Blue Sword

Chapter 107 Good at making opinions

"Sheila, arcane mage." Ask introduced to Hood one by one.

"Hello," Hood said.

The masked girl sounded young, probably from the radio system... The boy secretly labeled the other person.

"Eleanor, the main battle output of the team, is responsible for attracting enemy firepower." Asker continued to introduce.

The majestic and rigid-looking lady of the Justice Knight? Hood thought.

"Nora, you've met, the team therapist."

"Hello." Nora smiled and winked at him.

Angel sister! All the good things in the world exist!

Hood immediately responded with a smile, but he was filled with grief and anger in his heart.

The good cabbage has been eaten by the pig!

"Mi'er, team sniper, long-range fire suppression."

"Hmm." Mi'er nodded lightly.

Three no lolita? This set of characters is no longer popular, okay?

Hood was complaining crazily in his mind, but on the surface he nodded in response: "Hello."

"Mia, team scout, thief."

"You don't look too big." Mia put her hands on her hips and stared at him menacingly, "Do you know if you call me eldest sister from now on? I can cover you."

How do you cover your A pair? Hu De thought silently, I'm not interested in lolita, okay?

"Peggy, team kill output, agile warrior."

Peggy looked at him coldly, which made Hood feel a little hairy.

This person... looks like a yandere at first glance, as if he would draw a sword and stab someone at any moment.

"Hidliba, a team armor-breaking output, a powerful warrior."

"Well, do your best." Hidliba patted his head.

Hood shrank his neck like a small animal, wondering whether this was a man or a woman? I can't tell the difference between male and female.

"And finally Medea, the Psion."

Psion? A sinister and powerful lady? Hey, wait a minute...

Hood suddenly shuddered and heard Medea smiling and saying:

"It's not polite to label someone when you first meet them, little brother."

she! able! read! I! of! think! think!

Hood's mind was completely blank.

He doesn't envy Aske at all now. Staying with a woman who can read minds like this is simply torture, right? How did he survive until now?

"Because people are upright and will not have messy and dirty thoughts like yours." Medea's voice sounded in his heart.

"Get out of my head!" Hood roared in his mind, and then added another sentence.


"Haha." Medea laughed.

"This is Hood." Asik introduced to the girls, "A Level 2 mechanic who has mastered the sequence of 'machinery' and 'energy'. He will temporarily work here with us, responsible for manufacturing and maintenance." Equipment for everyone.”

The girls clapped.

"There's something wrong with my gun. You can help me take a look." Mi'er said, "When I load the gun recently, I always feel it's stuck."

"Maybe the shell fragments blocked the locking mechanism." Hood took the "Slayer III" rifle from her hand and skillfully disassembled it.

"Wonderful design." He pointed to the barrel of the revolver and said, "In order to combine the sniper rifle and the assault rifle, the designer used a revolver pin-pulling structure. However, when the bullet explodes in the barrel, it will always produce small metal particles. The fragments fell into the runner structure during the rotation process, causing the runner to be unable to reset tightly, so there was a lag feeling when the bullet was loaded."

"I'll just remove the runner and grind it with sandpaper." He squatted on the ground and took out the tool box he carried with him.

"Not bad." Medea looked at him squatting on the ground and working attentively, and asked Aske, "Where did you dig this child?"

"I met him by chance." Ask replied.

"This child has potential," Medea commented.

"It's a pity that he doesn't want to join us." Aske said, "I only work here temporarily and may leave at any time."

"Do you want me to control it?" Medea asked.

"No need. If I'm not interested, why force me?" Aske said.

"Asker." Nora came over and asked, her face still a little red, "Do you still need to purchase team supplies?"

"Of course." Asik then remembered that the purpose of the team's coming to Olin City was to buy all the remaining potion materials and to see if there was a Sequence II formula.

"Let Eleanor accompany you," he said thoughtfully.

So Nora went shopping with Sheila, Eleanor and others.

Ask left the room and went to the corridor outside. He leaned on the railing in boredom and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Looking out from the window at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, you can clearly see the city of Thessaloniki, the Aegean Sea port, and the rolling mountains in the distance.

"What are you thinking about here alone?" Medea's laughter sounded from behind, "Are you thinking about your first kiss?"

"Do you really only have Mind I?" Asker asked, "Why do I feel like you are like a high-sequence mind capable of reading my thoughts anytime and anywhere."

"Tell me how you feel first. What do you think of Nora?" Medea asked curiously.

"I said I have no opinion, do you believe it?" Ask asked her back.

"What about Paige?" Medea asked.

"Why do you ask this?" Asik suddenly had a bad premonition.

"I just discovered recently that she seems to have some thoughts about you." Medea said leisurely, "Asker, that boy is right about you. You are really a sinful man."

"Let me go and talk to her." Asik said, holding his forehead.

"What are you talking about? Has anyone confessed their love to you?" Medea sneered.


"You've already hurt one person's heart, so don't hurt the second one. It's good for you, for others, and for the whole team." Medea said, "Wouldn't it be good to continue like this? At least the team In addition to interests, there are other things that can maintain everyone’s existence.”

Ask was silent, suddenly seemed to realize something, and asked curiously:

"Medea, could it be you..."

"It's not all me." Medea said, "I can only amplify desires, not implant them out of thin air. Do you understand?"

"If Paige doesn't care about you at all, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Can I understand that you played a role in fueling the flames?" Ask asked coldly, "You manipulated her desires?"

"I did do this, but I did it for the whole team, without any personal gain on my part." Medea stared into his eyes and said.

"I have reminded you a long time ago that since people will stay together for the sake of interests, they will separate sooner or later for the sake of interests. It is better to replace it with emotional ties..."

She let out a short "Ah" because Asker had already grabbed her collar, roughly lifted her up and pressed her on the railing by the window.

"Don't do that." Ask stared at her coldly, "Don't play with other people's feelings."

"Aren't you the one who plays with other people's feelings?" Medea sneered, "You neither accept nor reject, you just drag it on like this, as if you drag it to the end of the world and all problems will be solved!"

"You should know very well." Ask was silent for a while and said, "You and I are not from the same world."

"I will go back eventually."

"In that case, why don't you reject Nora?" Medea snorted and said, "Tell her directly that you will leave one day and let her give up her mind and pursue her own true love. ?”

"Or are you afraid that after rejecting her, she will really give up and leave your team completely? Who can take her place as a healer then?"

Ask said nothing.

After a long time, he just let go of his hand.

Medea sat on the railing and said quietly:


"You are a good person."

"Some things are just not for you."

"Just leave those dirty tricks to me."

"I'll help you keep this team together."

The sound of the door closing sounded loudly, and Asik had already left along the stairwell.

Not a word was left.

Medea grabbed the railing and turned to look in the direction of the sky.

After a long while, she spoke as if talking to herself:

"Not from the same world...?"

"Are you going back after all?"

"Just for this...ridiculous reason..."

Medea closed her eyes, exhaled a long breath, and the corners of her mouth twisted like a spasm:

"Stop dreaming."

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