others. The consciousness of the person who was killed will only be expelled from the dream and return to the original body unharmed.

"What an amazing miracle." Standing on the top of the mountain in Dreamland, the city lord Appilios said in admiration.

In his field of vision, the land below included rivers and forests, as well as fields and wilderness, as well as swamps and hills. It could be said that it covered most of the terrain of the Balkan Peninsula.

There's no better virtual venue for combat competitions.

"This is modeled after the legendary Heavenly Mountain." said the demigod of the Dream School. "Paradise Mountain is the eternal paradise of all things in the world. Any biological race can find an environment suitable for their own living in Heavenly Mountain."

"It's a pity that most of the 25 ancient books that sealed the fragments of Paradise Mountain have been lost." He sighed with regret and said.

"Your missing East Asia branch personnel should have been found, right?" Appilios asked.

"Found it," the demigod said, "Through searching the subconscious ocean, we can probably locate them at the bottom of the Black Sea."

"After the body was recovered, it can be seen that the wounds were caused by long swords and bullets. It was just that it had been soaked in seawater for too long and no more information could be discerned."

"Based on the analysis of the only fragments of consciousness, these people should have discovered the fragments of Paradise Mountain, but did not report it to the headquarters immediately."

"Their selfishness killed them. When the headquarters discovered something strange, these people had been dead for a long time, and it was almost impossible to extract any clues about the murderer from the consciousness of the deceased."

Appirios nodded solemnly and said nothing.

When the deceased dies, the superego sinks into the sea of ​​the collective subconscious and will be assimilated in a short period of time, leaving only the most profound memory with obsessions.

If you are a high-level spiritual powerhouse, you may be able to move in this memory and pretend that you are still alive.

Listening to what this demigod said, it was obvious that the most profound memory of those who died in the Eastern Branch was not the matter of being "killed", but the matter of "getting the pieces of Paradise Mountain".

Therefore, the Dream Paradise headquarters only knew that they were killed due to the fragments of Paradise Mountain, but they were completely unable to find out who the murderer was.

This matter is destined to become an unsolved case.

"Oh, the game has started." He said while looking at the crowd of people coming in sporadically below.


Ask was teleported in.

As a warrior selected by the Spartans in advance, his purpose in participating in this game was not to advance, but to snipe the strong.

In such a chaotic battle, although it can test the actual level of the contestants, it also reduces the fairness of the competition.

For example, the combat power of an "ordinary person" is 5, while the combat power of a "strong man" is 50. Unfortunately, when he was just teleported in, the "strong man" encountered a "super strong man" with a combat power of 100.

As a result, they were killed instantly when they met. This kind of instant kill cannot tell the strength level of the loser, so the "strong ones" with a combat power of 50 were eliminated first, while those "ordinary people" who were lucky and had a combat power of 5 were eliminated. Can survive to the end.

In addition, in order to compete for the top few, the "super strong" will inevitably kill without mercy. Regardless of the "strong" with a combat power of 50 or the "ordinary people" with a combat power of 5, they will all be killed, so that most of the "strong" They will be eliminated, which violates the original intention of this competition - to select outstanding fighters on a large scale.

The role played by Asker is that when someone kills more than 10 people in this battle, he goes over to kill the opponent to prevent any "super strong" from forming a crushing advantage in the chaos. A large number of massacres would have been beneficial. The "strong ones" who may be selected.

Of course, whether these people who are killed in advance are "super strong" or "strong", Asker will rate the opponent based on their response and performance, as well as the time they lasted under his hands.

As for the unfortunate guys who were killed in advance without being able to enter Asker's hunting list, there may be some "strong ones" who accidentally encountered "super strong ones", so there is nothing that can be done.

The final ranking is also based on a points system, rather than the "whoever survives to the end gets the chicken" rule that relies heavily on luck.

The contestants unanimously agreed with this rule - otherwise, if someone dug into the hole and waited until the end of the chaos to take advantage, wouldn't it be disgusting to everyone?

Ask was holding the long sword and just walked to a hillside when he saw two contestants talking at the bottom of the hillside.

"Listen, it is said that if the number of kills exceeds 10, there will be dedicated Spartans to snipe you."

"The sniping time is 1 minute. As long as you can survive this 1 minute, the Spartans will retreat, and then your kill count will reach 20 before the next round of sniping."

"Let's first increase the number of kills to 9, then find a place suitable for defense or escape until we encounter the enemy, increase the number of kills to 10, and then immediately prepare to concentrate on sniping."

"Eh? I thought of a good idea." Another person said, "If your kill count reaches 10 and I don't, then the Spartans will only attack you according to the rules and not me? Then what should I do? I can help you kill the Spartans."

"Spartans will not take the initiative to attack those who do not meet the standard of killing value." A voice came from the hill. The two contestants looked up and saw Asker holding his sword with one hand and looking down at them.

"But if you are attacked, of course you can take action." He said.

"Our kill value is still 0!" The two contestants quickly raised their hands.

"Of course, I'm just reminding you of the rules." Asik nodded.

After hearing this, the two contestants ran away in panic as if they had been granted amnesty.

Asik looked into the distance, thinking that the chaotic battle in Olin City was a bit like the arena mode in the previous game.

Just as he was thinking this, a communication sound came from the headset.

"Coordinates X32530, Y21215, target appears."

Oh, is there anyone with a killing value of 10 so soon?

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