Across the border of the Strait of Dover, the members of the "Knights" just listened silently to the distressing distress signals that continued to come.

Everyone gritted their teeth silently, and blood was almost oozing from their clenched fists.

The purpose of their "Knights" is to prevent the division of Britain, which has a complex relationship of three factions and four cultures. If the other party has the royal blood enough to rule the country, they must protect it even if they risk their lives.

It is precisely because the men of the "Knight School" who are active in the vortex of machinations have been in such a harsh environment for a long time, even without special explanation, they can predict the current situation.

The Spanish Star Sect, as the largest faction in the Roman Orthodox Church, has had disputes between Spain and England since the time of Elizabeth I.In order to expand their own influence, both sides regard each other as a thorn in the side, wishing to get rid of it quickly.

The British side wanted to seize influence in South America from the Roman Orthodox Church and expand its sphere of influence.In addition, the third princess of the United Kingdom is in the royal family and does not have too strong authority.

Compared with a continent on the scale, she will naturally be regarded as an abandoned child.

Protecting the princess is the task of the "Knight Faction".Even if the other party didn't ask for help, they should rush there immediately.

Ignoring the distress signal would have been impossible.


At this moment, the "Knight Faction" could only be as rigid as a rock.

Because they were asked to act immediately when the magic war in France spread across the Dover Strait to England. On the contrary, they received a mandatory order and must not act rashly before the war spread to Britain.

Under an overly large system, the knights were instead constrained by the kingdom they were guarding.

Chapter 10: Proclaim our name here!!

On the other side of the Dover Strait in the middle of the night, intermittent lights are still shining.

But that's not the light of the beacon.

The light shining from the French border is the aftermath of the Spanish Star Sect's magic attack.

In the camp of the "Knights", two men were talking under the night sky.

"Are you going?"

Such a voice came from behind.

The magician named William Orwell turned his head, and the leader of the "Knights", the head of the Knights, stood in front of him.

Unlike the burly William, the man's demeanor is quite elegant.

Perhaps it was related to his family background, and his job was to protect people with royal blood, so he had to learn the etiquette in the royal city and palace.

William Orwell was willing to fight for anyone as long as someone paid for it.

He should have been incompatible with the head of the Knights who was desperately fighting for the country.

In fact, the two of them are friends who would chat with each other whenever they have time.

The head of the Knights has repeatedly persuaded William to join the "Knights". Although he refused the invitation, he always automatically returned to England to have a drink with the head of the Knights after fighting all over the world.

The two people with completely different status, positions, fighting styles and living styles unexpectedly affirmed each other.

Because of this, the Knight Leader knew what he was thinking.

He knew what William was thinking as he walked out of the tent silently without saying a word.

"You have the shackles responsible for protecting a country. With the country as the backing, your actions represent the will of the country. Under such circumstances, it should be difficult to cross the border of France without authorization and attack the Spanish Star Sect."

William put the huge iron rod on his shoulders back again, and said quietly: "But I'm different. I'm just a mercenary. I don't have the backing of the country. Even if I act alone, it should have nothing to do with Britain."

"You think I'll let you go alone?"

The Knight Leader smiled.

"Even if you are a mercenary who has experienced many battles, I can't just leave it to you. With your shit luck, you should survive, but from the standpoint of protecting the princess, how can I hand her over to you?" A mercenary of unknown origin? Although she is only a 14-year-old child, she is considered an unmarried woman. Being taken away by someone with bad conduct will cause a national crisis."

"Have you been listening to anyone?"

William said in surprise.

He found out.

The rebuttal uttered by the knight leader was just a superficial reason.

To Knight Leader, those words were just a joke.

They both knew what the other was thinking just by looking at each other.

This should be considered evil fate.

"You said that the 'Knights' who bear the fate of the country cannot make a move, right?"

After the Knight Leader finished speaking briefly, he tore off the pure gold coat of arms on his chest.It was a coat of arms bearing the family crest that proved his blood.

The Knight Leader stared at the identification badge for a while in a desolate manner, then let go.

He no longer looked at the identification badge on the ground, but stared straight into William's eyes.

"In this way, I will also lose my qualifications as a knight, so let me go. Since the distress signal is still being sent out, it means that the third princess is still alive."

"Well, this choice is really like your style."

William Orwell smiled after knowing the other party's determination.

And just when the two sides were about to make the next move, the aura of both sides suddenly changed.

pong! ! ! !

The nearly synchronized punches slammed at each other.

But the target of each other's attack is not the other side.

"I said, is this going to kill me directly?"

The fist was blocked by the palm, and the black-haired boy stretched out his palms alternately left and right, almost simultaneously blocking the boxing of the knight and the mercenary.

The violence on both sides, which was enough to knock down the tank with one punch, was stopped lightly, although it was an understatement.

However, if you look closely, you will find that no matter the position of the hands crossed, the direction in which the palms meet the boxing fingers, and the steps under the feet to ensure stability, all of them contain magical meanings.

Seeing that it was Sigurd, William and the head of the Knights also relaxed one after another.

Both of them are acquaintances of Sigurd both for official business and privately. Although the attitude of the head of the Knights is not as good as William's towards this mercenary, he still regards him as an important support for Britain.

"Wearing shining armor and stepping on the aurora, are you afraid that others will not find you?"

Although they are both mercenaries, Sigurd's style of doing things is completely different from William's.

In other words, compared to the two extremes of Knight Leader and William, Sigurd is occasionally in between.That is to say, it retains the etiquette of some nobles, but also has the uninhibitedness of mercenaries.

"Then you have to ask your second princess."

Sigurd casually took off the gauntlet on his left arm. It was a general sporting item that could be bought at any time on the roadside. For mythical armor.

As for the Northern Lights, they are sometimes thought of as the flashes of the armor of the Norse Valkyrie's horses galloping through the night sky.

"His Royal Highness Carissa?"

The head of the knight group froze for a moment. According to the news he received, the second princess must have gone to Windsor Castle with the queen and others, and was protected by Puritan magicians.

"Received the entrustment from the leader of the Puritan sect, responsible for protecting the safety of the second princess Carissa, and actually eliminating internal threats."

The knight leader and William exchanged glances. They would never suspect that Sigurd was lying, but they still didn't understand what this had to do with the appearance of this mercenary.

"Then your princess defaulted on the commission. There is no way, I can't catch the queen and the first princess, so I can only catch the third princess and exchange money with your queen."


A reason even worse than Knight Leader.But the meaning expressed is the same.

William knew very well that this mercenary, like himself, was a free magician who did not rely on any country, so even if he participated in this war, it would not have any impact on Britain.

The knight leader also understood the meaning behind this outrageous reason, so he saluted Sigurd cautiously, and looked at the black-haired mercenary gratefully.

"Then since your purpose is to hijack the princess to blackmail the royal family, then as a member of the United Kingdom, it is even more impossible for me to let you two dangerous guys take the third princess away. Let's go. Although you can't move, the carriage Its protective function should still be there... With the direct action of the 'royal faction', I don't know how long it can last. In short, we have to hurry there."

"That's it."

William readily agreed.

Looking at Sigurd, the two mercenaries seem to have reached a consensus.

In the next moment, William's fist was deeply buried in the knight leader's abdomen.With the blunt sound of "Boom!", the knight leader looked at William in disbelief.

"What are you doing..."

"No, I can't take you. You should know why."

William pulled out his fist, and the unsupported knight leader fell to the ground, but that punch seemed unable to completely capture the knight leader's consciousness that had been honed through thousands of years.

William didn't look at the leader of the knights who was struggling on the ground, but simply told the other party: "We can take advantage of the relaxed position of mercenaries to travel freely on battlefields around the world. However, even I cannot enter the British Royal City .That only you can do."


"If you really want to protect the third princess, don't just focus on the present. Human disasters like this caused by scheming will continue to attack the third princess in the future. At that time, someone will be by her side. Protect her, leader of the knights .Not just the third princess, but also the 'royal faction' who bother to make political deals. That's something that mercs like me can't do, and only you, a knight, can do."

"William Orwell—!"

William ignored the knight leader who was lying on the ground, and turned to look at Sigurd who was beside him.

"Don't look at me, I'm just a kidnapper."

"Then I will be even more determined to take back the Queen of England before you."

The two mercenaries didn't say much else, they stepped out of the base camp of the "Knight Faction" firmly and headed for the distant battlefield.

The Knight Leader heard two magic names.

That was the magical name for the two mercenaries to become magicians.

"The time has come to sign up. My name is 'The person who changed the reason for tears (flere210)'!"

"Here proclaims my name, which means 'guard the golden gleam (praesidio926)'!"

Britain and France are separated by the Strait of Dover.

William Orwell and Sigurd each performed water movement spells.

The two monster-like mercenaries crossed the border in one go with the speed of cannonballs, and rushed straight into the battlefield.

Chapter 11: Hellish battlefield!

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